
  • Isabella;Isabella Rossellini;Isabella of France
  1. 伊莎贝拉,别再说了,我没有时间听这个。

    Isabella . Please . I don 't have time for this .

  2. 伊莎贝拉是一个羞怯的孩子,很小就学会了顺从。

    A timid child , Isabella had learned obedience at an early age .

  3. 约翰和伊莎贝拉彼此分开,回到了阳光下。

    John and Isabelle moved apart , back into the sun

  4. 伊莎贝拉被要求无条件服从。

    Isabella had been taught unquestioning obedience

  5. 正是在伊莎贝拉女王统治时期克里斯托弗·哥伦布开始了他伟大的发现之旅。

    It was during the reign of Queen Isabella that Christopher Columbus set forth on his epic voyage of discovery .

  6. 据美联社报道,上周三,护林工和导游发现岩浆从伊莎贝拉岛上的“CerroAzul”火山的东北侧流了下来。

    According to the Associated Press , rangers and tour guides spotted lava flowing down the northeastern flank of the Cerro Azul Volcano on the Island of Isabela late on Wednesday .

  7. 另一位伦敦帽子设计师加布丽埃拉•利津察(GabrielaLigenza,参看下图中的“Boffin”帽)说:归功于伊莎贝拉•布罗等时尚达人的影响力,英国作为喜欢戴帽的国家形象依然非常坚不可摧。

    Gabriela Ligenza , another London-based hat designer ( see " Boffin tops " below ) , says Britain 's image as a hat-wearing nation had remained strong , thanks to the influence of figures such as Isabella Blow .

  8. 28年来,戛纳首次以女导演拍摄的电影拉开序幕,伊莎贝拉•罗西里尼(IsabellaRossellini)成为“一种关注”单元评审团主席,莎尔玛•海雅克(SalmaHayek)主持讨论会高调探讨女性角色在电影中的意义。

    The festival opened with a film by a female director for the first time in 28 years , Isabella Rossellini chaired the Un Certain Regard jury and Salma Hayek convened a high-profile panel to discuss the role of women in cinema .

  9. 桑塔·伊莎贝拉号的船员们加紧了靠岸的准备工作。

    Among the Santa Isabella 's crew , landing preparations intensified .

  10. 克利斯托弗?哥伦布将此想法告诉了西班牙的伊莎贝拉女王。

    Christopher Columbus sold his idea to Queen Isabella of Spain .

  11. 伊瑞克:你是伊莎贝拉.斯旺,新来的女生。

    Eric : You 're Isabella Swan , the new girl .

  12. 休息,岛上的休假对伊莎贝拉很有好处.

    Rest . The rest on the island did Isabella good .

  13. 值得庆幸的是,伊莎贝拉批评这类说辞是目光短浅和头脑简单。

    Thankfully , Isabella decried this characterization as shortsighted and simplistic .

  14. 伊莎贝拉前几年都待在和平组织服务。

    Isabella spent the last few years in the peace corps .

  15. 茱莉亚将把伊莎贝拉介绍给她的哥哥杰克。

    Julia would later introduce Isabella to her brother , Jack .

  16. 谢尔盖,她是不是长得非常像伊莎贝拉?

    Sergei , doesn 't she look exactly like Isabella ?

  17. 艾加先生收到一封她妹妹伊莎贝拉来的信。

    Mr Edgar received a letter from his sister Isabella .

  18. 好,下一位应聘者是伊莎贝拉。

    Okay . um , our next candidate is isabella .

  19. 死神之手很快就击倒了伊莎贝拉女王。

    The hand ofdeath would soon strike down queen isabella .

  20. 网球组的伊莎贝拉和约瑟夫。

    The tennis players , I mean Isabelle and josef .

  21. 她为歌星伊莎贝拉做替身她们两个像孪生一样

    doubling for pop star Isabella , who 's totally her twin .

  22. 那应该是伊莎贝拉是她一直在唱

    That 's Isabella . She 's the one that sings live .

  23. 你想看货吗?那就派伊莎贝拉过来。

    You wanna see your dope ? You send isabella .

  24. 她签下了亲笔签名并赠送给伊莎贝拉一袋商品。

    She signed autographs and gifted Isabella with a bag of merchandise .

  25. 你为伊莎贝拉做了一件大好事

    You 're doing a very kind thing for Isabella .

  26. 谢谢你告诉我伊莎贝拉的秘密。

    Thank you for telling me Isabella 's secret .

  27. 但愿是我误解你的话啦,伊莎贝拉?

    I hope I have misunderstood you , Isabella ?

  28. “别担心,艾伦,”希斯克利夫笑着答道,“他是伊莎贝拉的儿子,总有一天会把画眉山庄继承下来,在此之前我可不希望他死。

    ' Don 't worry , Ellen . 'replied Heathcliff with a smile .

  29. 想想看会对伊莎贝拉演艺事业会有多大影响.

    Imagine what would happen to Isabella 's career .

  30. 我猜伊莎贝拉是想让我恨他!

    I suppose Isabella wants me to hate him !