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shèn zhì
  • even;so far as to;so much so that
甚至 [shèn zhì]
  • [even]表示所提出的是突出的、进一步的事例

  • 他们贡献出所有的精力,甚至最宝贵的生命。--《松树的风格》

  • 报纸上有些字甚至连字典上也查不到

甚至[shèn zhì]
  1. 我们之间甚至连礼貌的寒暄都没有了。

    We couldn 't even have a civilized conversation any more .

  2. 他甚至连一丝尴尬的神色都没有。

    He didn 't even have the grace to look embarrassed .

  3. 要欣赏这部电影就得暂且相信那甚至不可能发生的事。

    To enjoy the movie you have to suspend your disbelief .

  4. 这样悲惨的场面甚至让铮铮男子潸然泪下。

    Grown men were moved to tears at the horrific scenes .

  5. 我甚至从没听到他提高过嗓门儿。

    I 've never heard him even raise his voice .

  6. 到1613年,甚至考虑要采取更为孤注一掷的措施。

    By 1613 even more desperate measures were in contemplation .

  7. 我甚至把车也借给了她。

    I even gave her the loan of my car .

  8. 她甚至没打电话来说一声她不来了。

    She didn 't even call to say she wasn 't coming .

  9. 他甚至在监狱里还继续从事犯罪活动。

    Even in prison , he continued to engage in criminal activities .

  10. 他们之间相互怀疑甚至极度仇恨。

    There was suspicion and even downright hatred between them .

  11. 最后这个问题甚至把我们的专家小组都难倒了。

    The last question foxed even our panel of experts .

  12. 她甚至没有向母亲道个别。

    She didn 't even say goodbye to her mother .

  13. 这栋建筑毫不美观,甚至可以说难看。

    It 's an unattractive building , ugly even .

  14. 他们重造了房子,规模甚至比以前更大。

    They rebuilt the house on an even more lavish scale than before .

  15. 她甚至比她姐姐还聪明。

    She 's even more intelligent than her sister .

  16. 你大部分时间甚至没听我说的话。

    Half the time you don 't even listen to what I say .

  17. 很多房屋甚至缺少基本的生活设施。

    Many of the houses lacked even basic amenities .

  18. 这一政策很难实施,甚至是不可能的。

    Such a policy is difficult , nay impossible .

  19. 我甚至连下床的力气都没有。

    I couldn 't even summon the energy to get out of bed .

  20. 我们挣的钱甚至无法糊口。

    We did not even make enough money to cover the cost of the food .

  21. 她嫌麻烦,甚至连我的姓名如何拼写都不想搞清楚。

    She didn 't even take the trouble to find out how to spell my name .

  22. 最糟糕的是,我甚至不能确定他们是否收到了我的信。

    The worst of it is that I can 't even be sure if they received my letter .

  23. 他甚至想和逮住他的女警官套近乎。

    He even tried to sweet-talk the policewoman who arrested him .

  24. 他不愿意合作,甚至拒绝交流。

    He was unprepared to co-operate , or indeed to communicate .

  25. 金那些华而不实的计划甚至一个都还没有开始实施。

    Not one of Kim 's grandiose plans has even begun .

  26. 其他女人似乎很满足,甚至还骄傲地炫耀她们的肚腩。

    Other women seemed content and even exhibited their bellies with pride

  27. 它甚至还作为观光路线标在了地图上。

    It was even marked on the map as a scenic route

  28. 她甚至没有责怪他违背诺言。

    She had not even reproached him for breaking his promise .

  29. 我甚至不知道沙利文是否是他的真名。

    I don 't even know if Sullivan 's his real name

  30. 他甚至连总统之位都是得来全不费工夫。

    Even the presidency was handed to him on a plate .