
  • 网络primary production;marine primary productivity
  1. 利用“铁肥”方法增加海洋初级生产力、吸收大气中的CO2、降低温室效应是目前国际上的一个研究热点。

    It is an international hotspot by using " iron fertilizer " to increase marine primary productivity , absorbing atmospheric CO2 and reducing the greenhouse effect .

  2. 初级生产主要控制因素为营养盐的变化,河流输送的营养盐对本区海洋初级生产力的影响较大,陆源物质的输送是南黄海初级生产力变化的主要控制因素。

    The nutrients transported by rivers influenced greatly the marine primary productivity of the study area . The input of terrigenous materials is the main controlling factor of the primary productivity in the South Yellow Sea .

  3. 海洋初级生产力遥感与GIS评估模型研究

    Remote sensing of oceanic primary productivity and its GIS estimation model

  4. 并采用灵敏度高、准确性较好的~(14)C示踪法,测定藻类生长的光合作用速率作为海洋初级生产力的指标。

    Photosynthetic rates determined with sensitive and accurate 14C-tracer method were used as the index of primary productivity .

  5. 海洋初级生产力(OPP)在全球碳循环中起着重要作用,在相当程度上控制着海–气界面CO2的交换,是全球变化研究中的重要内容。

    Ocean primary productivity ( OPP ) controls the exchange of carbon dioxide at the air – sea interface and plays an important role in the global carbon cycle and climate change .

  6. 铁对海洋初级生产力的影响

    The Effect of Iron to the Primary Production in the Ocean

  7. 遥感与地理信息系统在海洋初级生产力研究中的应用

    Application of remote sensing and GIS to oceanic primary productivity researches

  8. 遥感海洋初级生产力的生物-地理动力学问题

    A Dynamic Problem of Biogeography in Remote Sensing of Oceanic Primary Productivity

  9. 遥感海洋初级生产力的研究进展

    Research Progress of Ocean Primary Productivity by Remote Sensing

  10. 综述了近年来遥感海洋初级生产力的研究进展。

    This paper summarizes progress for ocean primary productivity using remote sensing studies .

  11. 从而为海洋初级生产力估算服务。

    , and it services for the estimation of the oceanic primary production .

  12. 海洋初级生产力的卫星遥感估算模型

    Remotely sensed estimation models of ocean primary production

  13. 海洋初级生产力的卫星探测

    Satellite measuring for ocean primary productivity

  14. 渤、黄、东海海洋初级生产力的遥感估算

    Estimation of ocean primary production by remote sensing in Bohai Sea , Yellow Sea and East China Sea

  15. 东、黄海的大气干、湿沉降及其对海洋初级生产力的影响

    Atmospheric Dry and Wet Deposition of Nutrient in East China Sea and Yellow Sea and It 's Impact on Marine Primary Production

  16. 本文综述了海洋初级生产力遥感历史、近几年海洋初级生产力遥感估算模型的新发展和各种模型的局限性。

    In this article , it summarizes the retrieval history of ocean primary production by remote sensing , the development of new models and their limitations .

  17. 本文在分析水下光场和藻类光合作用光谱响应基础上,阐述了海洋初级生产力遥感中的生物-地理动力学问题。

    This peper expounds the dynamic problem of biogeography in remote sensing of oceanic primary productivity based on the analysis of submarine light spectral response of algae photosynthesis .

  18. 海洋初级生产力是基于海洋叶绿素a进行计算的,主要为叶绿素光合作用速率与遥感得到的叶绿素浓度在真光层的积分。

    Ocean primary productivity is based on chla , which mainly denotes itself as the integral of the velocity of photosynthesis of chlorophyll and the density of chlorophyll in euphotic layer .

  19. 由于海水藻类中的叶绿素a含量与光合作用产量之间存在直接相关性,因此叶绿素a浓度被作为描述海洋初级生产力的重要指标。

    Chlorophyll a was regarded as the important indicator to describe the marine primary production because of that the chlorophyll a content of plants in the ocean is related to its photosynthesis production .

  20. 总结了不同的海洋初级生产力的算法以及在各种尺度上的模式,分析了其中的特点,同时指出了存在的问题和发展的方向。

    Meanwhile this paper summarizes algorithms for ocean primary productivity , models at different scales , and analyses its characteristics . Finally , it points out problems in this field and its developing tendency .

  21. 海洋初级生产力是海洋生态系统的重要参量,它在一定程度上控制着海气界面二氧化碳的交换,是全球气候变化研究的重要目标。

    Ocean primary production is the key factor in ocean ecological system . To some extent , it controls CO_2 exchange in sea-atmosphere surface . So it is the important object for global climate change study .

  22. 卫星资料应用于海洋初级生产力研究中最重要的是建立由海洋水色遥感资料得出的色素浓度计算初级生产力的合适算法。

    For applying the satellite data in the investigation of marine primary productivity , it is most important that one formulates a suitable algorithm for estimating primary productivity using the chlorophyll concentrations derived from remotely sensed ocean color data .

  23. 热带西太平洋海洋事件与初级生产力的关系

    Primary Productivity in the Western Tropical Pacific and its Relationship with Oceanic Events

  24. 另外,气溶胶会通过干、湿沉降作用进入海洋,影响海洋初级生产力。

    In addition , the aerosol would affect the marine primary productivity through wet and dry deposition .

  25. 海洋叶绿素遥感反演及海洋初级生产力估算研究

    Oceanic Chlorophyll Retrieval by Remote Sensing and Ocean Primary Production Estimate

  26. 有机氮是大气气溶胶和雨水中的重要氮组分,其对海洋的输入不仅可以促进海洋初级生产力的增长,还可能影响海洋生态系统的结构和功能。

    Organic nitrogen is a quantitatively important component of fixed nitrogen in atmospheric aerosol and rainwater . The inputs of organic nitrogen to oceans may not only induce an enhancement of marine primary productivity but also influence the ecosystem structure and function .

  27. 海洋水色遥感的最终目的之一是监测海洋初级生产力的时空变化,而反映海洋初级生产力的一个重要指标就是浮游植物中的叶绿素浓度[1]。MODIS水色遥感数据的获取与产品处理综述

    One of the tasks of ocean color remote sensing is the measurement of marine primary production variation with time and space , whose important index is chlorophyll concentration of phytoplankton . Acquisition of MODIS Ocean Color Satellite Data and Its Data Processing

  28. 海水真光层是指海洋浮游植物进行光合作用的水层,海水真光层深度的反演有利于对海洋初级生产力的估算。

    Euphotic layer of the sea refers to the layer where phytoplankton can photosynthesize ; therefore , the retrieval of the euphotic depth is in favor of estimating ocean primary production .

  29. 海洋中的颗粒有机碳(POC)作为碳循环的重要组成部分,可以用来估计海洋初级生产力水平。

    As an important component of the ocean carbon cycle , particulate organic carbon ( POC ) is often used to estimate the primary productivity in the ocean : There are two main aspects in our study .

  30. 对海洋而言,沙尘沉降可以提供浮游植物生长所需要的限制性营养元素(如:N、P、Si)和痕量元素(如:Fe),促进其光合作用,增加海洋的初级生产力。

    Dust deposition into ocean could provide the essential nutrient elements ( such as N , P and Si ) and trace elements ( such as Fe ) for growth of marine phytoplankton , enhancing photosynthesis and promoting marine primary productivity .