
nǚ xìng
  • woman;she;sexes;femininity;the female sex;fair sex;the female of the species;-ette
女性 [nǚ xìng]
  • (1) [the female sex]∶人类两种性别之一,以骨骼纤小、音调尖细、皮下脂肪丰富和具阴道、子宫及能产生卵子的卵巢为特征

  • (2) [woman]∶女子

  • 现代女性

女性[nǚ xìng]
  1. 达拉对我们老一套的性别和女性特质观念提出了异议。

    Dara challenges our stereotypical ideas about gender and femininity .

  2. ESCADASPORT象征着柔和时尚、都市魅力和年轻的女性气质。

    ESCADA SPORT represents understated chic , metropolitan allure and young femininity .

  3. 窗帘最后配上蝴蝶结显出女性的柔美。

    The bows will give a feminine finish to the curtains .

  4. 女性似乎比男性更擅长同时做数件事情。

    Women seem to be able to multitask better than men .

  5. 有她那样才能的女性找工作不难。

    A woman of her ability will easily find a job .

  6. 参加本课程的大多数人是职业女性。

    Most of the people on the course were professional women .

  7. 这家工厂雇用的女性比男性多。

    More females than males are employed in the factory .

  8. 女性雇员占劳动力的多数。

    Female workers constitute the majority of the labour force .

  9. 成立这个协会是为了维护女性艺术家的利益。

    The association was formed to represent the interests of women artists .

  10. 按惯例,这一领导职务的副职总是由女性担任。

    By convention the deputy leader was always a woman .

  11. 和许多女性一样,她心底里缺乏自信。

    Like many women , deep down she was unsure of herself .

  12. 在这个行业,女性人数是男性的两倍。

    In this profession , women outnumber men by two to one .

  13. 这幅油画将成为对一位杰出女性的永久纪念。

    The painting will be a lasting memorial to a remarkable woman .

  14. 委员会中有一位装点门面的女性委员。

    There was one token woman on the committee .

  15. 引人注意的是,规划委员会里没有一个女性委员。

    Women were conspicuously absent from the planning committee .

  16. 没有一位董事是女性,这并非偶然。

    It 's not a coincidence that none of the directors are women .

  17. 他面目清秀,跟女性差不多。

    He had delicate , almost feminine , features .

  18. 在上班挣钱的人口中,男性仍然多于女性。

    Men still outnumber women in the paid workforce .

  19. 商界高层的女性代表不足。

    Women are under-represented at senior levels in business .

  20. 给原本清一色的男职员队伍增派一位女性会显得是装点门面。

    Appointing one woman to the otherwise all-male staff could look like tokenism .

  21. 他对女性总是居高临下。

    He has a condescending attitude towards women .

  22. 在高级别公务员中,女性仍然寥寥无几。

    There are still few women in the upper reaches of the civil service .

  23. 他被控唆使未成年女性卖淫。

    He was accused of procuring under-age girls .

  24. 任命女性担任这个职位是对男权统治的严重打击。

    The appointment of a woman was one in the eye for male domination .

  25. 他在与女性打交道方面仍有些问题。

    He still has some issues with women .

  26. 候选人中必须有两名是女性。

    Two of the candidates must be female .

  27. 这张海报冒失无礼,有辱女性尊严。

    This poster is offensive and degrades women .

  28. 有人建议总统候选人找一位女性竞选伙伴。

    The presidential nominee was advised to choose a woman as a running mate .

  29. 她是个有头脑的女性,拒不肯做富人的玩物。

    She was an intelligent woman who refused to be a rich man 's plaything .

  30. 那时在大多数职业中,身为女性就是晋升的障碍。

    At that time being a woman was a bar to promotion in most professions .