
chuán tǒnɡ jiào yù
  • traditional education
  1. 当今Internet教育技术已经对传统教育思想、教学观念产生了强大冲击,并向人们展现未来教学模式前景。

    The Internet has brought a great impact on traditional education ideas and teaching concept .

  2. 基于Web的远程学习系统是对传统教育方式的有益补充。

    The long-range study system basing on Web is the beneficial supplement to traditional education mode .

  3. 从传统教育者的观点来看,这一结果表明,学校教育未能帮助学生思考生态系统和生物灭绝这些主要科学思想。

    From the standpoint of a traditional educator , this outcome indicated that schooling had failed to help students think about ecosystems and extinction , major scientific ideas .

  4. 博客(Blog)在网络时代的飞速发展,冲击着传统教育。

    Blog 's rapid development impacts the traditional education .

  5. 笔者所在单位是C部队直属单位,其开发研究的政治教育信息系统是加强部队政治工作信息化和改变传统教育管理模式的有益尝试。

    The author works in a science & technology institute of troops , he has developed information system on political education , which is useful attempt to strengthen political work informatization and change traditional educational management mode .

  6. Gardner提出的多元智力理论对传统教育观念带来了全方位冲击。

    The theory of multiple intelligences put forward by Gardner has brought us enlightenment in different aspects .

  7. 互联网技术以及多媒体技术的迅速发展,使得网络教育(E-learning)正逐渐成为重要的研究和应用领域,网络教育(E-learning)已经成为改革传统教育模式的强大动力和有效手段。

    With the rapid development of Internet and multimedia technology , E-Learning is becoming an important area for research and application . E-learning has already become strong motive force and efficient method of reforming the traditional educational pattern .

  8. Minerva是反思传统教育模式的多项努力之一;这些努力包括巨大的开放式在线课程(Mooc),以及商学院的沉浸式创业替代品,如DOSchool。

    Minerva is one of several efforts to rethink traditional education models , ranging from huge open online courses ( Moocs ) to immersive entrepreneurial alternatives to business school , such as the DO School .

  9. 其教学效果明显优于传统教育方式。

    Its teaching effect is obviously better than traditional educational method .

  10. 高中新课程改革应植根于传统教育的土壤

    New Curriculum Reform Must Base on the Soil of Traditional Education

  11. 儒家传统教育的现代适应性研究

    The traditional education of confucianism is suitable for modern times entirety

  12. 转变传统教育观念加强综合素质培养

    Change the traditional education concepts , strengthen comprehensive makings cultivation

  13. 同时,他也提出引进西学以改革传统教育。

    He also suggested introducing the western culture to reform traditional education .

  14. 第三部分:传统教育中的师生关系。

    The third part : Teacher - student relationship in traditional education .

  15. 她们所受的传统教育便是将他人置于自我之前。

    They are traditionally taught to put others before themselves .

  16. 孔子是中国传统教育理论的创立者,至今仍有重要影响。

    Confucius was the founder of Chinese traditional education theory .

  17. 论中国传统教育公共意识的缺失

    On the Absence of Public Consciousness in Traditional Chinese Education

  18. 传统教育评价与创造教育的理论冲突

    The academic conflict about traditional educational assessment and creation education

  19. 远程教育与传统教育的共性与差异

    The Similarity and Differences Between Distance Education and Traditional Education

  20. 二是传统教育学为它奠定了学术基础;

    Second , China 's traditional pedagogics laid academic base for it .

  21. 改变以儒家思想为核心内容的传统教育,大力推行新式文化教育;

    Education reform , changing the confucian education into the modern education .

  22. 这符合中国的传统教育和社会文化。

    It accords with the traditional Chinese education and culture .

  23. 它是革命传统教育与旅游产业相结合的产物。

    It combines revolution tradition education with tourism industry .

  24. 传统教育观念对成人高等教育的影响

    On the Influence of the Traditional Education Concept on China 's Adult Higher Education

  25. 我国传统教育中的成人观及其当代价值

    The Concept of " Chengren " in Chinese Traditional Education and Its Modern Value

  26. 网络化教育对传统教育模式的影响及其发展方向

    Impact of networking education on the pattern of traditional education and its development direction

  27. 现代远程教育挑战传统教育

    Modern Long distance Education Challenging Traditional Education

  28. 强调素质教育,并不是彻底否定传统教育。

    The emphasis upon holistic education does not mean a total denial of traditional education .

  29. 其教育思想反映了他批判传统教育理论和方法的观点。

    His educational ideology shows that he was against the traditional education methods and ideas .

  30. 其主旨是改革传统教育,纠正传统教育的弊端。

    Its main idea was opposed to traditional education and was to rectify its malpractice .