
nǚ tónɡ xìnɡ liàn
  • lesbianism
  1. 纽约的马蒂称自己不是女同性恋者。

    Marty of New York describes herself as a straight female .

  2. 张同时提到女同性恋在HIV感染方面少些风险。

    Meanwhile , Zhang stated that homosexual women are at lesser risk of HIV infection .

  3. 但是吉梭曼并不将自己界定为女同性恋,而是一名跨性别者(transgender)。

    But Gieselman self-identifies not as a gay woman but as transgender .

  4. 但根据《婚姻保护法案》,女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋和变性(LGBT)美国人没有同样的权利。

    But under DOMA , lesbian , gay , bisexual and transgender Americans did not have the same right .

  5. 上周,我的埃尔顿·约翰艾滋病基金会(EltonJohnAIDSFoundation)宣布,向女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋和跨性别者组织提供一系列捐赠,以推动艾滋病毒检测和预防活动,提升公众意识,洗除抗艾滋病毒的污名。

    Last week my organization , the Elton John AIDS Foundation , announced a series of grants to lesbian , gay , bisexual and transgender organizations to promote testing and prevention , spread awareness and fight anti-H.I.V. stigma .

  6. 他们去年冬天开始约会后,她开始在Showtime的节目扮演一个看手相的女同性恋角色。

    After they began dating last winter , she took a role in the Showtime show as a lesbian palm reader .

  7. 女同性恋题材的爱情电影《卡罗尔》(Carol)获得6项提名,但无缘最佳影片。史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯特(StevenSpielberg)执导的《间谍之桥》也获得六项提名,其中包括最佳影片提名。

    The lesbian romance " Carol , " overlooked for best picture , also managed to come up with six nominations , as did " Bridge of Spies , " a best picture nominee directed by Steven Spielberg .

  8. 一整周,坊间盛传托德•海因斯的女同性恋恋爱故事《卡罗尔》将斩获金棕榈最佳影片奖,或者拉斯洛•杰莱斯LászlóNemes处女作《索尔的儿子》SonofSaul将折桂。

    All week the chatter was that Todd Haynes ' lesbian love story Carol was set to collect the Palme d'Or - or that Holocaust drama Son of Saul from first-time director L á szl ó Nemes would triumph .

  9. 在工程顾问公司奥雅纳(Arup)设立的LGBT(女同性恋者、男同性恋者、双性恋者与跨性别者)网络的发起仪式上,布朗表示,商界的宽容度仍比不上其他社会领域,并呼吁设定衡量进展的“具体目标”。

    Speaking at the launch of a lesbian and gay , bisexual and transgender network set up by Arup , he said business is still less tolerant than other areas of life and called for " concrete targets " to measure progress .

  10. 该国新出台的“禁同性恋宣传”法律招致了大量批评,或许是为了调侃这些批评,开幕式选用了tATu的音乐。tATu是一支俄罗斯流行音乐二人组,在21世纪初的巅峰时代曾假装女同性恋。

    In perhaps a cheeky nod to critics of the country 's new " gay propaganda " ban , the ceremony featured music from tATu , a Russian pop duo who posed as faux lesbians during their peak in their early 2000s .

  11. 把这个擦口红的女同性恋的图贴到他们头上。

    Got this fool picture of lipstick lesbians in their heads .

  12. 那个女同性恋吸血鬼跟她的同伴说了什么?

    What did the one iesbian vampire say to the other ?

  13. 我为我的变性女同性恋儿子而骄傲。

    I 'm so proud of my preoperative transsexual iesbian son .

  14. 看,这就是为什么我不支持女同性恋。

    See , that 's why I can 't buy lesbians .

  15. 女同性恋性别认同和身份认同研究

    Study on the gender identity and lesbian identity of lesbian

  16. 很难改变他们对女同性恋者的固有偏见。

    It 'll be difficult to break down their prejudices about lesbians .

  17. 我认识一个歌星是女同性恋。

    I know a pop star who 's a lesbian .

  18. 你就要结婚的女儿是个女同性恋!

    Your soon to be married daughter is a lesbian !

  19. 女同性恋的唇部脱毛聚会在楼下。

    The lesbian lip waxing meeting is down the hall .

  20. 然后我发现你是个女同性恋。

    Then I find out you 're a lesbian .

  21. 你是说这是女同性恋?

    You mean it 's like a girl-girl thing ?

  22. 记得当生活变简单了,她也不过是个女同性恋了。

    Remember when life was simpler , and she was just a lesbian .

  23. 等等,我以为她是女同性恋。

    Wait a second . I thought she was all gay and shit .

  24. 谁偷偷地希望与自己结婚的是一个性感惹火的女同性恋?

    Who secretly wishes they were married to a hot , sexy lesbian ?

  25. 她有将近一半的客户都是男、女同性恋。

    About half her clients are gay or lesbian .

  26. 我介意她们曾经的小女同性恋形象吗?

    Do I mind their image of young lesbians ?

  27. 女同性恋书写表现了男权文化下女性的永恒悲剧。

    Lesbian writing displayed the female eternal tragedy in the male power culture .

  28. 双重异化:魁北克女同性恋文学简评

    Double Alienation : A Brief Commentary on the Lesbian Literature in Qu é bec

  29. 使用克隆人技术的一个很大的人群是女同性恋夫妇。

    One very large category of such users of cloning might be lesbian couples .

  30. 就因为你是女同性恋?

    Is it because you 're a lesbian ?