
  • 网络open source;open-source;open source software;Open Source Code
  1. 拥护者认为开放源代码软件安全性更高。

    Supporters say open source software is more secure .

  2. 加内特·米歇尔:比尔,在采访节目的最后,斯科特·麦克尼利已经开始着手开放源代码软件的构想了,是吗?

    GARRET MICHEL : And finally , Bill , there was talk there at the end of the interview that Scott McNealy is really into the whole idea of open source software isn 't he , as it was ?

  3. Web服务和客户机可以通过使用各种开放源代码框架来实现。

    Web services and clients can be implemented using various open source frameworks .

  4. 用于Web服务实现的开放源代码框架

    Opensource frameworks for web service implementation

  5. Eclipse是一个开放源代码的、基于Java的可扩展开发平台。

    Eclipse is a Java-based , extensible open source development platform .

  6. 其中较为常见的是以LINUX开放源代码为基础进行开发。

    Many of them based on Linux kernel which is open source .

  7. Linux因其免费的开放源代码,以及稳定的性能,越来越受到广大用户所青睐。

    Linux is popularly applied for it 's speciality of free and open codes .

  8. Boost是一套开放源代码、高度可移植的C++库。

    Boost is an open source and highly portable C + + library .

  9. ApacheAnt是一个基于Java的开放源代码构建实用工具。

    Apache Ant is an open-source Java-based build utility .

  10. 现在许多开放源代码的程序都会附带有configure脚本。

    A lot of open source programs come with configure scripts these days .

  11. Linux操作系统也是自由软件和开放源代码发展中最著名的例子。

    Linux operating system is free software and open source development of the most famous example .

  12. Velocity是一种高度实用的、开放源代码的模板引擎,可以方便地集成到其他客户端或服务器端应用程序中。

    Velocity is a highly functional , open source templating engine that you can easily integrate into either client-side or server-side applications .

  13. 林登实验室计划增聘雇员,向开放源代码(OpenSource)社区开放系统,以帮助公司发展。

    Linden Lab 's plan is to hire more people and to open up its system to the Open Source community to aid its development .

  14. 开放源代码计划(OpenSoftwareInitiative)是一家非营利机构,它明确定义了开放源代码的含义及满足其标准的认证许可证。

    The Open Software Initiative is a nonprofit organization that explicitly defines what open source means and certifies licenses that meet its criteria .

  15. Java™应用程序的一个总趋势是在开发应用程序时使用开放源代码软件。

    A general trend in the world of Java ™ applications is to use open source software while developing applications .

  16. 对于高级用户界面设计来说,作为可选的开放源代码平台,Linux已经把握住了先机。

    Linux is leading the pack as the open source platform of choice for advanced user interface design .

  17. 使用诸如开放源代码的EclipseProcessFramework(请参见参考资料)等企业流程框架可以帮助您处理这个里程碑。

    Using an enterprise process framework such as the open source Eclipse Process Framework ( see Resources ) can help you with this milestone .

  18. R是一门通用的、面向统计的开放源代码的语言,它基于20多年的产品经验,可以与行业产品相媲美。

    R is an industrial-strength , general-purpose , statistics-oriented open source language based on more than two decades of production experience .

  19. 今天,大量商业和开放源代码产品使用Eclipse平台作为他们的开发基础。

    Today , numerous commercial and open-source products use the Eclipse platform as their tooling foundation .

  20. 谷歌将不直接从chrome操作系统这样的开放源代码软件中赚钱。

    Google makes no money directly from open-source software like Chrome OS .

  21. 该报告的另一个重要主题是开放源代码对中间件领域的影响,尤其是Spring框架。

    Another significant theme of the paper was the impact of open source , and especially the Spring Framework , on the middleware space .

  22. 但这些开放源代码在商业应用上还有不足,因此对Radius进行二次开发具有较大的商业应用价值。

    But these open sources have many shortcomings in business application . Therefore , re-development of Radius makes sense .

  23. 除了前面已经讨论过的开发外,还有其他一些基于Linux的开放源代码包,它们在云环境中也比较有用。

    In addition to the developments already discussed , several other Linux-based open source packages are useful in cloud environments .

  24. 根据嵌入式系统对内存分配可靠性要求,在研究现行PC机上通用的内存保护策略基础上,以开放源代码的嵌入式操作系统Ethernet内存管理为依托,提出了一种可行的内存保护策略。

    Based on the embedded operating system , the paper presents a protection strategy for Ethernet Memory Management .

  25. 最好的一点是,本文所讨论的一切都是遵循标准的代码,这些代码是用Java代码编写,而且是用开放源代码的软件构建的。

    Best of all , everything this article discusses is standards-compliant code , written in Java code , and built using open-source software .

  26. 当然您也可以使用其他的servlet容器,无论是开放源代码产品,还是IBMWebSphereApplicationServer这样的商业产品。

    You are free to use another servlet container & either an open-source one or a commercial product like IBM WebSphere Application Server .

  27. ApacheAxis框架提供了JAX-RPCJavaWeb服务标准的一个广泛使用的开放源代码实现。

    The Apache Axis framework provides a widely used open source implementation of the JAX-RPC Java Web services standard .

  28. Linux是UNIX在PC机上的实现,它是一种开放源代码的分时操作系统。

    Linux is realization of UNIX on PC , and it is open source and time-sharing operating system .

  29. Linux是一个开放源代码的操作系统,它被广泛的用于科学计算,数据服务等领域。

    Linux is an open source operating system , widely used in scientific computation , database services , and personal workstations .

  30. 或者,一些开放源代码工具能为在不同语言和操作系统中生成客户机提供便利。(这里有SOAP软件工具清单)。

    As an alternative , several open-source tools provide facilities to generate clients in different languages and operating systems .