
  1. 桥社所代表的表现主义对我国的油画艺术起到了举足轻重的作用。

    Bridge Club represented by the expressionist oil painting in China has played a pivotal role .

  2. 特别是85新潮以其相似的背景和状态与桥社产生了共鸣。

    Especially the " 85 " fashion similar to its background and social status and the bridge had a resonance .

  3. 第五部分写的是德国桥社与中国85新潮的局限性。

    The fifth part is written in German " Bridge Club " and the " 85 " New Wave of limitations .

  4. 这便是桥社的局限性,同时也是与其相似的85新潮的局限性。

    This is the bridge the limitations of society , but also with a similar " 85 " New Wave of limitations .

  5. 桥社是德国表现主义的先驱,他们是由建筑系的学生基于对艺术的激情的热爱走到一起,用激情描写世界。

    Bridge Club is a pioneer of German Expressionism , they are based on the architecture students love the passion of art come together to describe the world with a passion .

  6. 第二部分由于本文的主题是从建筑走向艺术的桥社,所以分析建筑对其的影响也是非常必要的。

    The second theme of this paper is due in part to the art of building the bridge from the community , so the analysis of the impact of its construction is also very necessary .