
wàn gǔ méi sù
  • vancomycin;vacocin vancomycin
万古霉素[wàn gǔ méi sù]
  1. 结论Etest可以便捷直观地鉴定对万古霉素异质性耐药葡萄球菌的药敏结果,与琼脂平板对倍稀释法接近,优于纸片法。

    Conclusion E-test can conveniently identify the heterogeneously vancomycin resistant Staphylococci similar to the agar dilution method and superior to the paper disks .

  2. MRS对万古霉素最敏感,敏感率100%;

    MRS was firstly susceptible to Vancomycin ( Vancomycin resistance rate 0 );

  3. 目的探讨Etest对异质性耐万古霉素葡萄球菌的检测价值。

    Objective To evaluate the value of E-test strip in the identification of heterogeneously vancomycin-resistant Staphylococci spp .

  4. 万古霉素诱发的线性IgA大疱病表现为中毒性表皮坏死松解症

    Vancomycin-induced linear IgA bullous disease presenting as toxic epidermal necrolysis

  5. 有效降解万古霉素废水COD的真菌菌株筛选及研究

    A study on the screening of fungal strains and the degradation of COD in vancomycin production wastewater

  6. MRS重症感染应首选糖肽类抗生素万古霉素治疗。

    Vancomycin is the first choice for the treatment of severe systemic infections caused by MRS strains .

  7. 认为MRS以万古霉素治疗效果最佳,其次为呋喃妥因。

    Vancomycin is the most effective medicine for the therapy of MRS , and Nitrofurantoin ranks second .

  8. 美国CDC报道第一例万古霉素耐药的金黄色葡萄球菌感染病例

    CDC reports first case of vancomycin resistant Staphylococcus aureus

  9. 万古霉素对MRSA的体外抗菌活性非常强。

    Vancomycin has very high activity to the isolates of MRSA in vitro .

  10. 载万古霉素-HA钢板能有效的携载万古霉素,且保持了其抑菌活性,但其有效抑菌效果仅维持24h。

    VCM-HA loaded plates carried Vancomycin effectively and kept their bacteriostatic activity , but only sustained 24h .

  11. 万古霉素在MRSA老年下呼吸道感染患者体内的药代动力学研究

    The pharmacokinetics of vancomycin in the elderly patients with MRSA infected lower respiratory tract

  12. 万古霉素不同给药方案对MRSA大鼠肺炎模型的疗效观察及耐药性研究

    Effects and Drug Resistances of Vancomycin Administered in Different Dosage in Rats MRSA Pneumonia Model

  13. 建立快捷、实用的去甲万古霉素治疗药物监测(TDM)方法。

    And to establish a rapid method for therapeutic drug monitoring ( TDM ) of norvancomycin .

  14. 去甲万古霉素和(或)阿米卡星可作为治疗CRS的首选用药。

    Vancomycin and ( or ) amikacin may be first chosen to treat CRS .

  15. 盐酸万古霉素中杂质的LC-MS分析

    LC-MS analysis of impurities of vancomycin hydrochloride

  16. CNS对多种抗菌药物耐药,对万古霉素敏感,对利福霉素、复方新诺明、环丙沙星(除溶血葡萄球菌外)耐药率相对较低。

    The drug-resistant rate of CNS ( except S.haemolyticus ) to rifampicin , trimethoprim / sulfamethoxazole and ciprofloxacin was relatively lower .

  17. 各型MRS除万古霉素、呋喃妥因、利福平和林可霉素,对其余药物敏感率(S+I)%较低;

    Except Nitrofurantion , Rifampin , Clindamycin and Vancomycin , MRS ( S + I ) % To the rest antibiotics was more less than MSS .

  18. 万古霉素和去甲万古霉素对MRSA无1例耐药。

    MRSA was very sensitive to both vancomycin and norvancomycin with no report of antibiotic resistance to them .

  19. MRSA的耐药性非常严重,万古霉素等糖肽类抗生素是唯一有效的抗菌药物。

    The resistance of MRSA is very severer , which can be treated effectively only by Glycopeptides antibiotics .

  20. MRSA临床分离株大多是多重耐药,仅对糖肽类抗生素如万古霉素敏感。

    MRSA clinical isolates are typically multidrug resistant and could only be treated with glycopeptides such as vancomycin .

  21. 自血液分离的菌株均以E-test法测定青霉素及万古霉素的MIC值。

    The MIC of penicillin and vancomycin from blood sample was detected by E-test method .

  22. MRSA与MSSA皆对万古霉素敏感。

    Both MRSA and MSSA were susceptible to Vancomycin .

  23. 结果:抗菌药对肠球菌的MIC值以去甲万古霉素最低、红霉素最高;

    Results : In the MIC of the antimicrobic agents against Enterecoccus vancomycin was the lowest and erythromycin was the highest ;

  24. 药敏实验结果表明,R2和R4对青霉素、四环素、卡那霉素、链霉素、万古霉素有较强的抗药性。

    R2 and R4 exhibited resistance to penicillin , tetracycline , streptomycin , kanamycin and vancomycin .

  25. HPLC和微生物法测定万古霉素的血药浓度智能化微生物发酵乙醇浓度在线检测仪的研制

    Comparison between HPLC and Microbiological Method for Determination of the Content of Vancomycin in Human Serum Design and Implementation of Intelligent and On-line Measuring Device for Ethanol Concentration in Animalcule Fermentation

  26. 12株粪肠球菌中,万古霉素耐药(VRE)3株(25%);

    In 12 strains of Enterococcus faecalis , 3 strains were VRE ;

  27. 万古霉素耐药肠球菌(VRE)检出率为10.00%。

    The detectable rate of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci ( VRE ) was 10.00 % .

  28. 肠球菌中耐万古霉素肠球菌(VRE)占5.2%;

    The vancomycin resistant Enterococcus was 5.2 % , E.

  29. 但该化合物并不影响用于治疗MRSA感染的其它药物(包括万古霉素、达托霉素或利福平);

    The agent does not affect other drugs used to treat MRSA infections , including vancomycin , daptomycin , or rifampicin ;

  30. 结论:眼内注射国产盐酸去甲万古霉素08~1mg是治疗细菌性眼内炎有效而安全可靠的方法。

    Conclusion : Intraocular injection of norvancomycin HCl is safe and effective treatment for bacterial endophthalmitis .