
  • 网络Suprematism;suprematist;KOTOKO
  1. 而医学孰优孰劣的争论无济于事,蒙昧主义和科学至上主义同样充满了危机和偏见。

    But the argument of medical science which is better which is worse is helpless , obscurantism and science Suprematism who gives preferential treatment same have been full of crisis and prejudice .

  2. 对于美国白人,这意味着去承认奴隶制度的影响,还有美国黑人不会突然消失在六十年代(“JimCrow”原意为:黑人,是美国白人至上主义者对黑人的蔑称;今译作“黑人隔离法”。),

    For white Americans , it means acknowledging that the effects of slavery and Jim Crow didn 't suddenly vanish in the '60s ,

  3. 他对其他种族成员持种族至上主义态度。

    He has a supremacist attitude towards members of other racial groups .

  4. 她读到一些关于物质至上主义和物品囤积的哲学博客。

    She read philosophy blogs about materialism and the accumulation of objects .

  5. 守住医学的疆界&关于医学中的科学主义与金钱至上主义

    Defending the Borders of Medicine & On Scientism and Money-oriented in Medicine

  6. 超越功利主义与自由至上主义&阿马蒂亚·森的目的权利观

    Beyond Utilitarianism and Libertarianism & Amartya Sen 's Goal View of Right

  7. 在这混乱的时代,纯文学至上主义的强调是教育上的奢侈。

    Emphasis upon belletrism is an educational luxury in this chaotic era .

  8. 我知道他们是种族主义者,他们是男性至上主义�

    I know they were racists , I know they were sexist ,

  9. 国际关系理论还是比较政治学&简评政府间至上主义与两种治理理论在欧盟机构问题上的分歧

    A Theory of International Relations or Comparative Politics Studies

  10. 难道这不是男性至上主义者给女人订的规章?

    Doesn 't seem sexist that it 's a regulation only for women ?

  11. 他们摒弃社会上物质至上主义的决心。

    Their determination to renounce the materialism of society .

  12. 用户至上主义在他们生活中处于什么地位;

    what role consumerism plays in their lives ;

  13. 家喻户晓的白人反种族主义者,变成了白人至上主义的信徒。

    One of the most iconic white antiracists had grown fond of white supremacy .

  14. 《戏作三昧》与《地狱变》是阐述芥川龙之介的艺术至上主义思想的重要作品。

    Gesakuzanmai and Zigokuhen are important work expounding Art for art 's sake of Ryucnosuke Akutagawa .

  15. 罗是个白人至上主义者?

    Rowe was a white supremacist ?

  16. 亨利是一个极端男性至上主义者。

    Henry was the ultimate chauvinist .

  17. 如同早些时候指出的那样,他们更多时间是不受白人至上主义的老牌分析师所指责的。

    As noted earlier , they are more often than not subjected to the whites-only sophisticated analysis .

  18. 随着美国政治社会的逐渐形成,法律至上主义成为美利坚民族的共同的价值取向。

    As American society gradually established , all the Americans pursue and observe the rule of law .

  19. 本文将结合诺齐克的相关思想简要地论述自由至上主义的相关内容。

    This article will unify the Qike related thought to elaborate the free supreme principle related content briefly .

  20. 白人至上主义者戴伦•鲁夫在一个历史悠久的黑人教堂开枪射击,试图引发一场种族战争。

    White supremacist Dylann Roof begins shooting in a historic black church , attempting to spark a race-war .

  21. 首先从社会、文化、宗教思想的角度重构至上主义的历史语境。

    It starts with the reconstruction of historical discourse in three perspectives : social , cultural and religious ideology .

  22. 对于那些追踪观察白人至上主义组织活动的人来说,这次的暴力事件并不完全出人意料。

    To some who track the movements of white supremacist groups , the violence was not a total surprise .

  23. 他极其友善地解说,远古的男权至上主义的记忆片段开始抬头了。

    Very lovingly , he explained that the ancient , oft-repeated memory of male dominance had raised its head .

  24. 目前,中国正处在从人治文化走向法治文化的转型期,从法律文化转型的角度来看,公务员应该摒弃权力至上主义,确立法律至上意识;

    China is now in the transition of culture from the rule by people to the rule of law .

  25. 但我个人的理论是:一个国家的男性至上主义越严重,其出生率就越低。

    I have a personal theory , though : the more sexist the country , the lower the birthrate .

  26. 电影中的男权至上主义就是现实社会中女性权利严重受限的表现形式之一。

    The male chauvinism in the film is symptomatic of a society where the choices for women are severely limited .

  27. 对叙利亚,美国及其欧洲同盟选择交给海湾的逊尼至上主义者来处理。

    In Syria , America and its European allies have chosen to subcontract to the Sunni supremacists of the Gulf .

  28. 一名检察官表示,在新西兰两座清真寺屠杀了51名礼拜者的白人至上主义者原本计划随后烧毁清真寺。

    A prosecutor says the white supremacist who slaughtered 51 worshippers at two New Zealand mosques had intended to the mosques afterward .

  29. 利益相关者理论是对以股东至上主义理念的挑战,近年来在理论研究和实证检验方面取得很大进展。

    The stakeholder theory is a challenge to the shareholder conciliarism and now has achieved great progress both in theoretic and empirical research .

  30. 随着我国对现代教育技术运用的不断扩大,现代教育技术逐渐显露了它技术至上主义,缺少人文精神与人文关怀的一面。

    With the development of society , modern educational technology exposes its problems gradually , such as lack of humanism , technological determinism .