
  • 网络Nanoscale;nano scale;nano-scale;nanometer scale
  1. PZT铁电薄膜纳米尺度畴结构的扫描力显微术研究

    SFM investigation of nanoscale domain structure in ferroelectric PZT thin films

  2. PZT铁电薄膜纳米尺度铁电畴的场致位移特性

    Field-induced displacement properties of nanoscale domain structure in PZT thin film

  3. 原子力显微镜(Atomicforcemicroscopy)已成为在纳米尺度对样品进行观察和操纵的重要工具。

    Atomic force microscopy ( AFM ) has been an important tool for observing and manipulating samples at nanometer scale .

  4. 纳米尺度压电薄膜PZT的结构特征和性能

    Structure Character and Performance of PZT Thin Film at Nanometer Scale

  5. 基于AFM的纳米尺度线宽计量模型及其算法的研究

    Metrological and algorithm model for nano-scale linewidth measurements using AFM

  6. 使用AFM测量纳米尺度线宽的不确定度研究

    Uncertainty in Nano-scale Linewidth Measurements Using Atomic Force Microscope

  7. 嵌入式CPU的纳米尺度SRAM设计研究

    Research on Nano-scale SRAM Design for Embedded CPU

  8. 实验结果表明所设计的精密定位系统具有较好的工作性能,完全能够满足在SEM下对纳米尺度对象进行操作的应用需要。

    The results show the system has a nice performance and satisfies the technical demand of manipulating nanoscale objects in SEM .

  9. 与实验结果对比,表明纳米尺度下Fe的磁光科尔效应常数可能大于体材料下的情况。

    Combining with experiment , we show that the magneto-optical constant of nano-scale Fe may be larger than that of the bulk Fe .

  10. DNA作为遗传信息的载体,它不仅具有独特的形貌性质以及特异的分子识别能力,而且具有天然的纳米尺度。

    As the carrier of genetic information , DNAs are also regard as a natural nano-scale molecule duce to their unique morphology properties and specific molecular recognition ability .

  11. 为揭示珍珠质在纳米尺度上的强韧化机理,我们利用SEM观察单个文石板片在不同的应力状态下的损伤形貌。

    For revealing the strengthening and toughening mechanism in nano-scale , the damage morphologies under different stress state were investigated with SEM technique .

  12. 利用STM技术的原子纳米尺度操纵

    Atom Manipulation Using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy in Nanometer Scale

  13. 纳米尺度的Ag(TCNQ)薄膜的电特性

    Electrical Property of Nanoscale Ag ( TCNQ ) Films

  14. 稻壳灰结构中除了以往报道过的微米尺度的蜂窝孔(~10μm)外,还含有大量由SiO2凝胶粒子非紧密粘聚而形成的纳米尺度孔隙(<50nm)。

    Besides micron-cellular pores , there are many nano-pores ( < 50nm ) formed by the packing of nano-SiO-2 particles .

  15. 使用AFM在纳米尺度上直接观测了辐射诱发的DNA碎片及分子形态的变化。

    AFM is used to directly visualize the DNA fragments and the change of DNA form resulting from exposure to heavy ions radiation at the nanometer scale .

  16. 结果表明采用AFM探针机械刻划技术可以应用在微纳米尺度结构的加工领域。

    Results show that AFM-based mechanical scratching technique can be applied in the fields of fabrication of micro / nano structures .

  17. 特别是表面增强拉曼散射(SERS)效应是纳米尺度上特异光学的现象。

    Particularly , surface enhanced Raman scattering ( SERS ) is a novel optical phenomenon in the nanoscale .

  18. 原子力显微镜(AFM)广泛应用于表面形貌测量和材料表面纳米尺度的力学特性研究。

    Atomic force microscopy ( AFM ) is widely used in measurement of surface profile and force properties at micro / nanometer-scale .

  19. 我们利用先进的原子力显微镜(AFM)技术,结合核物理学及分子生物学的实验手段,对几种DNA分子进行了纳米尺度上的观测,得到了多种DNA分子的直观图像。

    Using the advanced atomic force microscope ( AFM ), nuclear physics and molecular biology technology , the DNA samples were observed experimentally in nanometer scale and clear images were obtained .

  20. DNA,以其独特的纳米尺度、分子线性结构、物理化学稳定性、力学刚性、自我识别能力以及自组装等优势,正逐步应用于分子电子学的各个领域。

    DNA , shows extraordinary performances including special nano-scale effect , linearity of molecular structure , physicochemical stability , mechanical rigidity , self-recognition , self-reorganization and self-assembly , is gradually applied into various fields of molecular electronics .

  21. 因此,SNOM可以实现纳米尺度的信息存储。

    SNOM enables the realization of nanometer scale data storage .

  22. 经TEM观察得到,SWNT-g-PtBMA能够以纳米尺度的团聚体较均匀的分散在聚合物基体中。

    TEM observation shows that SWNT-g-PtBMA disperse homogeneously in polymer matrix with nanometer scale .

  23. AFM和STM观察表明薄膜表面存在着岛状结构,表面粗糙度在纳米尺度范围内。

    AFM and STM images showed that there are island structure found on film surfaces and the roughness is limited to nanometer size magnitude .

  24. 清洗结束后,晶圆表面纳米尺度的孔型结构中残留的是异丙醇(IPA)液体。

    Isopropyl alcohol ( IPA ) remains inside nano-pore structure on the wafer surface after wafer is cleaned .

  25. 利用扫描力显微术的压电响应模式,并基于逆压电效应原理,研究了梯度组成的PZT铁电薄膜纳米尺度铁电畴的场致位移特性。

    Nanoscale characterization of field induced displacement was made in compositionally graded PZT thin film according to the inverse piezoelectric effects by SFM in contact mode .

  26. 酸性、酸量的提高和纳米尺度ηAl2O3的存在是催化剂活性提高的主要原因。

    The HDS activities of the catalysts are increased due to the nanometer size of η - Al_2O_3 and the increase in acidic amounts of the catalysts .

  27. 原子力显微镜(AFM)不仅可用于形貌测量,而且还可在纳米尺度上测量微观组分间的相互作用力。

    Atomic force microscope ( AFM ) can be used for not only topographical measurements but also force measurements between molecules or chemical groups at nanometer scale .

  28. 当电子器件的尺寸接近纳米尺度时,量子效应对器件工作的影响变得格外重要,就需要采用具有新机理的晶体管结构,单电子晶体管(SET)就是其中一个典型的结构。

    As electronic device dimensions approach nanometer scale , quantum effects become especially and increasingly important for device operation , and the transistor structure with new mechanism needs to be adopted . The single-electron transistor ( SET ) is a typical example of such a structure .

  29. 催化剂表征数据揭示,非化学计量比的MgFe和MgFeAl复合氧化物催化剂是由纳米尺度的铁酸盐尖晶石和αFe2O3微晶相构成的。

    It is revealed that the non-stoichiometric Mg-Fe and Mg-Fe-Al spinel complex oxide catalysts are composed of nano-sized ferrite spinel and α - Fe 2O 3 crystallites by XRD , TEM and TPR techniques .

  30. 这方面的典型应用是原子力显微镜的TR扫描模式。(2)向纳米尺度加工。

    The typical application is the TR scanning mode of atomic force microscopy ( AFM ) . ( 2 ) Processing to the nanometer scale cantilever .