
  • 网络the theory of everything
  1. 由于Ω不可约,最直接的结论就是,不可能存在数学的万有理论。

    Because omega is irreducible , we can immediately conclude that a theory of everything for all of mathematics cannot exist .

  2. 物理学家急于走向下一个阶段,即发现一种可以解释任何现象的万有理论。

    Physicists are keen to move on to the next stage and produce a general theory of everything .

  3. M理论(M-theory)将会成为霍金演讲的中心议题,它是一个囊括了弦理论的大数学框架,很多物理学家将M理论视为推导出万有理论的希望寄托。

    His talk will focus on M-theory , a broad mathematical framework that encompasses string theory , which is regarded by many physicists as the best hope yet of developing a theory of everything .

  4. 发射于2004年,“引力探测B”任务中使用了四个用于测量方位的超精密陀螺仪,这种仪器装置在卫星中来测量爱因斯坦关于万有引力理论的两个预言。

    Launched in2004 , the Gravity Probe B mission used four ultraprecise gyroscopes devices used to measure orientation housed in a satellite to measure two aspects of Einstein 's theory about gravity .

  5. 本算法以万有引力理论为基础,计算前景中像素点之间的引力值作为图像边缘。

    This approach is based on the law of universal gravity , it calculates the gravitation between pixels as the edge .

  6. 书中一开始就介绍了牛顿的经典的万有引力理论,作者们把这比作是攀登那令人头晕目眩的顶峰之前在山脚下进行的轻松的准备活动。

    The authors characterize their early review of Newton 's classical theory of gravitation , for example , as a gentle workout in the foothills before we head for the dizzy heights .

  7. 科学家们觉得,这两个基本理论的依托是一个量子引力理论,广义相对论和常规量子理论是它的绝佳近似值,这就像艾萨克·牛顿在17世纪后期提出的万有引力理论,除某些极端情况外,应用起来通常都没问题。

    It 's suspected that underlying both theories is a theory of quantum gravity , from which general relativity and conventional quantum theory emerge as excellent approximations just as Isaac Newton 's theory of gravity , posed in the late 17th century , works fine except in some extreme situations .

  8. 他是微积分的发明者和万有引力定律理论奠基人,他还发现了光的性质理论以及牛顿运动三定律。

    He invented differential calculus and formulated the theory of universal gravitation , a theory about the nature of light , and three laws of motion .

  9. 万有引力定律的理论推导与等效原理的证明

    The Proof of Equivalent Principles by Deducing the Equation of the Law of Universal Gravitation from the Theory of Relativity