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huā huì
  • flowers and plants;painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style
花卉 [huā huì]
  • [flowers and plants] 即花草。卉是百草的总称

花卉[huā huì]
  1. WTO对泉州花卉产业的机遇和挑战

    Change and Challenge for Quanzhou 's Flowers and Plants Industry by WTO

  2. 根据《人物》(People)杂志报道,婚礼搭建的临时舞池花费了35万美金,而用在购买花卉和植物的费用则更是达到了100万美金。

    According to People magazine a temporary dance floor reportedly cost $ 350,000 , and the bill for flowers and plants came to $ 1 million .

  3. 屋里装点着花卉和绿叶植物。

    The room was decorated with flowers and greenery .

  4. 墙上挂着一张花卉的图画。

    A picture of flowers hung on the wall .

  5. 她特别喜爱异国花卉。

    She has a partiality for exotic flowers .

  6. 我们不是很喜欢花卉图案和过于繁琐的设计。

    We are not very keen on floral patterns and fussy designs .

  7. 泳池周围都是栽种热带花卉的花园。

    The swimming pool is framed by tropical gardens

  8. 既然你们已谈到了种植水仙花,那么其他具有重要商业价值的花卉呢,比如玫瑰?

    Now you 've talked about work on daffodils , what about other commercially important flowers , like roses ?

  9. 我喜欢色彩鲜艳的异国花卉。

    I like brightly-coloured exotic flowers .

  10. 他画的花卉,设色十分浓重。

    His paintings of flowers are distinguished by their rich colours .

  11. 多数花卉在没有阳光的地方不能生长。

    Most flowers will not grow in a sunless place .

  12. 今年的花展有大量花卉参展。

    There is a large entry for the flower show this year .

  13. 那块有花卉图案的地毯使你的窗帘没那么扎眼了。

    That floral carpet kills the effect of your curtains .

  14. 你必须把这些热带花卉种在温室里。

    You must grow these tropical flowers in a glasshouse .

  15. 根据经济日报的数据,圣诞节和情人节期间的花卉出口量占印度整年花卉出口的40%到45%。

    According to the economic times , the season between Christmas and valentine 's day accounts for40 % to45 % of Indian cut-flower exports .

  16. 她20多岁时开始绘制带有昆虫的无文字花卉装饰画。

    She began in her 20s , making textless , decorative paintings of flowers with insects .

  17. 他还发现了特别的本土花卉。

    He also found special native flowers .

  18. 新冠病毒疫情、荷兰的花卉供应问题和英国脱欧都推高了成本。

    Covid , supply problems from Holland and Brexit have driven up costs .

  19. 是花卉业为了多卖点花发起的一场阴谋。

    It is a conspiracy started by the floral industry to sell more flowers .

  20. 但专家们表示,这不仅仅是英国脱欧后推高了花卉价格这么简单。

    But experts say it 's not a simple case of Brexit driving up prices .

  21. 对花卉行业来说,这是混乱的一年,但在这家荷兰的花卉配送中心,一切仍在有条不紊地进行着。

    It 's been a chaotic7 year for the flower world , but this Dutch distribution centre still runs like clockwork .

  22. 在这场清晨举办的拍卖会上,买家们现在需要考虑对欧盟外地区种植的花卉所征收的8%的税,比如分类后被运往英国的肯尼亚玫瑰。

    The buyers at this very early morning auction6 now factor in an eight per cent tax on flowers grown outside the EU , like roses from Kenya that are sorted and sent on to the UK .

  23. 但检查一旦开始,这个花农每天将必须支付100多欧元,请一名检查员来签发所谓的植物检疫证书,然后才能将花卉出口到英国。贾普·摩尔曼�

    But when they do kick in , this grower will have to pay more than a hundred euros every day for an inspector3 to come and issue a so-called phytosanitary certificate to allow him to export to the UK .

  24. 对中国牡丹、芍药资源与利用现状进行了概述,指出世界花卉业发展的新趋势与中国加入WTO为中国牡丹、芍药生产的产业化与可持续发展带来了契机。

    Current status of Chinese peony resource and its utilization is summarized .

  25. 百合(LiLiumspp.)是世界著名的球根花卉,花型优雅,寓意吉祥,深受人们的喜爱。

    Lily ( Lilium spp ) is the famous flowers with grace flower , implying propitious meaning , appreciated by many people .

  26. 分别以CTAB法、DNA提取试剂盒提取菊花、矮牵牛、非洲菊3种花卉的基因组DNA,凝胶电泳结果表明试剂盒提取的效果较好。

    The genome DNAs of transgenic chrysanthemum , petunia and Gerbera were extracted by CTAB method and DNA extraction kit respectively . The gel electrophoresis results , showed that the DNA extraction kit was more effective .

  27. 石斛属(Dendrobium)是兰科第二大属,具有极高的欣赏和药用价值,在花卉市场和药材市场扮演着重要角色。

    Dendrobium , the second largest genus of the orchid , has a high appreciated and medicinal value , and plays an important role in the flower and medicinal market .

  28. 使奶牛粪便得到综合利用,变为干净、无污染、无味、容易被植物吸收,富含N、P、K的小包装优质花卉栽培肥料。

    The result is a good flower planting fertilizer with little package which is clean , unpolluted , tastelessness , and can be easily absorbed by plants and full of N , P , K. The pollution of the excrement and faeces of cows and is also resolved .

  29. 野花草地(wildflowermeadow)是近年来兴起的一种新型草本花卉景观,由于其景观效果自然和低维护的特点,应用前景广阔。

    Wildflower meadow is a rising herbaceous flower application form in recent decades , the landscape of wildflower meadow is naturalistic and needs low-maintenance , so it has bright prospects .

  30. 绘制的花朵形态圆润美观、真实感较高,在OpenGL环境下利用各种成熟的光照、纹理方法增强花瓣和花的真实感,可应用于虚拟场景中花卉的构造。

    Drawing flowers form round appearance , high realism , in the OpenGL environment , the use of a variety of mature light , texture enhancing the realism , can be applied to the virtual scene of the flower structure .