
  1. 古代的埃及国王让人给他们自己修建坚固的坟墓。

    The kings of ancient Egypt had strong tombs built for themselves .

  2. 那是他们付给埃及国王的钱。

    The money they paid to the ruler .

  3. 当约瑟夫登基为埃及国王时,他才只有三十岁。

    When Joseph became the ruler of Egypt , he was only thirty years old .

  4. 古代的埃及国王为了死后尸体不被盗窃,金银财宝得以保全,建筑了坚固的墓穴。

    The kings of ancient Egypt planned strong tombs to keep their bodies safe after death and to hold their treasures .

  5. 这位新歌手是初次登台。当约瑟夫登基为埃及国王时,他才只有三十岁。

    The new singer made her first appearance . When Joseph became the ruler of Egypt , he was only thirty years old .

  6. 已知最早的宫殿是埃及国王们在底比斯所建,内有错综复杂的房间和庭院,四周有一道围墙。

    The earliest known palaces are those of the Egyptian kings at Thebes , with an outer wall enclosing a labyrinth of rooms and courtyards .

  7. 有一件事使这位新的埃及国王大大担心:他担心希伯来人会越来越多,他们会比埃及人强盛。

    This new king had one big worry : He felt there were getting to be TOO MANY Hebrews , and that they were much stronger than the Egyptians .

  8. 哈瓦斯介绍说,梅里被认为是曾经监管过4艘埋藏在金字塔中的神舟,这些神舟曾是埃及国王的随葬品。

    Meri also was believed to oversee four sacred boats found in the pyramids , which were buried with Egypt 's kings to help them in the afterlife , Hawass said .

  9. 可是,这个新的埃及国王不知道约瑟,也不在乎希伯来人所信的这位创造了宇宙万有的真神活神。

    But this new king did not remember Joseph , nor did he care about the Hebrews ' God , Who is the true and living God Who created all things .

  10. 每次发生以前,上帝都有跟埃及国王警告,不过他都不听也都不相信上帝,因为这个国王他相信的是另外一种战争的神。

    Each time before a disaster happened , God warned the Egyptian king . however , he neither listened to God nor believed God because he believed in another god of war .

  11. 现在,他们要去见埃及的国王——法老。

    They now had to confront Pharaoh , the king of Egypt !

  12. 那是数千年以前由埃及的国王们建造的。

    It was thousands of years ago in Egypt that kings built them .

  13. 希腊人,天生聪明和勇敢,早已经被来自埃及的国王和殖民者教化了。

    The Greeks , naturally intelligent and courageous , had been early cultivated by the kings and settlers who had come from Egypt .

  14. 但是现在她在奇德国,我很确信明天在你的加冕仪式之后不久,她就会知道你是埃及的国王了。

    But right now she is in Qide , and I 'm pretty sure tomorrow not long after your inauguration , she would know you are the ruler of Egypt .

  15. 这是为什么呢?原来呀,他们是一个希伯来人的家庭。埃及的国王已经下了命令,当一个希伯来人的孩子出生的时候,如果是一个女孩子,就可以活;

    Why not ? Because this was a Hebrew family and the King of Egypt had ordered that when a Hebrew baby was born , if it were a girl , it could live ;

  16. 故事结束于1952年,当时埃及失去了国王(因为国王流亡到了国外)。

    The story ends in 1952 , when Egypt loses its king .

  17. 荷露斯成为了埃及的新国王,下一个纪元的循环周期又重复了。

    Horus becomes the new king of Egypt , and the next age begins as the cycle repeats .

  18. 拉姆西斯二世是平民出身,但后来,他成为了古代埃及伟大的国王。

    Ramesses ⅱ was born a commoner , but became one of the greatest kings of the ancient world .

  19. 他的儿子们来到埃及后,乞求国王卖小麦给他们。

    The sons came to Egypt and asked the ruler to sell them some wheat .

  20. 本周,我很荣幸欢迎埃及总统和约旦国王来白宫访问。

    This week , I was honored to welcome the President of Egypt and the King of Jordan to the White House .

  21. 这里曾是古埃及的权力中心,同时也是古埃及国王图坦卡蒙的墓室。

    It was once the center of Egyptian power , and it 's home to Tutankamun 's burial chamber .

  22. 亚历山大死后由其大将托勒密掌握埃及统治权,于公元前305年建立托勒密王朝,称埃及国王,直到公元前30年罗马帝国征服埃及,托勒密王朝结束。

    After the death of Alexander , his tycoon Ptolemy seized the mastery of ruling Egypt , who became the king of Egypt and established the Ptolemy Dynasty in BC . 305 . With the Roman subjection in BC .

  23. 当他大约三至五岁的时候,约基别知道是要把他带到公主那里去的时候了。埃及的公主把他带到埃及的王宫中,而且是在埃及国王的王宫里。

    When he was probably between 3 and 5 years old , Jochebed knew it was time to take him to the princess .