
  • 网络Eminem
  1. 在FreestyleFellowship乐队和埃米纳姆等艺人的带动下,即兴说唱变得很受欢迎。

    The method of improvised rap was made popular by groups and artists such as Freestyle Fellowship and Eminem .

  2. 坎德里克·拉马尔(KendrickLamar)与埃米纳姆(Eminem)评分了四项说唱奖。

    Kendrick Lamar and Eminem split the four rap trophies .

  3. 雷诺尔兹口中的另一点就是运气了,在乐队独立发行三张EP之后,他们就顺利签约美国知名唱片公司环球唱片,该公司旗下拥有大批当红艺人,包括LadyGaga、说唱歌手埃米纳姆等。

    The other thing , according to Reynolds , is luck . After independently releasing three EPs , Imagine Dragons were signed by Interscope Records , one of the major labels in the US that has many popular artists including Lady Gaga and Eminem .

  4. Iggy的母亲告诉记者,Azalea是受她的狗狗的名字和她所住的街道名的启发起的艺名,她的志向是成为一名女埃米纳姆。

    Her mother Tanya told The Northern Star that Azalea - who chose her stage name after her dog and the street she lived on - that she always had ambitions of being the ' female Eminem ' .

  5. 至5月份,他的信任度排名已经跌至3352位,与说唱歌手埃米纳姆(Eminem)和《花花公子》大亨休·海夫纳(HughHefner)相齐平。该公司发布的名人指数受到媒体和市场营销高管的密切关注。

    By May , his trust ranking had plummeted to 3352 , near the rapper Eminem and the Playboy tycoon Hugh Hefner , according to the Marketing Arm , a research firm whose celebrity index is closely watched by media and marketing executives .

  6. 埃米纳姆:热门歌曲字数最多的人

    Eminem holds the record for the most words in a hit song .

  7. 我想再没有比看到一个成年人在车里听埃米纳姆或是斯努普·多格的音乐更让人难过的事了。

    I think there is nothing sadder than watching a grown man listen to Eminem or Snoop Dogg in his car .

  8. 据称,这个词汇首次出现在埃米纳姆2000年的同名单曲中,这首歌讲的是让人着迷的爱恋。

    The word is thought to have first originated with Enimen 's 2000 song of the same name - about an obsessive love affair .

  9. 他的音乐生涯也是颇为成功,专辑销量已达到3000万张,他的音乐被下载次数已经超过了麦当娜、蕾哈娜和埃米纳姆。

    His music career is so successful that he has sold more than 30 million albums , his music has been downloaded more times than Madonna , Rihanna and Eminem .

  10. 2013年,埃米纳姆的热门歌曲《说唱天神》因为单词数最多而打破了世界纪录,在6分钟4秒内唱了1560个单词。

    In 2013 , Eminem set the world record for the most words in a hit song thanks to " Rap God , " which clocks in at 1560 words in six minutes and four seconds .