
  • 网络Feminist;womanism;Femininity;the feminism
  1. 这是特立独行的女性主义,它本来就是想惊世骇俗。

    It 's in-your-face feminism , and it 's meant to shock .

  2. “女性主义不必全然如此,”乔断言。

    ' Not all feminism has to be like this , ' Jo maintains

  3. 他因反对女性主义而声名狼藉。

    He was infamous for his anti-feminist attitudes .

  4. 她带来了一本书,这本书从女性主义视角对维多利亚时代女性小说家进行了评论。

    She had brought a book , a feminist critique of Victorian lady novelists .

  5. 她1930年写了篇女性主义的短文《论节育》。

    She produced a feminist tract , ' Comments on Birth-Control ' , in 1930 .

  6. 她从来都不觉得有必要举着女性主义的旗帜。

    She never felt the need to carry the banner of feminism .

  7. 英国女作家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫是女性主义文学理论的开山鼻祖。

    Virginia woolf , an English woman writer , is the forerunner of feminism .

  8. 苏珊·S.兰瑟是女性主义叙事学的创始人,她把结构主义叙事学和女性主义文学批评进行了有效的对接,创立了女性主义叙事学。

    Lanser , Susan . S is the founder of feminist narrative . She docks structural narratology and feminist literary criticism validly and creats the feminist narratology .

  9. 近几十年来,女性主义史学家挑战了传统史学,不仅使妇女进入了史册,而且使性别(Gender)成为一个重要的历史分析范畴。

    In recent decades , feminist historians have seriously challenged the traditional history , by not only bringing women into history , but also making " Gender " an important analytic category .

  10. 随着女性主义研究的发展,研究者越来越意识到单独的女性视角的局限性,由此他/她们提出一个新的视角&社会性别视角(GenderPerspective),社会性别理论(GenderStudies)由此形成。

    With the development of feminism studies , the researchers pay much more attention to the limitation of female perspective , so they proposed a new perspective – Gender Perspective , from which Gender Studies is generated .

  11. 受到后j见代主义思维方式的深刻影响,女性主义认识论自身也经历了一个解构、移置与重构的过程,使女性主义向更高的层次与更深的维度发展。

    Deeply influenced by postmodernism way of thinking , feminism epistemology itself also experienced a process of deconstruction , displacing and reconstruction , developing to a higher level .

  12. 新世纪中国女性主义文学的目标与出路

    Goals and Outlets for Chinese Feminine Literature in the New Era

  13. 李清照文学成就原因的女性主义阐释

    Feminist interpretation to the reasons for literature success of LI Qing-zhao

  14. 国内外很多学者对奥斯丁从不同角度进行研究,其中以女性主义角度研究居多。

    Many scholars research Austen from different angles , especially feminism .

  15. 女性主义教育批判&一种后现代主义教育观

    Feminism educational views ── A kind of postmodern views on education

  16. 论弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫女性主义思想内涵及其影响

    On the Essence and Influence of Virginia Woolf 's Feminist Views

  17. 解读媒介批评新视野中的女性主义

    Feminism : A New Field of Vision for Criticism by Media

  18. 历史的误读:西方马克思主义女性主义关于两种生产理论

    History Misunderstanding : Western Marxism Feminism on Two Kinds of Production Theories

  19. 作为美国女性主义文学的先驱,凯特。

    Kate Chopin was the pioneer of American feminism literature .

  20. 马克思主义女性主义批评的理论形成和逻辑延伸

    The Formation of the Marxist Feminist Criticism Theory and Its Logical Extension

  21. 女性主义视域下的经典解构与重建

    The Destruction and Reconstruction of Classical Text under the Vision of Feminism

  22. 支持和影响这场改革的主要力量就是激进女性主义法学派。

    Main supporting force behind this reform is radical feminist law school .

  23. 多角度观照下的中国女性主义文学批评实践

    The Female Criticism of Literature from Several Angle of Views

  24. 第一部分主要介绍女性主义的定义。

    The first part mainly introduces the definition of feminism .

  25. 女性主义翻译及其在中国语境下发展的可行性

    Feminist Translation and the Feasibility of Its Development in the Chinese Context

  26. 此外,伍尔夫作为一个女性主义作家更为人所知。

    However , Virginia Woolf is more famous as a feminist writer .

  27. 《荆棘鸟》中魔女形象的女性主义解读

    The Devil Women Images in Thorn Bird : from the Feminism Perspective

  28. 他者的微弱呼声&西方国际关系理论中的女性主义

    Weak Voice of the Other : Feminism in Western International Relations Theory

  29. 族群政治、性别政治和阶级政治的三维空间&后殖民女性主义批评视角简析

    Three-dimensional Space of Politics of Race , Gender and Class

  30. 女性主义视角下的中国女子高等教育

    A perspective of feminism : female higher education of China