
  • 网络ELEANOR;Eleanore;elinor;Elenore
  1. 聚会的枯燥无味恰如埃莉诺预料的。

    The insipidity of the meeting was exactly such as Elinor had expected .

  2. 埃莉诺被玛丽安的凄惶与呜咽声惊醒,首先发现了她。

    Elinor , roused from sleep by her agitation and sobs , first perceived her .

  3. 埃莉诺不得不这么快就离开,真是太遗憾了。

    It is too bad that Eleanor had to leave so soon

  4. 埃莉诺也被详细审查,结论经常是不够格。

    Eleanor was scrutinized , too , and often found wanting

  5. 如果不闲荡的话,埃莉诺随时都会回来。

    Eleanor will be back any moment , if she doesn 't dawdle

  6. 富兰克林负责照看行李,萨拉则带着埃莉诺回家了。

    While Franklin saw to the luggage , Sara took Eleanor home .

  7. 埃莉诺没有为这次讨论花费太多精力。

    Eleanor did not put much energy into the discussion .

  8. 埃莉诺为不得不等他这么长时间而感到很恼火。

    Eleanor was annoyed at having had to wait so long for him

  9. 埃莉诺上楼去跟孩子们道晚安。

    Eleanor went upstairs to say goodnight to the children .

  10. 埃莉诺这个夏天大部分时间都在练习驾驶技术。

    Eleanor spent much of the summer brushing up on her driving .

  11. 他和埃莉诺聊了聊,而没搭理玛丽亚。

    He addressed his remarks to Eleanor , ignoring Maria .

  12. 我相信埃莉诺在妇女中所做的工作会见成效的。

    Eleanor 's work among the women will , I trust , bear fruit

  13. 埃莉诺过后会因丈夫经常不在家而责怪婆婆。

    Eleanor would later blame her mother-in-law for her husband 's frequent absences .

  14. 埃莉诺在暴风雪大作时到达。

    Eleanor arrived in the midst of a blizzard .

  15. 我和埃莉诺向雅各布斯小姐敬酒。

    Eleanor and I drank a toast to Miss Jacobs

  16. 埃莉诺现在不像以往那样为孩子忧心了。

    Eleanor was now less anxious about her offspring than she had once been .

  17. 埃莉诺是个扭捏局促的小学生。

    Eleanor was a reluctant , anxious pupil .

  18. 埃莉诺搬进了一间配有家具的小公寓里。

    Eleanor moved into a small furnished apartment .

  19. “我来吧,埃莉诺,”安格斯腾地站起来说道。

    ' I 'll do it , Eleanor , ' Angus said , jumping up .

  20. 埃莉诺来看过她了。

    Eleanor had come to visit her

  21. 女性是不允许进入战区的,所以埃莉诺不得不留在后方。

    As women were not permitted in the war zone , Eleanor would have to stay behind

  22. 对轰炸记忆犹新的埃莉诺变得越来越焦躁不安。

    With the memory of the bombing fresh in her mind , Eleanor became increasingly agitated .

  23. 埃莉诺开始记日记了。

    Eleanor began to keep a diary

  24. 埃莉诺猛地抽出了手腕。

    Eleanor jerked her wrist free

  25. 第二天早上,富兰克林和埃莉诺把宝宝裹得严严实实,带着他上纽约去了。

    The next morning , Franklin and Eleanor bundled up the baby and carried him to New York

  26. 当我从椅子上站起来时,我父亲和埃莉诺的父亲谈兴正浓。

    When I arose from the chair , my father and Eleanor 's father were in deep conversation

  27. 埃莉诺和贝蒂·琼属于同一家女子俱乐部,她们仍然是关系亲密的朋友。

    Eleanor had belonged to the same sorority as Betty Jean and they were still great friends .

  28. 安格斯一跃而起道:“让我来,埃莉诺。”可是,这一次她只是摇了摇头,坚定地说:“我能应付。”

    ' I 'll do it , Eleanor , ' Angus said , quickly jumping up . But this time she only shook her head . ' I 'll manage , ' she said firmly .

  29. 埃莉诺不想给予任何回答。

    Elinor would not vouchsafe any answer .

  30. 埃莉诺正在考虑移居美国。

    Elinor is thinking about emigrating to the United States .