
  • 网络Actual;actual time;real time;actual hours;realtime
  1. 本文采用了Gao等人提出的EDB模型来建立MC模拟时间与实际时间的联系,采用EDB模拟可以充分利用现有的超细晶粒钢等温实验数据。

    The experimental data based ( EBD ) model proposed by Gao was used to establish the relation between IMCS and real time temperature kinetics in our simulation .

  2. 某个已完成的量程包含当前实际时间。

    There is a completed quantum which includes the current real time .

  3. 上的时间页网页B是0秒,因为没有后续的时间戳分析认为谷歌可以使用计算的实际时间页。

    The Time on Page for page B is0 seconds , because there is no subsequent timestamp that Google Analytics can use to calculate the actual Time on Page .

  4. 例如,如果具有4个可运行的任务,那么fairclock将按照实际时间速度的四分之一增加。

    For example , if you have four runnable tasks , then fair_clock will increase at one quarter of the speed of wall time .

  5. 当然,最好是比较lastupdated值和批处理过程上一次成功运行的实际时间,但是这个思路您已经明白了。

    Of course , it would be better to compare the last_updated value to the actual time the batch process last ran ( to completion , successfully ), but you get the idea .

  6. 唯一您需要指定一个标签的实际时间是为了以防万一您的一个规则有多个QuickFix的时间。

    The only time that you actually need to specify a label is in cases where you have more than one QuickFix for the rule .

  7. 把你旅行的实际时间记录下来。

    Keep track of the time you actually travel .

  8. 我们看电视的实际时间总是比想象中的多,这里有两点原因。

    There are two reasons we end up watching more TV than we know we should .

  9. 下面列出的时间是试验的。实际时间将由于参加者的数量被调整。

    Times listed below are tentative . Actual times will be adjusted due to quantity of participants .

  10. 因为痉挛很令人焦心,所以痉挛的时间通常显得比实际时间要长。

    Because they 're so alarming , seizures often seem to last longer than they really do .

  11. 这包括干净卸载,将删除所有已安装的功能和改进的实际时间。

    This includes clean uninstallation that will remove all installed features and tweaks for real this time .

  12. 她的理论是,糖尿病人血糖水平会跟随受试者感知到的时间(而不是实际时间)波动;

    Her theory was that the diabetics " blood-glucose levels would follow perceived time rather than actual time ;

  13. 我将播放一段模拟影片,播放速度是实际时间的10的16次方倍速,

    I 'm going to show you a movie simulation 16 powers of 10 faster than real time ,

  14. 把你旅行的实际时间记住,这就能估计你每天所走的路程。

    Keep track of the time you actually travel , so you can estimate the distance you cover each day .

  15. 请求集生成算法决定了整个互斥算法的消息复杂度和对称性,并对算法运行的实际时间消耗具有重要影响。

    The quorum generation algorithm decides the message complex and symmetry and the time cost of the mutual exclusion algorithm .

  16. 社会科学家第一次有机会以客观的方式研究人在实际时间里的作为。

    For the first time , scientists have a chance to study what humans do in real time and in an objective way .

  17. 如果各站点产生延误,算法将自适应地调整实际时间与预期时间差。

    If the delay in the site is happened , the algorithm will adaptively adjust the difference between the actual time and expected time .

  18. 在某一项研究中,受试者一觉醒来后受到蒙骗,让他们以为自己睡得比实际时间更久或者更短。

    In one study , sleeping subjects were fooled , upon awakening , into thinking they had more or less sleep than they actually did .

  19. 使用这款应用程序后,你的时钟就会变成一部不间断的延时视频,画面显示建筑工人不断地把几段木材摆成表示实际时间的形状。

    With this app , your clock is a non-stop time lapse video of construction workers switching out pieces of lumber to shape the actual time .

  20. 过期时间指在考虑到员工在日常工作中所遇到的所有中断后完成任务所需的实际时间。

    Elapsed time is the time it actually takes to do the work after factoring in all of the interruptions the employee has in a normal workday .

  21. 最后,通过对一个实际时间序列的分析,给出了实验结果,验证了该系统的有效性和可行性。

    Lastly , validity and feasibility of time series trend analysis system based on intelligent decision support are proved by analyzing an actual time series and the experimental result .

  22. 如果这是真实的应用程序,创建时间将设置为机器最终构建完成并准备测试的实际时间。

    If this were a real-world application , the creation time would be set to the actual time when the machine is finally built and ready to be tested .

  23. 心包的氧化降解中,加速时间降解和实际时间降解的动态曲线呈S形,为以后建立数学模型进一步研究心包在体内的降解规律,解决组织再生速率与材料降解速率相匹配问题奠定了良好基础。

    The S shape curves were obtained in the oxidation degradation , which may be a useful base of a mathematic model for further research on the degradation of bovine pericardium in vivo .

  24. 由于数据源及传输过程中存在的问题,导致实际时间序列中噪声是不可避免的,研究噪声环境下的时间序列周期模式挖掘更具挑战性。

    Due to the problem of the process of source of data transmission , noise is inevitable in real time series . The study of periodic patterns in noisy environment is more challenging .

  25. 她的理论是,糖尿病人血糖水平会跟随受试者感知到的时间(而不是实际时间)波动;换句话说,它会按照受试者的预期上升或者下降。

    Her theory was that the diabetics ' blood-glucose levels would follow perceived time rather than actual time ; in other words , they would spike and dip when the subjects expected them to .

  26. 建议国内裁判应严格控制比赛实际时间,正确使用有利原则,促进足球运动健康发展。

    It is suggested that the referees in China should control the actual time of the matches and use the favorable principle correctly , so as to promote the football development in a healthy way .

  27. 从习题集中你可能已经得出的一个教训就是,程序所花的实际时间往往是你开始以为的两倍,三倍,四倍甚至更长。

    And in fact , one of the lessons you may already be realizing with P sets is that things seem to take twice , three times , four times longer than you actually might think .

  28. 提出了一种基于链路稳定度的泊松采样方法,由链路稳定度确定泊松采样的期望时间间隔,然后确定采样的实际时间间隔。

    So this thesis puts forward a Poisson sampling method based on link stabilization , gets the expectation sampling interval of Poisson sampling from the parameter of link stabilization , and then calculates actual sampling interval .

  29. 由于设定了与实际时间相一致的步长,因此可以同一年的经济周期对应起来。(4)反映了能源、电力部门的重要指标。

    Since step size has been set consistent with the actual time , it can correspond with the year of the economic cycle . ( 4 ) Reflects an important indicator of the energy and power sector .

  30. 网页的时间一致性是指网页所述的时间与实际时间相符,它是评价网络信息质量的一项重要指标,关系到网页内容的时效性和精准性。

    Time Consistency of Web pages which related to the timeliness and content accuracy is that the time webpages referred to matches the actual time , it is an important indicator for evaluating the quality of network information .