
  1. 为贯彻《中华人民共和国海上国际集装箱运输管理规定》而制定的行政规章。

    Rules for the Implementation of the Provisions of the P.R.C.for the Marine Transport Management of International Containers .

  2. 若干海上国际犯罪及其立法问题研究界定和惩罚在公海上所犯的海盗和重罪以及违反国际法的犯罪行为;

    To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas , and Offences against the Law of Nations ;

  3. 保险起源于海上国际航运,并已成为国际航运不可或缺的组成部分,对促进航运、贸易起着重要作用。

    First of all , insurance derives from international navigation and has become the essential part of international navigation , which promotes shipping and trade .

  4. 论文是以《联合国全程或部分海上国际货物运输合同公约》(以下简称《鹿特丹规则》)中的一类参与方,即海运履约方为研究对象的。

    The thesis is based on a class of participants in United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea ( hereinafter referred to as the " Rotterdam Rules ") for study .

  5. 《联合国全部或部分海上国际货物运输合同公约》即《鹿特丹规则》已于2008年12月11日在联合国大会通过,她是国际海上货物运输法领域新的里程碑。

    United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea as the Rotterdam Rules was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 11 December 2008 . It is the new milestone in the field of international law of carriage of goods by see .

  6. 防止海上油污国际会议

    International Conference on the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil

  7. 论海上保险国际统一立法的必要性&基于法经济学视角的分析

    The Harmonization of Marine Insurance Law & Based on Economic Analysis of Law

  8. 海上石油国际合作项目的风险评价特点分析

    Risk evaluation of international offshore petroleum cooperation programs

  9. 波罗的海国际航运会议防止海上油污国际会议

    Baltic International Maritime Conference International Conference on the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil

  10. 国际海上犯罪国际刑法适用模式有两种,一般采用间接适用模式。

    There are two modes in the application of the International criminal law placed on international Crimes on the sea .

  11. 海啸带来的这件古代礼物将于下个月在印度德里市举行的海上考古学国际研讨会上露面。

    The ancient " gifts " of the tsunami are expected to be presented to an international seminar on maritime archaeology in Delhi next month .

  12. 论海上恐怖主义对国际法的挑战与应对

    On Responses to Challenges of Maritime Terrorism to International Law

  13. 海上保险法国际协调的必要性及前景分析

    Harmonization of marine insurance law : necessity and prospects

  14. 海洋交通运输英语重要性日益提高,因为其与海上安全和国际贸易的发展紧密相关。

    Maritime Transportation English is increasingly important due to its close relationship with safety at sea and development of international trade .

  15. 海上运输是国际间硫磺运输的主要方式,而港口码头作为海上运输的主要节点,其在硫磺运输过程中的重要性也日益凸显。

    Marine transportation is the main form of sulfur transportation , and port terminals as the main node of it , the importance becomes noticeable in process of sulfur transportation .

  16. 探讨了法律协调的含义和动因,分析了海上保险立法国际协调运动的客观基础,并对海上保险立法国际协调运动的现状和当前存在的障碍进行了论述。

    This paper , on the basis of the theory of legal harmonization , examines the foundations for harmonization of marine insurance law and explores its current status and the main obstacles to this movement .

  17. 第二章通过比较分析的方法,将在海上保险中国际上比较认可的英国法有关最大诚信原则的规定和我国立法规定做一比较分析,以期对我国立法能有所裨益。

    The chapter two in this thesis compare the legislation of the principle of utmost good faith between in England and in China , so as to the England legislation can be beneficial to our country .

  18. 海运是当今国际社会开展国际贸易的主要运输方式,海上贸易在国际贸易中所占的比例不断增大,国际航线的安全与否直接关系着各国贸易活动能否正常进行。

    Ocean transportation is the main form of transportation used by the international community today , and the share of maritime trade in international trade continuously is increasing . Whether the international routes are safe or not are directly related to normality of trade activities between countries .

  19. 海上保险立法的国际协调:基础、现状和障碍

    Harmonization of marine insurance law : foundations , status and obstacles

  20. 海上石油运输通道国际安全制度之构建

    International Security System Construction on Marine Petroleum Transport Channel

  21. 国际海上交通组织委员会国际海上交通机构委员会

    International Committee for the Organization of Traffic at Sea

  22. 国际海上人命安全公约国际安全管理法规

    International Safety Management Code for the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea

  23. 提单具有可转让性,是海上货物运输及国际贸易领域所不可缺少的重要单证之一。

    Being negotiable , Bill of lading is one of the important documents both in carriage of goods by sea and international trade .

  24. 随着世界经济及航运业的发展,海上运输已经成为国际间对外贸易的主要手段。

    With the deep development of world economy and ship industry , waterway transport has been the main mode for foreign trade among countries .

  25. 随着世界各国之间贸易交往的不断深入,海上运输已经成为国际间货物运输的主要形式。

    With the rapid development of the international trade , the carriage of goods by sea has been playing a more and more important role .

  26. 国际海事公约通过规范海上活动在保证国际贸易及运输安全性和公平性上起到了关键的作用。

    The International Maritime Conventions , by setting the standardization and regulation of maritime activities , plays an important role to guarantee the security and equality of international trade and transportation .

  27. 海上货运代理人随着国际贸易和国际运输的发展,不断扩大其经营范围,从传统意义上的货运代理人发展到无船承运人、多式联运经营人和物流经营人。

    With the development of the international trade and international transportation , Freight Forwarder has enlarged its operating scope and developed NVOCC from traditional Freight Forward whose responsibility is as an agent .

  28. 在今年11月19日第三届海上丝绸之路国际旅游节开幕式上,中国国家旅游局数据中心宣布在海滨城市福州建立第二中心。

    China National Tourism Administration Data Center announced the establishment a sub-center in China 's coastal city Fuzhou , at the opening ceremony of the Third Maritime Silk Road International Tourism Festival on Nov.19 .

  29. 解决不好上述两方面的困扰,就会使法律适用的结果与商业活动的实际不相适合,进而妨碍海上货物运输和国际贸易的发展。

    Protection of their interests becomes ever important , otherwise , the application of laws will be incompatible with business activities , which will hamper development of carriage of goods by sea and international trade .

  30. 而《鹿特丹规则》则首次以专章的形式明确完整地规定了货物控制权制度,第一次在有关海上货物运输的国际公约中引入货物控制权及控制方的概念。

    And the Rotterdam rules in the form of chapters is the first to the goods completely regulations explicitly control system , for the first time in relevant international conventions to the carriage of goods by sea introducing goods the concept of control and control square .