
wàn shòu jú
  • marigold;African marigold;French marigold
万寿菊[wàn shòu jú]
  1. 超临界流体CO2萃取万寿菊黄色素成分分析万寿菊中叶黄素的提取及抗氧化研究

    Components study of the yellow pigment from Marigold by supercritical CO_2 extraction

  2. 万寿菊提取物和维生素E对鸡蛋品质、抗氧化能力及免疫应答影响的研究

    Effect of Marigold Extract and Vitamin E on Egg Quality , Antioxidant Ability and Immune Response of Laying Hens

  3. 万寿菊雄性不育品系的POD同工酶分析

    Analysis of POD isozyme on male sterile lines of marigold

  4. 实验结果表明,对Cd污染耐性较强的花卉共3种,即紫茉莉、孔雀草、万寿菊。

    The results show that Cd pollution tolerance of 3 strong flower species , Mirabilis , maidenhair , marigold .

  5. 万寿菊两用系POD同工酶分析及主要观赏性状综合评价

    Analysis of POD isozymes and comprehensive evaluation of main ornamental traits on AB lines of marigold

  6. 回归设计在万寿菊黄色素提取工艺中的应用及其SAS实施

    The Application of Orthogonal Regression Design in Extraction the Marigold Yellow pigment and Its SAS program

  7. 方法反相高效液相色谱(RP-HPLC)从万寿菊的花中制备叶黄素单体及酯两个组分。

    METHODS Two fractions , free compound and esters of lutein were prepared by HPLC from the flower of marigold .

  8. 因此,用RAPD分子标记技术能够较有效地进行万寿菊种子纯度的鉴定,并且也能够为雄性不育万寿菊不育基因的研究提供一定的技术支持。

    Therefore , it is helpful to identify seed purity and it also provides technical support for the research on male sterile gene of male sterile marigold by RAPD marker .

  9. 种植密度以75000株/hm2为宜,花中叶黄素含量以开花后12d最高。并总结了万寿菊种植配套技术。

    Cultivation density : 75 000 / hm2 , xanthophylls content top-ped 12 days after flowering .

  10. 万寿菊(Tagetes)是一种适应性强的一年生草本植物,温带地区都有生长,生长期为60-120天。

    Tagetes is a adaptable annual herb growing in all the temperate zone . It 's growing period is 60-120 days .

  11. 本研究系统地评价了化学替代品1,3-二氯丙烯(1,3-D)和非化学替代技术万寿菊防治根结线虫的效果、安全性及对微生物群落的影响。

    This study evaluated the chemical substitutes 1,3-Dichloropropene and non-chemical substitute marigold on the effect of root-knot nematodes and microbial community .

  12. 控释花卉肥在盆栽万寿菊上的肥效研究

    The study on availability of controlled release flower fertilizer on Marigold

  13. 菊科类植物万寿菊中含有丰富的叶黄素。

    Marigold is a common composite plant , rich in lutein .

  14. 万寿菊中叶黄素的分离提取及抗氧化活性评价

    Separation , Extraction and Antioxidant Activity Evaluation of Lutein in Marigold

  15. 狮子:万寿菊、向日葵、黄花九轮草、天芥菜、牡丹

    Leo : Marigold , sunflower , cowslip , heliotrope , peony

  16. 大花矮型万寿菊盆栽管理技术

    Managerial Technique of Potted Short African Marigold with Big Floorers

  17. 超声波强化有机溶剂提取万寿菊中叶黄素的研究。

    Study on Ultrasonic-assisted Solvent Extraction of Lutein from Tagetes eracta Linn .

  18. 快速离体培养万寿菊植株叶片组织

    Study on Rapid Tissue-culture of Isolated Laminae from Tagetes erecta

  19. 提色素用万寿菊品种筛选和种植技术的研究

    Study on Variety Selection and Cultivation Technique of Tagetes erecta for Pigment

  20. 万寿菊干花中叶黄素酯的超声提取工艺研究

    Study on ultrasonic extraction technology of lutein esters from marigold dried flower

  21. 万寿菊营养液配比试验的研究

    A study of proportioning test of marigold nutrient fluid

  22. 万寿菊水培营养液的调试

    The Debugging of Water Planting Alimentation Liquid in Marigold

  23. 万寿菊种质资源主要观赏性状综合评价

    Main Ornamental Character Synthetic Evaluation on Marigold Germplasm Resources

  24. 研究了循环超声技术在万寿菊中叶黄素提取中的应用。

    The technical factors of the xanthophylls extraction from marigold flower were researched .

  25. 不同浓度复合肥叶面喷施对万寿菊生长的影响

    Effects of Leaf Fertilization Level on Growth of Marigold

  26. 首次报道了万寿菊细菌性叶斑病在我国的发生。

    The occurrence of marigold bacterial leaf spot was first reported in China .

  27. 万寿菊杂交育种实验初报

    Preliminary Report on Cross - breeding of Tagetes erecta

  28. 万寿菊干花中叶黄素的实验室制备

    Laboratory-scale Preparation of Lutein from Marigold Dried Flower

  29. 从万寿菊中提取叶黄素油的研究

    Study on extraction lutein oil from marigold flowers

  30. 苍耳、万寿菊、菖蒲粗提液对菜青虫的防效试验

    Effect of Extracts from Siberian Cocklebur , Aztec marigold , Calamus Against Cabbage Worm