
Huì fēnɡ Yín hánɡ
  • HSBC Bank;Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
  1. 略论汇丰银行在近代中国的几个发展阶段及其启示

    Study on Developing Phases of Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation in Modern China

  2. 论汇丰银行与近代中国的贸易融资和国际汇兑

    On Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation and Modern China 's Trade Financing and International Exchanging

  3. 我的钱存在汇丰银行里。

    I bank with the HSBC .

  4. 汇丰银行通过提高报价击败了劳埃德保险公司。

    The Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank has trumped Lloyds by raising its offer .

  5. 汇丰银行的年度调查显示,曼彻斯特是英国购房出租的热点。

    HSBC ’ s annual survey found that the city of Manchester was Britain 's buy-to-let hotspot .

  6. 有资格获得这种信任的银行包括汇丰银行(HSBC)和渣打银行(StandardChartered)。

    Banks that qualify for such reliance would include HSBC and Standard Chartered .

  7. 汇丰银行的董事长王志浩(StephenGreen)承认,全球金融体系在2007年经历了“极度的冲击”。

    HSBC Chairman Stephen Green admits the global financial system had come under what he calls'extreme strain'in2007 .

  8. 正如汇丰银行(hsbc)指出的那样,发达国家的石油需求在下降。

    Oil demand is falling in industrialised countries , as HSBC points out .

  9. 总部位于香港的汇丰银行(HSBC)也任命了新的并购业务主管。

    Hong Kong-based HSBC also has a new head of its mergers practice .

  10. 上周晚些时候,汇丰银行(HSBC)的制造业活动指数出现11个月来的新低。

    Late last week , an HSBC manufacturing activity index registered an11-month low .

  11. 现年38岁的阿齐兹曾是汇丰银行(HSBC)的初级从业人员。

    Mr. Aziz , now 38 , had been a junior-level banker at HSBC .

  12. 汇丰银行(HSBC)则可以收购其位于土耳其的零售银行。

    HSBC could buy its Turkish retail bank .

  13. 在全球,只有汇丰银行(英国的一家银行)和通用资本(GECapital)在触角的广度和本地知识的深度方面能和花旗媲美。

    Only HSBC , a British bank , and GE Capital come close to matching its breadth of reach and depth of local knowledge .

  14. 汇丰银行估计,今年新兴市场平均GDP增长率将达到6.5%,是发达国家的四倍。

    HSBC forecasts average GDP growth of6.5 % this year , more than four times as fast as in developed countries .

  15. 汇丰银行昨日重申,它打算对Household的债券持有人负起责任,虽然这些债务对汇丰集团没有追索权。

    HSBC has today reiterated its intention to stand behind bondholders in Household , even though its debts are non-recourse to the group .

  16. 我们使用瑞士UBS银行,在中国使用在香港汇丰银行和青岛汇丰银行。

    We bank at UBS Zurich Switzerland and HSBC in Hong Kong and Qingdao .

  17. 但我突发奇想,加入了汇丰银行(HSBC)的毕业培训计划。

    But the idea stuck , and I joined the graduate training scheme at HSBC .

  18. 另外一家在开支大户中名列前十的公司&汇丰银行(HSBC)便深受其害。

    HSBC , another top 10 spender , is guilty of this , Walden says .

  19. 我先尝试了汇丰银行(HSBC),因为他们能够提供电话开户服务。

    I tried HSBC as they offered the ability to open my account by phone .

  20. 汇丰银行(hsbc)则表示,过去一年中该行在伦敦的离岸人民币交易规模增长了40%。

    HSBC said offshore renminbi trades in London rose 40 per cent in the past year .

  21. 上月,美国参议院的一项调查指控汇丰银行(hsbc)违反反洗钱规定。

    HSBC was last month accused by a US Senate investigation of violating anti-money laundering rules .

  22. 汇丰银行(hsbc)和苏格兰皇家银行(royalbankofscotland)也重新审视薪酬与产品销售挂钩的政策,并做出了一些改变。

    HSBC and Royal Bank of Scotland are also reviewing the links between pay and product sales and have made some changes .

  23. 在财新之前,汇丰银行为PMI冠名五年。

    Before Caixin , HSBC held the sponsorship of the PMI for five years .

  24. 就在上周,汇丰银行(HSBC)裁掉了大约30000名员工,占全球员工总数的十分之一。

    Just last week , HSBC cut a tenth of its global workforce , about 30,000 jobs .

  25. 汇丰银行和谷歌(google)显然有着本质上的差别,但两家公司都专注于创新和服务,同时市值也大致相当。

    HSBC and Google obviously differ in substance but both companies are focused on innovation and service , and also have roughly similar market capitalisations .

  26. 但围绕信用卡客户的争夺将非常激烈,美国运通(americanexpress)、花旗集团(citigroup)和汇丰银行等都瞄准了中国市场。

    But the competition for credit card customers will be fierce with , among others , American Express , Citigroup and HSBC all targeting the country .

  27. 汇丰银行(hsbc)经济学家屈宏斌表示,目前“经济过热的风险越来越大”。

    There is a " rising risk of economic overheating " , said Qu Hongbin , economist at HSBC .

  28. 与此同时,汇丰银行(HSBC)最新公布的采购经理人指数(PMI)表明,中国制造业增速正在放缓。

    Meanwhile , Chinese manufacturing growth is slowing down , according to HSBC 's latest purchasing managers ' index .

  29. 分析师预计,汇丰银行(hsbc)、西门子(siemens)和可口可乐(coca-cola)也在考虑赴内地上市的外资企业之列。

    Foreign companies such as HSBC , Siemens and Coca-Cola are among those analysts would expect to consider mainland listings .

  30. 此外,汇丰银行还发布了将制造业和服务业PMI指数相结合的2月份综合PMI指数。

    HSBC also released its composite PMI for February , combining the results for both manufacturing and services .