
  • 网络El Nino;El Ni o;El-Nio
  1. 以埃尔尼诺/南方涛动(ELNino/SouthernOscillation)为中心的热带海气相互作用的研究,是具有明确应用前景的重要科学问题,是当前地球科学中发展最快的领域之一。

    The study on the tropical air-sea interaction centered at El Nino / Southern Oscillation phenomenon is one of the most developing research areas in recent geoscience that has not only the important scientific significance , but also the prospective practical application to climate prediction .

  2. 在接下来的三年里,年轻的他开始以前所未有的水平统治男篮联赛-他被马卡称作埃尔尼诺尼诺·马拉维拉,并成为上赛季欧洲联盟MVP最年轻的获奖者。

    The next three years he started dominating men 's basketball to an unprecedented level for a teenager - he was nicknamed El Nino Maravilla ( The Boy Wonder ) by MARCA and became the youngest-ever winner of the EuroLeague 's MVP award last season .

  3. 埃尔尼诺现象与东海黑潮区及其邻近海域水文结构和环流的变异&东海黑潮区及其邻近海区ENSO渔场学问题之一

    Variation of hydrologic structure and circulation in relation to ENSO events in the Kuroshio Area in the East China Sea and its adjacent seas

  4. 赤潮与埃尔尼诺关系的讨论

    Discussion on the relationship between red tides and El nion phenomenon

  5. 统计数据显示,在埃尔尼诺现象出现期间,中国海平面有所下降。

    Statistics showed that China 's sea level drops during El Nino weather patterns .

  6. 埃尔尼诺/南方涛动现象与年际气候变化

    A review of study on El nino / southern oscillation associated with the interannual climate variability

  7. 埃尔尼诺与世界气候异常

    EL-Nino and World Climatic Anomaly

  8. 南海表层水温的长周期变化及其与埃尔尼诺的耦合关系

    Long Periods Variance of South China Sea 's Sea Surface Temperature and Its Coupling Relation with El Nino

  9. 每隔三五年在南太平洋形成的埃尔尼诺现象正显示出又一次要把世界气候颠倒的迹象。

    The El Nino phenomenon that brews up in the southern Pacific every three to five years is showing signs of turning the world 's weather upside down again .

  10. 每几年发生一次的,当富含营养的冷水不上涌时所发生的更强烈的埃尔尼诺现象;通常会杀死大量的鱼和浮游生物并影响气候。

    A more intense El Nino that occurs every few years when the welling up of cold nutrient-rich water does not occur ; kills plankton and fish and affects weather patterns .

  11. 在1960~1987年间,每当东太平洋沿岸海区发生一次正、反埃尔尼诺现象,南海也相应出现一次强度相当的暖、冷事件。

    In 1960 ~ 1987 , once East Pacific Ocean seacoast occur positive and reverse El Nino phenomena , South China Sea will occur a quite intensive worm and cold event .

  12. 埃尔尼诺年夏季,由于遥相关机制,东亚及西太平洋中纬地区出现地面气压和高度场的负距平,西太平洋副高位置持续偏南。

    In the summer of El Nino year , owing to teleconnection , there is a negative anomaly of surface pressure and 500 hPa height in the East-Asia and the West-Pacific . The west-Pacific subtropical high is to the south continuously and weaker .

  13. 本文对埃尔尼诺年,埃尔尼诺的前,后一年和非埃尔尼诺年西北太平洋112月的台风个数、登陆我国的初台和终台、台风生成的地理分布等进行了统计分析。

    Statistical analyses are made of the number of typhoons over western North Pacific , the geographical position of typhoon genesis , the date of the first and final typhoons landed on the china 's coast , the persistence days of strong typhoons etc.