
  1. 瑞士是内陆的国家,没有海上贸易港口。

    Switzerland is a landlocked country , with no port for sea trade .

  2. 海员海上和港口福利建议书

    Recommendation concerning Seafarers Welfare at Sea and in Port

  3. 海上和港口危险品运输国际性文件

    International Instruments for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Sea and in Ports

  4. 在海上和港口,下述规定应适用于所有18岁以下的未成年海员。

    At sea and in port the following provisions should apply to all young seafarers under the age of18 .

  5. 海上货物运输港口经营人责任探析

    Argument on the Responsibility of the Maritime Transport Operator of Port

  6. 主要应用于造船企业、远洋运输、国防科研、海上作业、港口码头、石油勘探等领域。

    Mainly used in shipbuilding enterprises , ocean transportation , national defense scientific research , operations at sea , ports , petroleum exploration , etc.

  7. 随着海洋石油的开发,大型海上工程和港口建设的快速发展,起重平台越来越成为海洋工程中必不可少的工具。

    As the rapid development of offshore oil , large-scale marine engineering and port construction , crane vessel is increasingly becoming an indispensable tool for ocean engineering .

  8. 中国海运法律制度的一系列变革,在国际海上服务、港口服务和海运辅助服务等方面对外国投资者的投资和生产经营产生了重大影响。

    After WTO , there are a series of changes of the marine policy in international shipping services , port services , and auxiliary services , which doubtlessly will have a significant impact on the foreign investment .

  9. 所述方法对海上船舶运输和港口管理等具有重要意义。

    The method presented here will be helpful in marine transportation and harbor management .

  10. 航标即助航标志,是帮助船舶安全、经济、便利航行而设置的有信息服务作用的重要设施,是保障海上运输畅通和港口通航秩序的重要手段。

    Navigational if that is to help the ship security , economy , convenience and set sail with the information service facilities , is to protect marine transportation was clear and direct the order of the important port .

  11. 第一章从现代海上集装箱运输及港口发展趋势分析,阐明厦门港发展成为我国沿海集装箱港面临的发展机遇与挑战。

    The Chapter 1 interprets Xiamen 's opportunities and challenges in developing into one of the main container transfer ports in China 's coastal cities , in view of the analysis of modern maritime container transport and development of ports .

  12. 海事处采取适当的海上交通措施,从而保障海上交通安全和港口设施的运作。

    The safety of marine traffic and operations of port facilities were protected by taking appropriate marine traffic measures .