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wéi qiáng
  • closure;bawn;parapet;wall;enclosure;fortification
围墙 [wéi qiáng]
  • [wall;enclosure] 花园、公园或园林或房屋周围的砖石墙

  • 别墅的围墙长达数英里

围墙[wéi qiáng]
  1. 有人把石块扔过了围墙。

    Stones were lobbed over the wall .

  2. 警察在追捕中跳过西班牙大使馆的围墙。

    Policemen jumped over the wall of the Spanish Embassy in pursuit

  3. 围墙已加固以防倒塌。

    The walls were strengthened to protect them from collapse .

  4. 他们在周围竖起了高高的围墙,以防外人进入。

    They 've built a high fence all round to keep intruders out .

  5. 高高的围墙后面,展览大厅耸立在我面前。

    The exhibition hall reared above me behind a high fence

  6. 他们手脚并用,爬上了一片成陡直梯田状的橄榄林外面的石头围墙。

    They clambered up the stone walls of a steeply terraced olive grove

  7. 为了看得更清楚些,年轻人爬上了公共汽车和围墙。

    Young men climbed on buses and fences to get a better view

  8. 带围墙的花园被用作了垃圾场。

    The walled garden was used as a dump .

  9. 这块围场如此之大,几乎看不见最远端的围墙。

    This enclosure was so vast that the outermost wall could hardly be seen .

  10. 这两个人逃出牢房,并越过了围墙。

    The two men broke out of their cells and cut through a perimeter fence .

  11. 猫纵身跳上围墙。

    The cat jumped onto the wall .

  12. 围墙保护此地不受盗贼之扰。

    The wall guards the place from thieves .

  13. 把这些木板钉在立柱上,这样围墙就牢固了。

    Nail the boards onto the fence posts , they will make a good fence .

  14. 木料收缩,结果围墙露出缝来

    Contraction of the timbers left gaps in the fence .

  15. 例子像户外围墙;交通监视;隧道和停车场。

    Examples include outdoor perimeters , traffic monitoring , tunnels , and car parks .

  16. 依托“互联网+”,政府将在一定地域建立养老服务综合地区信息平台,建设没有围墙的养老院,使老年人通过信息平台的对接,享有从生活照料到各种缴费等方面的社会服务。

    By the Internet Plus , the government will establish an integrated1 information platform for elderly care and build nursing homes without walls in certain areas through which the elderly can enjoy services including daily care and fee payment .

  17. 没有围墙的GIS实验室

    GIS Laboratory without Walls

  18. 基于这一点,我们就可以将没有围墙的实验室近似地理解为就是没有围墙的GIS实验室。

    Based on this , we can approximately think the " collaboratory " as a GIS laboratory without walls .

  19. 但是,wap和围墙花园的时代并非久远的过去尽管其存在种种局限和令人失望之处。

    The era of WAP and walled gardens , however , with all its limitations and frustrations , is not that far in the past .

  20. 为系统了解高压变电站产生的电磁环境情况,测量了13个500kV高压变电站内、外的工频电、磁场,以及变电站围墙外20m处的无线电干扰水平。

    The electric filed , magnetic field and radio interference in thirteen 500 kV substations is Measured .

  21. 市长们已经寻求到环保组织的帮助,环保组织认为围墙的修筑将影响RioGrande河谷中野生动物的自然迁徙活动。

    The mayors have found support from environmental groups who argue that the fence would disrupt the natural migration of wildlife in the Rio Grande river valley .

  22. 苹果公司一直采用“围墙花园”方式,只允许获得批准的应用和自定义进入iPhone,黑客们也一直在努力打破他们所谓的“监狱”的束缚,故而称之为“越狱”。

    For as long as Apple has kept up its " walled garden " approach to iPhones by only allowing apps and customizations that it approves , hackers have tried to break free from what they call the " jail , " hence the name " jailbreak . "

  23. SiteLoad能够进行更加复杂的性能建模以帮助我们找出我们的系统的“性能围墙”,但是我们选择在我们的首次尝试中直接进行20个并发用户的最大值测试。

    SiteLoad could have done more sophisticated performance modeling to help us identify the " performance wall " for our system , but we chose to go straight to the maximum of20 on our first try .

  24. 而且围墙是建立出用于汽水罐。

    And the fence is built out of used soda cans .

  25. 你能试著如此对抗围墙或一面墙壁。

    You can try this against a fence or a wall .

  26. 某围墙倾覆事故的原因分析和修复措施

    The Causes Analysis of An Enclosure Collapsing and Its Rebuilding Measures

  27. 他在围墙的开口处安了一个门。

    He put a gate across the opening in the fence .

  28. 转眼间就到了姨妈家的后围墙下。

    And shortly found himself at his aunt 's back fence .

  29. 可围墙也开始向他逼近了。

    But the walls had started to close in on him .

  30. 它适用于各种角落、围墙和栅栏边。

    Trimmers work well in corners and along walls and fences .