
  • 网络Assembly Instruction;assembler directives
  1. 它是作为一条mftb汇编指令实现的。

    It is implemented as a single mftb assembly instruction .

  2. 我们实现的内核线程可以通过利用INT汇编指令为我们的设备驱动程序(而不是为卡)来触发中断(软件生成IRQ)。

    The kernel thread that we implement will raise the interrupt ( the software-generated IRQ ) for our device driver ( and not for our card ) by making use of the INT assembly instruction .

  3. 下面是上述该C代码的等价汇编指令

    Here are the assembly instructions for the above C code

  4. 输出操作数是将对其执行汇编指令输出的C表达式。

    The output operands are the C expressions on which the output of the assembly instructions will be performed .

  5. 另外一种方式是使用multiply汇编指令

    Another alternative is to use the multiply assembly instructions

  6. 通过介绍函数功能实现所用汇编指令以及TI的C编译环境软堆栈结构和C语言调用规范,详细描述了C可调用DSP程序存储空间访问技术的程序实现方法。

    Through the introduction of assembly instruction that the function needs , the soft stack structure of TI 's C-compiler and C function calling conventions , the C callable DSP program memory accessing technique has been described in detail .

  7. 具体实现工作中对算法的关键部分用MMX汇编指令进行了优化,从而在整体上优化了系统性能。

    During implementation , MMX assemble commands are used to optimize the key parts of the algorithm which can also improve the system performance .

  8. 借助RTSL语言,用户可以避开汇编指令和计算机硬件的细节,而用户源程序却可以直接转换为采用定点算法的汇编语言程序,因而仿真软件将以较高的速度运行。

    With RTSL , users need not involve in the assembler and hardware , source programs written in RTSL can be adapted to symbolic language program using fixed-point arithmetic . Consequently the simulation software will be run in higher speed .

  9. 而且,你应该知道大部分的汇编指令。

    Furthermore , you should know most of the assembly instructions .

  10. 接下来,我将深入讨论一下实际的汇编指令本身。

    Next , I 'll go into the actual assembly instructions themselves .

  11. 交互式动态学习汇编指令系统的实现

    Implementation of Interactive and Dynamic System of Assemble Instructions

  12. 本文介绍了将汇编指令的隐含执行过程“搬”到屏幕上的交互式动态演示系统的性能及实现方法。

    This paper discusses the performance and the implementation of the interactive and dynamic demonstration system , which demonstrates the executive process of assemble instructions on the screen .

  13. 之后,针对恶意程序中使用动态搜索、加载调用库函数等情况,提出了根据汇编指令序列特征和库函数名称存放特点识别库函数调用行为的方法及算法。

    Second , according to the analysis of assemble instruction sequence and the characteristics of the storages of library function name , a method to identify library function calling is proposed to deal with searching and loading library function dynamically by malware .

  14. 为了实现对不同体系结构内嵌代码的统一处理,提出了用程序解释汇编指令的中间表示生成方法,解决了以往在实现中间表示生成时需要编写大量的指令模板的问题。

    In order to deal with different platform embedded code , a method of generating intermediate presentation is presented . Through interpreting assemble instructions by program , this method solves the problem that excessive instruction templates are needed to be wrote in the implement of generating intermediate presentation . 3 .

  15. 注意,这种intrinsic通常与对应的汇编语言指令具有相同的限制。

    Note that the intrinsics generally have the same limitations as their corresponding assembly language instructions .

  16. 您很可能是通过将汇编语言指令插入到C语句的中间(又称为内联汇编的一种方法)来执行这些任务的。

    And you probably do this by inserting assembly language instructions into the middle of C statements ( a method otherwise known as inline assembly ) .

  17. 从列表的第一个元素获取数据的函数称为car(这个名字是古老的汇编语言指令的延续)。

    The function to retrieve the data from the first element of a list is called car ( a name which is a holdover from an ancient assembly language instruction ) .

  18. 基于VFP的汇编语言指令图形化的研究

    Research on Assemble Language Graphic Instruction based on VFP

  19. 文中给出的算法具有一定的通用性和实用性,并用Z-80汇编语言指令写出相应的程序。

    Computing methods presented here are common and practical . Their programs are given in Z-80 assembly instruction .

  20. 对于某些对象文件格式,调试信息被封装到统称为STAB指令的汇编程序指令中,这些指令分布在生成的代码中。

    For some object file formats , the debugging information is encapsulated in assembler directives known collectively as STAB directives , which are interspersed with the generated code .

  21. 但是这种OOP向序列指令的归结和实际为每个操作所执行的汇编程序指令一样,都不是系统架构设计师或程序员所关心的事。

    But this reduction of OOP into sequential instructions is of no more concern to a system architect or a programmer than the actual assembler instructions executed for every operation .

  22. 实现了GLAB实验平台,利用SUN资源开展关于RISC机器的汇编、指令系统、编译延迟槽解决流水线控制相关问题的实验。

    GLAB was implemented by providing SUN SPARC computer resources , which could be the host environment for RISC instruction sets , assembly , delay slot scheduled by compiler for eliminating pipelining control hazards .

  23. 汇编语言指令系统教学中应该重视的两个方面问题

    Two Important Aspects in the Instruction Set of Assembly Language Teaching

  24. 代表一个预定义的汇编语言指令序列的一种广义上的指令。

    A generalized instruction representing a predefined sequence of assembler language instruction .

  25. 8086汇编语言指令系统的形象图示教学法尝试

    Attempting of Visual Graphic Teaching Methods on 8086 Assemble Language Instruction System

  26. 活用8086/8088汇编语言指令

    Applications to instructions of assemble language 8086 / 8088

  27. 遗憾的是没有能直接执行汇编语言指令的计算机。

    Unfortunately , there are no computers that can directly execute assembler language instructions .

  28. 它是第一个能够从机制上验证以保证安全性的操作系统,其中包括的所有汇编语言指令都在启动时经过了静态验证,然后才会运行。

    The first operating system mechanically verified to ensure type safety including each assembly language instruction that runs after booting which is statically verified .

  29. 然而,并非所有指令都可以支持所有的向量类型&这取决于汇编语言指令处理向量的能力。

    However , not all vector types are supported by all instructions & it is based on the availability of assembly language instructions to handle it .

  30. 使用这种工具可以对所输入机器语言进行自动分析,输出程序的汇编语言指令序列、程序中的数据、程序框图以及基本块表等信息。

    Using this tool , one can analyse a program automatically , and output an assemble language program , as well as the data , flow Chart , and table of basic blocks of the program .