
Huā Qí Yín Hánɡ
  • Citibank;First National City Bank
  1. 民众信心的丧失可能导致花旗银行出现挤兑,从而威胁到整个金融体系。

    Loss of confidence could trigger a run on Citibank that would threaten the entire financial system .

  2. 根据花旗银行的计算,去年欧洲最大的6家银行赚取了70亿美元利润中的大部分。

    Last year the biggest half-dozen in Europe earned the bulk of the $ 7bn in profits there , calculates Citigroup , a bank .

  3. 如果没有做到,花旗银行CEO迈克尔科尔巴的饭碗可就难保了。

    If it doesn 't , that could lead to questions about the job security of Citi CEO Michael Corbat .

  4. 本文作者为国际金融协会(InstituteofInternationalFinance)第一副董事长、花旗银行(Citibank)董事长、总裁兼首席执行官、花旗集团高级副董事长

    The writer is first vice-chairman of the Institute of International Finance , chairman , president and chief executive , of Citibank and senior vice-chairman of Citi

  5. 谷歌(Google)、花旗银行(Citibank)以及香蕉共和国(BananaRepublic)都加入了我们的行动。

    Google ( GOOG ) , Citibank ( c ) and Banana Republic ( GPS ) have joined us in this effort .

  6. 花旗银行(Citigroup)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)现在的总部都在曼哈顿中城,远离下城金融区那不见天日的狭窄街区。

    Citigroup and Morgan Stanley are headquartered in midtown & far from the dark downtown tunnels of the financial district .

  7. 90年代后期,巴克莱银行、JP摩根和花旗银行等欧美商业银行都在不同程度上实施了经济资本管理。

    And then Barclays , JP Morgan and Citibank implemented economical capital management in varying degrees .

  8. 黑客侵入花旗银行的ATM网络,盗取了客户的密码,从很多账户中窃取了200多万美元。

    Hackers broke into Citibank 's network ATM machine , snatched the people 's pin numbers and stole some 2 million dollars from a range of bank accounts .

  9. 这个筹备中的项目,可能意味着产能过剩的危险正隐隐逼近:花旗银行(Citi)指出,4年间产能超过15亿吨。

    The project pipeline may indicate that overcapacity looms : more than 1.5bn tonnes of capacity over four years , Citi notes .

  10. 例如,如果你是一名花旗银行(CitiBank)的程序员,参与这些项目尤其重要。

    Doing these projects is especially important if you 're , say , a programmer for CitiBank .

  11. 在零售层面,花旗银行(Citibank)一直的扩张速度已经达到了中国监管部门所允许的上限。

    On the retail level , Citibank is expanding as fast as Chinese regulators will let it .

  12. 花旗银行(Citibank)安排了此宗销售。

    Citibank arranged the sale .

  13. 在花旗银行(citibank)工作8年之后,他加入诺基亚并迅速获得提升。

    He worked for eight years at Citibank before joining Nokia and progressing quickly through the ranks .

  14. 花旗银行(Citi)、美林(MerrillLynch)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)的董事会都曾与他接洽,询问他是否有可能管理它们境况不佳的公司。

    The boards of Citi , Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley have all approached him as a potential candidate to run their ailing firms .

  15. SEC则应当弄清,应当建立起怎样的一套监管机制,来对花旗银行的内部流程进行评估,确保公司的改革落到实处。

    The SEC should address what kind of regulatory oversight it will establish to review Citi 's processes until the fixes at the company have been made .

  16. 这让消费者信心指数倒退至2009年的水平。当时花旗银行(CitiC)濒临倒闭,美国股市价格仅有现在的一半。

    That puts the consumer sentiment index at a level last seen in2009 , when Citi ( C ) was assumed to be bankrupt and the stock market fetched half its current price .

  17. 今年二月,在一位花旗银行(Citibank)调查分析师的带领下,一群投资人访问了苹果公司(Apple)。

    In February of this year , a group of investors visited apple as part of a " bus tour " led by a research analyst for Citibank .

  18. 然而,包括花旗银行(Citibank)和汇丰银行(HSBC)在内的大型国际银行表示,甚至还没有人就转移这笔资金的问题与它们接洽。

    However , big international banks , including Citibank and HSBC , said they had not even been approached about transferring the funds .

  19. 最近美国一系列政府网站遭受网络袭击,加之花旗银行(Citigroup)和索尼(Sony)等大公司的被黑,促使政企两界纷纷出手,招揽更优秀的防黑客人才。

    Recent high-profile hacks of government sites , Citigroup ( c ) , and Sony ( SNE ) have added to the rush for more qualified staff .

  20. 对规模较小、较为简单的金融机构的估测数据将较为可靠,而对花旗银行(citibank)和高盛(goldmansachs)等机构,则需要一些臆测。

    The estimates would be reasonably reliable for the smaller , simpler institutions , but the likes of Citibank and Goldman Sachs would require some guesswork .

  21. 来自美国的报道称,花旗银行数千万美元资金被电脑黑客窃取,FBI正在进行调查。

    Reports from the United States say the FBI is investigating the apparent theft of tens of millions of dollars from Citi Bank by computer hackers .

  22. 花旗银行(citibank)经济学家估计,若全面实施,这将使美国经济增速下滑0.25个百分点。

    Economists at Citibank estimate that sequestration , if implemented in full , would trim 0.25 percentage points from US growth .

  23. 作为花旗银行(citibank)的前任高管,卢需要打消外界对其是否有意严肃对待特殊利益的疑虑。

    As a former senior Citibank executive , Mr Lew needs to dispel doubts over his willingness to face down special interests .

  24. 本周,花旗银行将几个部门合并为新的民用房贷部门,而ubs则否认其要将投资银行业务出售的谣言。

    This week Citi folded several units into a new residential-mortgage business , and UBS was prompted to deny rumours that it will try to offload its investment bank .

  25. 这两家私人股本公司加入花旗银行(citibank)、东亚银行(bea)和汇丰(hsbc)等银行的行列,获得了提供人民币理财产品的资格。

    The two private equity firms join banks such as Citibank , Bank of East Asia and HSBC in their ability to offer Renminbi products .

  26. 花旗银行(Citibank)经济学家迈克尔桑德斯(MichaelSaunders)在谈到英国遭遇的类似处境时曾表示:除了制造这种失衡,他们别无选择。

    As Michael Saunders , economist at Citibank , says of a similar situation in the UK : They had no option but to create this imbalance .

  27. 本文主要针对花旗银行成都分行的QDⅡ理财业务进行了发展性、策略性的研究分析。

    This paper is mainly carried out QDII sales strategic research of Chengdu Branch Citibank and analyzes its internal and external market environment of QDII business .

  28. 迄今为止,36家企业获得了自贸区的牌照,包括8家本土银行和两家外资银行:花旗银行(Citibank)和星展银行(DBS)。

    So far , 36 enterprises have been granted licences in the zone , including eight local banks and two foreign banks : Citibank and DBS .

  29. Aziz说,我们的目标是使花旗银行成为‘由高产出的员工组成的一切为客户着想的组织’

    The goal , Aziz says , is for Citi to be a " customer-driven organization supported by productive people . "

  30. 由于美邦的经纪人目前就在花旗银行(Citibank)的部分分支机构当中工作,如果真的实现上述合并,也算是花旗集团当前业务模式的一种自然产物。

    That would be a natural outgrowth of a strategy already under way , in which Smith Barney brokers now work in some Citibank branches .