
shí yònɡ xìnɡ
  • practicality;usefulness;utility;functionality
  1. 这也解释了为什么科技公司大谈其设备的实用性。

    That could be another explanation for why companies seem to be strengthening their talk of the practicality of their devices .

  2. 传统上来看,这些时刻是年轻时迷人但无关紧要的副产品——为了给毅力、责任感和实用性这些更重要的品质腾出空间,有些东西是可以抛开的。

    The traditional view of such moments is that they constitute a charming but irrelevant byproduct of youth — something to be pushed aside to make room for more important qualities , like perseverance , obligation , and practicality .

  3. 作为知识的来源之一,理论叙述的作用在于可靠性和预见性,而不在于广泛性和实用性。

    As a source of knowledge the strength of rational statements lies in reliability and predictability , but not in breadth or applicability .

  4. 实用性是否能够单独证实美国设计者新理念的合理性呢?

    Could utility alone justify the new ideas of the American designers ?

  5. 其设计目标和商业诉求就是运动装,其突出特征就是充满解决问题的巧思和现实生活的实用性。

    The design objective and the business commitment were to sportswear , and the distinctive traits were problem-solving ingenuity and realistic lifestyle applications .

  6. 当然,在二十世纪三、四十年代,大多这种论断还是超前的,因为当时在以实用性为基础进行服装调整方面,人们几乎毫无经验。

    Of course , much of this argument in the 1930s-40s was advanced because there was little or no experience in justifying apparel on the basis of utility .

  7. 它的实用性和稀有性使它非常昂贵。

    It 's usefulness , together with rarity made it very expensive .

  8. 通过对不同输入时MASS仿真器输出的分析说明了该仿真器的可靠性及实用性。

    The reliability and utility of MASS are shown by analyzing the effluents indifferent input conditions .

  9. GPS测量坐标转换实用性问题的分析

    A Practical Analysis on the Coordinates Transformation of GPS Surveying Result

  10. 组织编辑功能的强弱直接影响到织物CAD系统的实用性。

    The practicability of the fabric CAD system is affected by the function of weave editing .

  11. N层构架&灵活性、安全性、可扩展性和高实用性的电子商务构架

    N-tier Architecture & A Step Forward to a Flexible , Secure , Scalable and Highly Available E-commerce Infrastructure

  12. 通过对系统的模拟和仿真,证明MINI智能PLC的可行性和实用性。

    After simulation and emulator , the intellectualized mini PLC is practicability and feasibility .

  13. 并且在Inventor9平台上运用Visualc++对该算法予以实现,开发出效率高、实用性强、运行可靠的冲裁模智能排样系统。

    Moreover , a practical and efficient optimization system for blank layout is developed on Inventor 9 with Visual C + + .

  14. 基于SAR影像的风向反演与水下地形探测实用性算法

    Wind Direction Inversion and Practicability Research of Algorithm of Underwater Bottom Topography Detection Based on Sar Image

  15. 工作流柔性化设计提高了系统灵活性OA和实用性。

    Flexible workflow system can improve the flexibility and practicability of workflow system .

  16. 经过真实工程数据实验证实,基于SVM的缺失数据补齐方法具有明显实用性。

    The method of completing missing values based on SVM is proved more effectively by project data .

  17. 目的初步评价CSP基因型简捷PCR鉴定法在对间日疟原虫进行分型时的实用性。

    Objective To estimate initially the practicality of circumsporozoite protein ( CSP ) genotypes of Plasmodium vivax .

  18. 通过AHP_Fuzzy两极模糊综合评判最后确定出的Ⅱ、Ⅲ及Ⅰ级建筑适宜性分区是符合实际的,具有较强的实用性。

    The building suitability defined in the last according to two_stage fuzzy synthetic assessment is consistent with practice , it has quite pleased practicability .

  19. 最后用实例证明了非线性规划模型和DEA在物流中心选址应用中的可行性和实用性。

    Lastly the paper gives examples to testify the non-linear programing model and DEA 's feasibility and practicability .

  20. 本课题的采集和监测软件是基于虚拟仪器软件开发平台&Labwindows/CVI开发的,具有较好的实用性与可扩展性。

    Using Lab Windows / CVI & VI 's software development platform , the acquisition and monitoring software of the project is developed .

  21. 目的探讨改良式经皮扩张气管造口术(PDT)的安全性和实用性。

    Objective To investigate the safety and practicability of improved percutanous dilatational tracheostomy ( PDT ) .

  22. 与有关文献所介绍的方法相比,本文的方法可用于ni~>2的场合,因而它更具有一般性和实用性。

    Compared with other decentralized adaptive control schemes , the scheme presented in this paper is more general and practical because it can be used in the case of n_i ~ > 2 .

  23. 为增强设计研究的的实用性,笔者还用VB编程语言完成了钢框架梁抗火设计实用程序。

    In order to enhance the practicability of the research of design the author also designed a practically program in VB based on the ANSYS .

  24. 利用上下距离函数和Rough决策因子代替统计方法或专家经验方法,在实际开发的系统中更具实用性。

    Using distance functions with respect to rough upper and lower approximations and rough decision factor , instead of statistics or experts experiences methods can be more useful in the application .

  25. Reed-Solomon码(RS码)的纠错能力强,但由于解码算法比较复杂,它的实用性颇受限制。

    The error-correcting capability of the Reed-Solomon codes is quite good , but its utilization is limited by its complex decoding .

  26. 其中包含有许多实用性很强的管理技术(如JIT生产等),能够最大限度地消除生产过程中的浪费,降低库存,从而提高生产率。

    Because of comprising a lot of practical management techniques it can effectively boost productivity by eliminating production waste and decreasing the storage .

  27. 文章从单片机实际上电过程的分析入手,从上电复位和噪声复位两个侧面,介绍了迟滞鉴幅式CPU复位电路的工作原理、设计方法和调试过程,该电路具有较高的实用性。

    , switch on reset and noisy reset , introduces principles , design methods and debugging of reset circuit for lag amplitude discriminating CPU . This circuit is relatively practicable .

  28. 其中,实用性差是制约CAPP应用的关键,而影响CAPP系统实用性的因素主要是通用性、适应性和可靠性以及相互之间关系的协调和优化。

    The practicality which is affected by the community , adaptive , reliability , and its harmonic and optimize is the key point which limits the application of CAPP .

  29. 结合生产实际,对在准动态模式下GPS水准可达到的精度进行了实用性试验,对GPS高程拟合计算的方法,布网要求进行了比较与分析。

    This paper compares and analyses the ways of the approach calculation of GPS altitude 、 arrangement nets requirement and the trial test of the accuracy GPS level can reach under dynamic model com-bining production practice .

  30. 分布对象计算(DistributedObjectComputing)的主流技术&CORBA(CommonObjectRequestArchitecture)因其跨平台性、与语言无关性及其实用性已成为事实上的工业标准,得到了广泛应用。

    With advantages such as cross-platform , language-independency , and practicability , CORBA ( Common Object Request Architecture ) , the mainstream of DOC ( Distributed Object Computing ), has been widely used , making it the de facto industrial standard .