
qiáo tóu bǎo
  • bridgehead;bridge tower
桥头堡 [qiáo tóu bǎo]
  • (1) [bridge tower]∶桥上的塔楼(如作支承缆索或防御用)

  • (2) [bridgehead]

  • (3) 在敌岸桥梁、渡口或其附近占领的阵地。用于阻止敌人接近或掩护我军渡河

  • (4) 为控制桥梁、渡口而构筑的地堡、碉堡或支撑点

  1. 集团军部的命令是从被打开得突破口里继续向Order发起进攻。夺取河左岸的一个桥头堡。

    The brigade and army 's orders were to enter the breakthrough and continuing the offensive toward Order , capture a bridgehead on the river 's left bank .

  2. 受中国入世前景的促进,CBD将成为国外企业进入中国的“码头”和桥头堡,具有自身的品牌效应,发展前景明朗。

    The prospects for China 's accession to the WTO , the CBD will become foreign enterprises to enter China 's " Terminal " and bridgehead with its own brand effect development prospects .

  3. 不过,Chamber并非荷兰设计界向纽约进军的唯一一座桥头堡。

    But Chamber is only one token of a new Dutch design invasion here .

  4. 在中国加入WTO的机遇下,重庆作为中国西部地区的桥头堡,如何通过改善外商投资环境、有效地吸引外商投资已经成为迫切需要研究的课题。

    When China joining WTO , Chongqing should improve the investment environment to attract FDI more efficiently as the important city in the West China .

  5. 据常驻上海的汽车行业顾问比尔•鲁索(BillRusso)介绍,这种转变帮助本土汽车制造商建立了一座桥头堡。

    The shift has helped established a beachhead for local automakers , according to Bill Russo , a Shanghai-based consultant .

  6. 随着泛珠区域合作的开展及其与东盟经贸联系的加强,泛珠三角正在成为中国-东盟自由贸易区(CAFTA)桥头堡。

    With the cooperative development in the Pan-Pearl River Delta regions and the enhancement of trade relations between Chinese mainland and other Asian countries , the Pan-Pearl River Delta regions is developing into the bridgehead of CAFTA .

  7. 先遣部队在战斗初期就建立了桥头堡。

    The advance troops established a bridgehead early in the fighting .

  8. 泉州火车站站前大桥桥头堡抗震性能研究

    Study on Seismic Behaviors of the Bridgehead of Quanzhou Railway Station Bridge

  9. 桥头堡城市公众环境意识调查与研究

    Public Environment Consciousness : An Investigation and Study at the Bridgehead City

  10. 两个旅夺取了河对面的桥头堡。

    Two brigades seized bridgeheads on the far side of the river .

  11. 广西:中国-东盟自由贸易区的桥头堡

    Guangxi : the Gateway for Sino-Asean Free Trade Area

  12. 在桑多梅日桥头堡,敌军的坦克更多一些。

    There were more tanks at the Sandomierz bridgehead .

  13. 试论新亚欧大陆桥东桥头堡的建设

    On the Construction of the Eastern Bridgehead of the New Eurasian Continental Bridge

  14. 中国将东欧视为重要的经济桥头堡。

    China considers Eastern Europe an important economic bridgehead .

  15. 新广西:东盟经贸的桥头堡

    Guangxi : Bridgehead for Asean Economy and Trade

  16. 希特勒:我认为在奥本海姆的第二桥头堡是最大的危险。

    HITLER : I consider the second bridgehead at Oppenheim as the greatest danger .

  17. 新亚欧大陆桥桥头堡区域空间格局重构研究

    Spatial Re-construction of New Eurasian Continental Bridgehead Area

  18. 新亚欧大陆桥东桥头堡连云港的城市文化建设初探

    Construction of Urban Culture in Lianyungang , the Bridgehead of the Second Eurasian Continental Bridge

  19. 到天黑时,美军已在莱因河东岸有了一个坚强的桥头堡。

    By dusk the Americans had a strong bridgehead on the east bank of the Rhine .

  20. 中国东南沿海地区是桔小实蝇向中国内陆扩散的桥头堡。

    The Southeast China might be the bridgehead of the B. dorsalis colonized in inland . 3 .

  21. 我公司地处亚欧大陆桥桥头堡&连云港市经济技术开发区。

    Our company is located in the Asia-Europe bridge bridgehead & Lianyungang city Economic and Technological Development Zone .

  22. 租界既是殖民侵略的桥头堡,又是先进的资本主义文明在落后的封建中国的窗口。

    Concession is both the bridgehead of colonial aggression and the widow through which capitalistic civilization spread in China .

  23. 亚欧大陆桥东桥头堡&连云港总体开发战略的探讨

    The Eastern Bride Tower of the Eurasian Bridge & Investigation on the Strategy for Overall Development of Lianyungang Port

  24. 美术院校是社会文化的桥头堡,是一个社会的缩影,通过一个国家的美术学院,可以看出民族精神和民族文化的状态。

    Art college is an epitome of a society where a nation 's spirit and culture can be seen .

  25. 云南有着生物、植物、金属矿产、旅游、农业等资源优势和作为中国&东盟自由贸易区和大湄公河次区域经济合作的桥头堡的区位优势,中小民营企业有着广阔的发展空间。

    Etc. And has location advantage as bridgehead of china-asean free trade area and greater mekong sub-region economic cooperation .

  26. 朱可夫在观察到日本人在进攻苏军的桥头堡后,决定对日军的侧翼发动反击。

    Zhukov , seeing that the Japanese were attacking the bridgehead , decided to counterattack by flanking the enemy .

  27. 日本人期待这样的进攻可以使苏联人放弃他们的桥头堡又或直接将朱可夫的部队击溃。

    The Japanese hoped to either force the Soviets to abandon their bridgehead or to completely rout Zhukov 's forces .

  28. 作为东北亚交流的重要桥头堡,中国东北地区的人才的培养方向,水平将决定东北亚合作与交流的深度和广度。

    As an important beachhead in Northeast Asia exchanges , the training of northeast China personnel in the direction and level .

  29. 突击部队还没来得及建一座坚固的桥头堡就被从河西岸赶了回来。

    Assault troops were repulsed from the west bank of the river before they were able to establish a firm bridgehead .

  30. 桥头堡是陆桥经济研究中一个具有特定内涵的重要概念。

    In studies on the economy along the Eurasian Continental Bridge , bridgehead is a very important concept with special connotations .