
zàn sòng
  • Praise;extol;sing the praises of;eulogize;eulogy;fête
赞颂 [zàn sòng]
  • [eulogy] 赞美歌颂

  • 极口赞颂

赞颂[zàn sòng]
  1. 这不仅从各种文献记载上可以得到证明,而且诗人们多以赞颂的诗句予以讴歌。

    This is not only documented from a variety of on can be proved , but many poets to sing the praises of the poem be eulogize .

  2. 他在广场上为她作了华丽的赞颂。

    He pronounced a splendid encomium upon her in the forum .

  3. 副总统当选人乔·拜登经常说,要赞颂工作的价值及其带来的高贵

    Vice President-elect Joe Biden also spoke , lauding the value of work and the dignity it brings .

  4. 26岁的互联网活动家亚伦斯沃茨(AaronSwartz)去世,理所当然地唤起了人们对其创意和无私的赞颂。

    The death of the internet activist Aaron Swartz at the age of 26 has rightly evoked tributes to his creativity and selflessness .

  5. SuzieKennedy在电影和戏剧中模仿已故的玛丽莲梦露长达14年之久,以此来表达对这名女演员的赞颂。

    Suzie Kennedy pays tribute to the actress by being a Marilyn Monroe impersonator for 14 years , acting in films and plays personifying the late star .

  6. 这位将存在主义者阿尔贝加缪(albertcamus)列入夏季读书清单的美国总统,在赞颂理论高于实践方面也显露出一种明显的法国特质。

    The US president , who included the existentialist Albert Camus on his summer reading list , has also shown a particularly French trait in glorifying theory over practice .

  7. 与此同时,替亚马逊辩护的人,常常会离题万里地赞颂在线卖书(这对许多美国人来说的确是好事),或者称赞亚马逊的客户服务——如果你好奇的话,我可以回答你,我的确有亚马逊的Prime账户,而且经常用。

    Meanwhile , Amazon 's defenders often digress into paeans to online bookselling , which has indeed been a good thing for many Americans , or testimonials to Amazon customer service - and in case you 're wondering , yes , I have Amazon Prime and use it a lot .

  8. 整个工人运动都为他们喝彩。把他们赞颂为英雄。

    They were hailed as heroes by the entire labour movement .

  9. 古老的习俗被赞颂为更好的生活指南。

    Ancient customs were extolled as a better guide to living .

  10. 有诗人赞颂绚丽生活中的拥挤时辰。

    The poet sings of the crowded hour of glorious life .

  11. 愿上主的圣名受赞颂,从现今直到永远无穷!

    Blessed be the name of the Lord now and forever !

  12. 他致力于赞颂当地美国人体验的诗歌创作。

    He devoted himself to poetry praising the Native American experience .

  13. 许多古巴人仍赞颂着国家实施的免费医疗与教育体系。

    Many Cubans still praise their free health and education services .

  14. 传来了那赞颂你的瀑布似的歌声……

    Comes this song that hymns your praise like a waterfall ...

  15. 你没有为主所做的赞颂他么?

    Don 't you praise God for doing all of that ?

  16. 我们相聚在这里,赞颂这令人惊奇的时代,

    We 're all here to celebrate the age of amazement ,

  17. 我来是为了埋葬凯撒而不是赞颂他

    I come to Bury Caesar , not to praise him

  18. 赞颂死者的弥撒的音乐背景。

    A musical setting for a Mass celebrating the dead .

  19. 它赞颂了英勇的中国人民和他们生活的土地。

    It praises the brave Chinese people and the land they live .

  20. 他在诗歌中赞颂并使之流传百世的奇妙事件。

    A wondrous event which he had immortalised in verse .

  21. 赞颂我们的主超绝万物!我们确是不义的。

    Glory to our Lord ! Verily we have been doing wrong !

  22. 启蒙主义者赞颂理性、平等和科学。

    The Enlightenment scholars celebrate reason or nationality , equality and science .

  23. 人们通过显扬他的造物、肯定他们的完美来赞颂上帝。

    They praise God by honoring His Creations , affirming their perfection .

  24. 两次对女人之间时而棘手的团结的赞颂。

    Two celebrations of the sometimes prickly solidarity among women .

  25. 请比较:诗人歌颂香港。他们的诗赞颂香港的美景。

    Their poems sing of the beauty of Hong Kong .

  26. 一切赞颂,全归真主,全世界的主。

    Praise be to Allah , Lord of the Worlds .

  27. 说道:给些感谢和赞颂给我。

    Say in : give thank and praise to me .

  28. 他们把那协议赞颂为里程碑。

    They hailed the agreement as a " landmark " .

  29. 然而,这真的是一首值得赞颂的赞歌吗?

    But is it the right mantra to cling to ?

  30. 文章对免费服务给予了热烈赞颂。

    The free services are acclaimed in this article .