- surrounding rock;wall rock;country rock;deads

(1) [country rock;surrounding rock]∶某地区常见的岩石(指矿体周围的岩石,有时也指岩浆侵入体周围的岩石)
(2) [wall rock]∶为断层脉所穿过的岩石;断层脉或矿床侧的岩石
Roast metamorphose of intrusive body to carbonate wall rock can form CO_ ( 2 ) gas source indirectly .
At the beginning of magma intrusion , the principal stress of the wall rock varies (σ _r ) with the thickness of the rock .
Identify the stability classification of the surrounding rock through BP neural network in the mine tunnel
The correspondent wall-rock mechanics parameters were used as the output samples for training the BP neural network .
Partial least-squares regression and stability classifying of tunnel wall rocks
Penetrating Depth Calculation of GBU-28 Penetrating Surrounding Rocks with Young Formula
And based on detailed analysis of these factors and their range , the theory of " S-R " stability for rock structure in the workings is preliminary established .
While that of the surrounding rocks is SiO_2 ( > 80 % ), followed by CaCO_3 ( < 12 % ) .
Finally , the prediction on the thickness of the loosen zone around roadway is made with this GA-BP model , and the results are compared with the BP predicting results .
This paper uses ADINA stress on the surrounding rock mine , the evaluation of the stability of rock to ensure mine safety .
A discussion is made on the advantage of using surrounding rocks classification method , and it can be concluded the Back Propagation ( BP ) neural network method is used to evaluate Fu-Xi Tunnel .
According to the problem of grade evaluation about wall rock , combined with some factors that influence stability of wall rock , a practical synthetic evaluation system is given out based on analytic hierarchy process and matter elements model .
A method of predicting surrounding rock displacement is set up by using the RBF nerve network 's function of powerful nonlinear mapping and fast convergence rate , in which the monitoring data of surrounding rock displacement are chosen .
Analytical results for trace elements and rare earth elements of the mineralized rocks and host rocks show that the element association is Au As Sb Hg and As can be used as indicator element for gold prospecting in the area .
Application of Unwedge Program to Analysis of Surrounding rock stability in Xuefeng Mountain Tunnel
On the basis of conventional test results , an improved Burgers constitutive equation is used to simulate the relation of time dependent stress-strain of the surrounding rock of tunnels in the action of geo-stress in " lvjiatuo " .
On the basis of comparison of trace elements in unaltered rocks , altered country rocks close to ores and pyrites occured in the mining area , it is indicated that the best indicating elements are Au , Cu , Bi , Pb , Mo , As in the area .
At the same time , the article studies the shoulder bed compensating function of three-detector density logging tool DTLD-2 . Logging results indicate that computer simulating can save expenses and manpower in building entity physical model and has wide applications in studying nuclear logging .
Deep Soft Rock Roadway Surrounding Rock Deformation and Control Technology Research
Discussion on the adaptability of tunnel computing models to surrounding strata
Back-Analysis for Determining the Rheological parameter of Surrounding Rock of Tunnel
Application of Steel Bracing in Weak Surrounding Rock During Tunnel Construction
Stability analysis and monitoring for tunnel in loose soils during construction
Study on Deformation Mechanism of Extraction Opening'surrounding Rocks and Support Technology
A numerical method for parameter back analysis of Viscoelastic Rock Mass
On Stability of the Country Rocks of Large-Scale Intersecting Underground Caves
The analysis of freezing expansion stress of surrounding rock around tunnel
Tectonic Fracture Prediction for the Wall Rock of Deeply Buried Buildings
Experimental study on failure process of surrounding rocks for excavation openings
Study on surrounding rock stability of deep mining in Kailuan Mining Group