
  • 网络Practitioners
  1. 迈克尔·穆尔博士(MichaelG.Moore),美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学学习和绩效系统系教育学教授,《美国远程教育杂志》主编,国际远程教育界著名的理论家和实践家,美国远程教育研究与实践的开拓者之一。

    Dr. Michael G. Moore , professor of education , Department of Learning and Performance Systems of Pennsylvania State University , is one of the most distinguished theorists and practitioners in international distance education and also one of the pioneers in contemporary American distance education development .

  2. 教师不是空谈家,而是实践家。

    Teachers are no longer pedants , but practitioners .

  3. 许多学者和管理实践家逐渐认识到,DCF理论与方法并没有把握住管理活动中的灵活性、竞争性和决策活动的战略价值,因而应用DCF法在某些时候是失败的。

    More and more scholars and practical managers realize that Discounted Cash Flow ( DCF ) is not sure of flexibility , rivalrousness in management process and strategic value of decision activity , thereby failing to imply it .

  4. 作为边疆教育实践家,其献身边疆教育,满园桃李,是边疆教育界的一座丰碑;

    His achievement in education is a monument of Lincang education ;

  5. 马克思既是伟大的理论家,也是伟大的实践家。

    Marx is not only a great theorist , also a great practitioner .

  6. 约翰·杜威是20世纪著名的教育理论家和教育实践家之一。

    John Dewey is one of the most famous educators in 20th century .

  7. 如果真是这样,商学院就必须吸纳更多的实践家,以增加其课程的可信度。

    If so they need more practitioners involved to give their courses credibility .

  8. 反思性实践家:新课程背景下高职教师新角色

    Rethought Practitioner : the New Role of Teachers in Vocational Colleges of New Curriculum

  9. 范蠡是我国儒商文化的开拓者和实践家。

    Fan Li was the pioneer and practitioner of the culture of scholar merchant .

  10. 赫钦斯和克尔都是20世纪美国著名的高等教育实践家和思想家。

    Both Hutchins and Kerr are celebrated American educational practitioners and thinkers in 20th century .

  11. 等等问题即使在发达市场经济国家也一直是困惑着理论研究者和实践家们的问题。

    These problems have been puzzling the theorists and practitioners even in the developed market economy countries .

  12. 克拉克·科尔是美国20世纪极负盛名的高等教育思想家、实践家和劳动经济学家。

    Clark Kerr was a towering thinker , practitioner and labor economist in America in 20th century .

  13. 从技术熟练者到反思性实践家&试论新课改背景下的教师新形象

    From a Skilled Person to a Rethought Practitioner & on New Image of Teachers in Reform of New Curriculum

  14. 然而,许多学者和实践家都不断地对新公共管理提出了一系列问题。

    However , many problems towards " New Public Administration " were put forward by scholars and other organizations .

  15. 陶行知是我国近代教育一位重要的改革家、实践家和富有德行的领导者。

    T'ao Hsing-chin is an important reformer , practitioner and a leader of virtue in the history of Chinese modern education .

  16. 蔡元培,一位二十世纪中国历史无法避开的人物,他是一位教育家、政治家,既是理论家又是实践家。

    Cai Yuanpei , an educator , politician , theorist , practitioner , who can not be avoided in twentieth century .

  17. 柏拉图不但是古希腊著名的哲学家、思想家,而且是伟大的教育理论家和教育实践家。

    Plato is not only a great philosopher and thinker , but also a great educational theoretician and practitioner in ancient Grace .

  18. 中小学课堂教学情境是建立学科教学论教师反思性实践家特质的重要平台。

    The teaching situation in primary and secondary school is an important platform for disciplinary pedagogical teachers to construct their professional identity .

  19. 国内外一些口译专家和理论研究者探讨出一些有效的培训模式,口译理论家和实践家做了深入的研究和探讨,提出了一些行之有效的口译教学模式。

    Both Chinese and foreign theorists and practitioners work out some effective models , and have carried out some in-depth exploration and study .

  20. 曹端是我国明朝初年一位著名的教育理论家和实践家,也是一位理学大师。

    Cao Duan was a Li-theory master as well as a famous education transmission theorist and practitioner in early Ming Dynasty in China .

  21. 称为是实践家即是表明了在他们的努力下马克思主义妇女理论由科学变成了现实。

    As is the practice of the family is that their efforts in the Marxist theory of women by science into a reality .

  22. 走向反思性实践家教师角色的条件主要有后现代文化转向和行动研究运用。

    The major conditions to become a teachers ' image of Rethought Practitioner are the transformation of post-modern culture and the application of action research .

  23. 因此,如何设计一项制度来解决因委托&代理问题所带来的后果就成为了经济学界和实践家们所关注的焦点问题。

    Therefore , how to design a system to solve the consequence brought by entrusting - represent problem has became a focus problem for economy circle and the practice .

  24. 长期以来,为提高组织的有效性,管理理论家和实践家们都在对组织的结构、技术、战略和人力资源进行深入研究,从中寻求改进组织性能、辨识成功因素的方法。

    Management Theorists and practitioners have conducted in-depth research in order to find the method of improving performance , identifying the factors contributing to the success and enhancing the organization effectiveness .

  25. 孔子是我国伟大的教育思想家和教学实践家,他的教育学说为中国古代教育奠定了理论基础,其教学思想在我国教育史上占有重要地位。

    Confucius was Chinese great thinker and educational practitioner , whose educational theories formed theoretical basis of Chinese ancient education , and whose pedagogic thoughts played an important role in Chinese educational history .

  26. 在这方面,相互进行比较是十分有益的,而今天的会议就提供了一个机会,使来自世界各地的富有经验的实践家和理论家们可以进行这样的交流。

    Here , comparative practice can be quite helpful , and today 's conference is an opportunity for just this sort of exchange of views among practitioners and thinkers from a world of experience .

  27. 唯美主义艺术的倡导者和实践家奥斯卡·王尔德是英国文学史上最重要的作家之一,他主张艺术要与道德分开。

    Oscar Wilde , a great advocator and practitioner of artistic aestheticism , is one of the most important writers in English literary history , insisting that art should not be connected with morality .

  28. 反思性实践家的教师角色形成的文化背景主要为后现代知识观、认知主义心理学、批判理论,其主要特征为知识结构复杂,自我更新能力强;

    Post-modern knowledge outlook , cognitive psychology and critical theory as the cultural background of teachers ' image of Rethought Practitioner are significantly characterized by complexity of knowledge structure and strong ability to renew oneself ;

  29. 至今,理论家和实践家仍未制定出一套科学和系统的战略联盟绩效评价指标来对其进行分析和评价,然而这正是对战略联盟研究最具有现实意义的课题。

    Still , these research has been in a chaotic situation . Up till now , theorists and also practitioners have not even worked out a set of systematic and scientific methods to illustrate the Performance and Assessment of Strategic Alliance .

  30. 梁漱溟是二十世纪中国著名的一位学者、思想家、哲学家和社会实践家,他一生关注的两个问题是人生问题和中国问题。

    Liang shuming was one of the most famous scholars , thinkers , philosophers and social actors in 20th century in China . What he concerned about in his life were two problems : ' life problem ' and ' social problem ' .