
  • 网络Open Strategy
  1. 在我国加入WTO,实行全方位开放战略的背景下,地方政府如何促进西部民营经济的发展具有重要意义。

    After joining the WTO and practicing all-directions open strategy , it makes an important meaning for the local government to promote western private economy 's development .

  2. 以开放战略巩固重庆的西南经济中心地位

    Taking Open Strategy to Strengthen Chongqing 's Economic Central Status in Southwest

  3. 加入WTO与我国对外开放战略的转变

    Entry to the WTO and the Adjustment of the Strategy of Opening to the Outside World

  4. 对外直接投资(ODI)已经成为中国主动参与经济全球化,获取国际战略资源和在更高层次上实施对外开放战略的主要形式之一。

    ODI has become the important means of China to active economic globalization , to access international strategic resources and implement the strategy of Opening-up .

  5. 新时期中国的对外开放战略

    A Study on China 's Opening-up Strategy in a New Period

  6. 我国西部开发中的对外开放战略问题探析

    On External Opening Strategy for Development of Western Part of China

  7. 我国实施走出去开放战略的意义与对策

    On China 's Practice of " Going Out " Strategic Policy

  8. 矿产资源走出去开放战略的基本构架及政策建议

    International Expansion of Mineral Resources Exploration Strategic Conception and Policy Proposal

  9. 互利共赢条件下中国外商直接投资开放战略的调整&基于生产国际分割的理论视角

    The Adjustment of Chinese Open FDI Strategy under Reciprocal Double-win Conditions

  10. 根据本国利益需要和现实环境选择开放战略;

    Selecting policy on the basis of national interests and reality ;

  11. 互利共赢的开放战略高度活跃的开放格局

    An Opening Strategy for Mutual Benefits and a Setup for Active Opening-up

  12. 对外开放战略从和谐中国转向和谐世界,使社会主义和谐社会建设具有世界意义。

    From opening strategy of harmonious China to " harmonious word " .

  13. 论开放战略与中国经济发展

    On the Opening - up Strategy and the Development of China Economy

  14. 贸易投资一体化与中国对外开放战略

    Integration of Trade and Investment and China 's Opening - up Strategy

  15. 要素分工与中国开放战略的选择

    The Division of Factors and The Choice of China 's Openning Strategies

  16. 论中国沿边地区对外开放战略的几个问题

    Problems Concerning the Opening-up Strategy in China 's Frontier Areas

  17. 印度经济对外开放战略选择

    Selection of the open door strategy in Indian economy

  18. 太原市实施全方位开放战略

    Taiyuan Practices All - round Open - door Strategy

  19. 实施走出去开放战略加快开放型经济发展

    Execute " Walk-out " Strategy , Speed-up Economic Development

  20. 基于新疆地缘功能的西向开放战略研究

    Studies on the Western Opening Strategy Based on the Geopolitical Function of Xinjiang

  21. 经济全球化趋势下的黑龙江省对外开放战略

    Trend of economic globalization and Heilongjiang provincial strategy in opening to the outside world

  22. 建设和谐世界与开放战略的调整

    Cultivating a Harmonious World and Adjusting Opening Strategy

  23. 全方位改革开放战略格局逐步形成

    The strategy setup of an all-round reform and opening up is gradually taking shape

  24. 走出去开放战略的思考

    Reflection on Open Strategy of Going Out

  25. 在新形势下实行更有效的对外开放战略

    China Should Adopt More Efficient Opening Strategy

  26. 中国始终奉行互利共赢的开放战略,倡导国际经济合作。

    China has always championed our mutually beneficial opening-up policy and advocated international economic cooperation .

  27. 我国优势资源性产品的开放战略&出口原材料限制案启示

    Opening-up Strategy of China Advantageous Resources Products

  28. 十七大报告指出要“始终不渝奉行互利共赢的开放战略”,博弈论是研究互利共赢问题的有力工具。

    Game theory is a powerful tool to study the issues of mutual benefit and win-win .

  29. 全球化视野下的重庆市对外开放战略

    Opening-up Strategy of Chongqing under Globalization

  30. 对外开放战略的历史考察与理论创新

    A Study on the History of the Opening - up Strategy and the Innovation of the Theory