
  • 网络Rong Hong;Yung Wing
  1. 边际人的报国心&容闳的思想和行为特征新论

    A New Approach to the Characteristics of Yung Wing 's Thoughts and Behavior

  2. 容闳是近代美国图书馆第一位华人图书管理员,亲身经历过美国近代图书馆工作,并积极利用图书馆向美国传播中国文化;

    Yung Wing is the first Chinese librarian working in the modern American library , engages in the library work in the United States , and actively disseminates the Chinese culture through the library of Yale University .

  3. 容闳复兴中国思想和活动略议

    Discussion on Rong Hong 's idea and activity of China Renaissance

  4. 高瞻远瞩勇于开拓&走向世界的一代杰出教育家容闳

    Rong Hong : Distinguished Far-seeing Pioneer Towards The World In Education

  5. 中国第一位留美大学生容闳。

    Rong hong , the first Chinese college student studying in america .

  6. 容闳的思想作用于洋务派,在推动中国走向近代化方面发挥了一定作用。

    Rong 's thought played a certain role in pushing China towards modernization .

  7. 容若兰是容闳的儿子吗?

    Was Rong Ruolan the son of Rong hong ?

  8. 落叶归根与落地生根&从容闳与留美教育谈起

    Falling Leaves Settle on the Roots and Life Plant & Rong Hong and His Study in America

  9. 在中国近代早期改良思想家当中,洪仁玕与容闳是有代表性的人物。

    Of the early modern Chinese reformist thinkers , Hong Rengan and Rong Hong were two representative figures .

  10. 其中就提到容闳:中美两国人民的友好交往,已有二百多年历史。

    He said , The friendly exchanges between the Chinese and American peoples date back more than two hundred years .

  11. 它可以追溯到1847年第一位中国学生容闳赴美留学。

    It can be traced back to 1847 when the first Chinese student Rong Hong went to America to study .

  12. 容闳之所以能承担如此重任,是和他中美文化兼通、富于理想和矢志不渝的奋斗精神分不开的。

    The reasons why Rong Hong took this great responsibility were that he was rich with Chinese and American cultures , ideals and enterprise .

  13. 一八四七年,中国最早的一批留美学生容闳等人赴美求学。

    In 1847 , Rong Hong ( 1828 & 1912 ) and others came to the United States as the first group of Chinese students to study here .

  14. 容闳的故乡今珠海地区是中国留学教育的主要发祥地,它对中国留学教育文化的发展贡献殊多。

    As the main birthplace of China 's overseas education , Rong Hong 's hometown Zhuhai made great contributions to the development of China 's culture of studying abroad .

  15. 而作为他们前辈和引路人的容闳,其在中国政界的地位也十分尴尬&既要做实际工作,又不能主持大局。

    But Rong Hong , as their father and guider , was on an awkward position in the politic world of China , he did actual works but did not mastermind overall situation .

  16. 容闳的尴尬地位与中国幼童驻美肄业局的命运辛亥时期革命派内部伦理思想的分歧&兼论其时传统道德的历史命运

    Rong Hong 's Awkward Position and the Fate of the Juvenile-children Who Studied in School Established in USA An Ethical Difference in the Revolutionists of 1911 Revolution and the Historical Fate of Traditional Morality

  17. 珠海市与美国康州哈特福德市以“共同的容闳”为题进行对话交流,中国中央电视台转播。

    On the theme of Yung wing : a wing across the pacific , an interactive communication between the cities of Hartford and zhuhai , was relayed via cctv , china 's national television .

  18. 晚清公派幼童留美计划酝酿于江苏,江苏给予留学计划设计者容闳荣誉与声望,构造了留学计划与权利结合的桥梁。

    The government plan of sending children to study in America is conceived in Jiangsu Province , where Rong Hong , the designer of the plan , gains much honour and prestige , for he has combined the plan and the right of studying abroad .