
wàn shì dá kǎ
  • Mastercard;Master card
  1. 嗯,我应该弄一张威萨卡或万事达卡?

    Hmmm * Which card should I get , Visa or Master Card ?

  2. 多数顾客用信用卡、旅行支票或万事达卡结账。

    Most clients check out by credit card , traveller 's cheques or Master card .

  3. 信用卡支付公司万事达卡和Visa正在大力推动变革。

    The card-payment companies MasterCard and Visa are pushing hard for change .

  4. 至于其新开发的支付体系,苹果将与各大零售商进行合作,如有机食品连锁店wholefoods和沃尔格林,以及信用卡公司,包括万事达卡和Visa卡。

    For its new payment system it teamed up with big retailers , such as Whole Foods and Walgreens , and credit-card firms , including MasterCard and Visa .

  5. Visa卡、万事达卡(Mastercard)和美国运通(AmericanExpress)奋斗多年,想让中国按照世界贸易组织(WorldTradeOrganization)的规定对外国公司开放银行卡系统,但中国不为所动。

    Visa , Mastercard , and American Express fought China for years to follow World Trade Organization rules and open its card system to foreign companies . Nothing happened .

  6. 这项服务在启动之初将只支持万事达卡,不过谷歌在周一宣布,已将维萨、Discover和美国运通卡加入到服务中,未来将能够一并使用。

    At launch the service works with MasterCard but Google announced Monday that Visa , Discover and American Express have been added to the service and could be available in the future .

  7. 谷歌钱包只能在配备万事达卡(MasterCard)PayPass无线支付终端的商店使用。

    Paying with Google Wallet is possible only at stores that offer MasterCard PayPass .

  8. 接受美国运通的商家数量赶不上Visa和万事达卡,但借助沃尔玛的规模(美国每周1.4亿顾客),“蓝鸟”有展翅高飞的空间。

    Amex does not quite have the acceptance of Visa and MasterCard , but combined with Walmart 's reach - 140m US customers weekly - there is room for Bluebird to spread its wings .

  9. 再没有什么比一个不必担心气候变化的世界更加宝贵了。万事达卡(MasterCard)联合深谙商业之道的环保团体BrighterPlanet推出企业客户碳足迹报告服务。

    Because a world without climate change is priceless , MasterCard has teamed up with the business-savvy environmental group , Brighter Planet , to offer corporate customers carbon footprint reports .

  10. 万事达卡国际组织(MasterCardWorldwide)全球经济顾问王月魂(YuwaHedrick-Wong)说曼谷吸引游客的原因之一是到这里旅游物超所值。

    MasterCard Worldwide 's global economic adviser Yuwa Hedrick-Wong cited overall value for money spent for why Bangkok is attractive .

  11. 接下来的一个月,在FIFA与万事达卡达成和解数日之后,布拉特选择瓦尔克作为秘书长——FIFA的二号职务。

    The next month , days after FIFA reached a settlement with MasterCard , Mr. Blatter chose Mr. Valcke to be secretary general , the organization 's No. 2 post .

  12. 据万事达卡(MasterCard)周一发布的年度全球旅游目的地城市指数(GlobalDestinationCitiesIndex)显示,泰国首都曼谷成为世界第一大旅游目的地,预计今年将迎来1598万游客。这已是万事达卡连续第三年发布该指数。

    Bangkok has emerged as the world 's top tourist destination , with 15.98 million visitors projected to descend in Thailand 's capital city this year , according to the third annual Global Destination Cities Index released by MasterCard on Monday .

  13. EMV代表Europay卡、万事达卡和Visa卡的首字母简写,是一种让信用卡读卡器互通互用的国际标准。

    EMV , which stands for Europay , MasterCard and Visa , is the international standard for credit card reader interoperability .

  14. 信用卡接受:美国运通卡、大莱卡、JCB卡、万事达卡、维萨卡和所有中国银联卡。

    Credit Cards accepted : Amercian Express , Diners , JCB , Mastercard , Visa Cards and all China UnionPay Cards .

  15. 新技术可以跟踪用户的行为,当他们偏离正常操作轨道就会提出警告。这一技术被称为MasterCard(万事达卡?)

    The new technology , called MasterCard , will track users'behaviors and will send out alerts any time the person strays away from their regular A-Space pattern .

  16. 仅举一个例子,2006年国际足联抛弃了长期以来的信用卡合作伙伴万事达卡(Mastercard)转而与维萨卡(Visa)合作——这一决定引来一名纽约法官的严厉责难。

    Take , as just one , the ditching in 2006 of MasterCard , FIFA 's long-term credit-card partner , for Visa - a decision which drew a scathing rebuke from a New York judge .

  17. 以目前支持的万事达卡为例,用户可以在安装了PayPass读取设备的商家进行支付。

    In the MasterCard example , people can pay with merchants that have the PayPass reader technology .

  18. 2003年,他加入FIFA担任市场总监,但是于2006年12月被解雇。原因是一名纽约法官做出裁决,包括他在内的一些人在与万事达卡(MasterCard)和Visa卡就一项赞助协议进行谈判时曾反复撒谎。

    He joined FIFA in 2003 as its marketing director but was fired in December 2006 after a New York judge ruled that he and others lied repeatedly in negotiations with MasterCard and Visa over a sponsorship deal .

  19. 由于苹果不准备与银联展开直接竞争,因此控制了中国国内交易的银联给苹果让出的收入,可能会低于苹果在其他地区由于万事达卡、Visa卡、美国运通和Discover多家竞争获得的收入。

    While Apple isn 't trying to compete directly with Unionpay , the monopoly controls transactions in China and likely won 't give Apple the same slice of revenues the company may receive elsewhere where Mastercard , Visa , American Express , and Discover compete against each other .

  20. 如果比特币在国际市场上的汇率能稳定下来,有望最终进入合法的金融体系,威胁到众多银行以及Visa、万事达卡(MasterCard)等支付运营商的重要利润来源。

    If bitcoin is able to stabilize its value on the international markets , it could eventually creep into the legitimate world of finance , threatening major profit centers for both the banks and payment operators like visa and MasterCard .

  21. “中国确实在努力加快建设,以创造就业岗位,因此新增机场吞吐能力几乎肯定会超过需求,”万事达卡国际组织(mastercard)跟踪亚太区经济发展的王月魂(yuwahedrick-wong)说。

    " China is really trying to speed up construction to create jobs , so additional airport supply will almost certainly outpace demand , " said Yuwa hedrick-wong , who tracks Asian economic developments for MasterCard .

  22. 我想我对万事达卡最感兴趣。

    A MasterCard interests me the most , I think .

  23. 你有维萨卡或者万事达卡吗?

    Have you got a Visa card or a MasterCard ?

  24. 我能用信用卡偿还万事达卡吗?

    Can I pay may Visa with my Master Card ?

  25. 我想我的万事达卡出了点问题。

    I have a little problem with my mastercard .

  26. 出我们收美国通运卡、万事达卡和维萨卡。

    We accept American express , master or visa .

  27. 我的签证卡是十六位数字,万事达卡又是十六位。

    My Visa card has sixteen digits ; my Master card has another sixteen .

  28. 万事达卡,广泛应用的信用卡。

    Visa card a widely used credit card .

  29. 你收维萨卡还是万事达卡?

    Do you take vasa or mustercard ?

  30. 万事达卡的一名发言人表示,公司已经向成员银行发出警报。

    A Master Card spokesman says the company has sent out alerts to member banks .