
wéi yán
  • surrounding rock;wall rock;country rock;deads
围岩 [wéi yán]
  • (1) [country rock;surrounding rock]∶某地区常见的岩石(指矿体周围的岩石,有时也指岩浆侵入体周围的岩石)

  • (2) [wall rock]∶为断层脉所穿过的岩石;断层脉或矿床侧的岩石

围岩[wéi yán]
  1. 3侵入体对碳酸盐岩围岩的烘烤变质也可以间接提供CO2气;

    Roast metamorphose of intrusive body to carbonate wall rock can form CO_ ( 2 ) gas source indirectly .

  2. 岩浆侵入之初,围岩的主压应力(σr)随其厚度而变化。

    At the beginning of magma intrusion , the principal stress of the wall rock varies (σ _r ) with the thickness of the rock .

  3. 基于BP神经网络的巷道围岩稳定性分级识别

    Identify the stability classification of the surrounding rock through BP neural network in the mine tunnel

  4. 然后将有限元计算位移值作为输入样本,相应的围岩力学参数作为输出样本训练BP神经网络;

    The correspondent wall-rock mechanics parameters were used as the output samples for training the BP neural network .

  5. PLS法与隧道围岩稳定性分类

    Partial least-squares regression and stability classifying of tunnel wall rocks

  6. 用Young公式计算GBU-28侵彻的不同围岩深度

    Penetrating Depth Calculation of GBU-28 Penetrating Surrounding Rocks with Young Formula

  7. 在详细分析这些影响关键块体结构稳定性因素及范围基础上,初步建立起了采场围岩结构的S-R稳定理论。

    And based on detailed analysis of these factors and their range , the theory of " S-R " stability for rock structure in the workings is preliminary established .

  8. 围岩中的主要成分是SiO2(>80%),其次是CaCO3(12%)。

    While that of the surrounding rocks is SiO_2 ( > 80 % ), followed by CaCO_3 ( < 12 % ) .

  9. 用该模型对巷道围岩松动圈厚度进行了预测并与BP预测结果相比较。

    Finally , the prediction on the thickness of the loosen zone around roadway is made with this GA-BP model , and the results are compared with the BP predicting results .

  10. 本文利用ADINA对矿井围岩应力进行计算,评价围岩的稳定性,保证矿井的安全。

    This paper uses ADINA stress on the surrounding rock mine , the evaluation of the stability of rock to ensure mine safety .

  11. 利用BP神经网络处理围岩稳定性影响因素非线性能力强的特点,对富溪隧道围岩进行分类的基础上,并就该隧道进行稳定性分析,结果证明BP神经网络方法用于围岩稳定性分类结果是可靠的;

    A discussion is made on the advantage of using surrounding rocks classification method , and it can be concluded the Back Propagation ( BP ) neural network method is used to evaluate Fu-Xi Tunnel .

  12. 针对目前围岩稳定性等级评价方面存在的缺陷,考虑影响围岩体稳定性的主要因素,提出了一种基于层次分析法(AHP)和物元模型的综合评价系统。

    According to the problem of grade evaluation about wall rock , combined with some factors that influence stability of wall rock , a practical synthetic evaluation system is given out based on analytic hierarchy process and matter elements model .

  13. 选择现场监测的围岩位移数据为样本,利用径向基函数RBF神经网络具有强大的非线性影射能力和收敛速度快的特点,建立围岩位移预测神经网络模型进行位移预测。

    A method of predicting surrounding rock displacement is set up by using the RBF nerve network 's function of powerful nonlinear mapping and fast convergence rate , in which the monitoring data of surrounding rock displacement are chosen .

  14. 对矿化岩石与围岩的微量元素与稀土元素分析结果表明,本区金矿以AuAsSbHg组合为特征,As是金的找矿指示元素。

    Analytical results for trace elements and rare earth elements of the mineralized rocks and host rocks show that the element association is Au As Sb Hg and As can be used as indicator element for gold prospecting in the area .

  15. Unwedge程序在雪峰山隧道围岩块体稳定性分析中的应用

    Application of Unwedge Program to Analysis of Surrounding rock stability in Xuefeng Mountain Tunnel

  16. 从常规试验数据出发,基于改进的Burgers模型对吕家坨矿巷道围岩的应力&应变关系的时间依存性进行了数值模拟计算,得出了与观测相近的结果。

    On the basis of conventional test results , an improved Burgers constitutive equation is used to simulate the relation of time dependent stress-strain of the surrounding rock of tunnels in the action of geo-stress in " lvjiatuo " .

  17. 通过对未蚀变岩石、近矿蚀变围岩及矿区内产出的黄铁矿中微量元素的分析对比,指出本区最佳指示元素是Au、Cu、Bi、Pb、Mo、As;

    On the basis of comparison of trace elements in unaltered rocks , altered country rocks close to ores and pyrites occured in the mining area , it is indicated that the best indicating elements are Au , Cu , Bi , Pb , Mo , As in the area .

  18. 就三探测器岩性密度测井仪DTLD-2的围岩补偿功能进行了研究。结果显示了用计算机模拟方法研究核测井问题可以节省建造实体物理模型的费用和人力,具有广泛的应用前景。

    At the same time , the article studies the shoulder bed compensating function of three-detector density logging tool DTLD-2 . Logging results indicate that computer simulating can save expenses and manpower in building entity physical model and has wide applications in studying nuclear logging .

  19. 深部软岩巷道围岩变形及控制技术研究

    Deep Soft Rock Roadway Surrounding Rock Deformation and Control Technology Research

  20. 隧道设计计算模型对围岩适应性的探讨

    Discussion on the adaptability of tunnel computing models to surrounding strata

  21. 隧道围岩流变参数反分析

    Back-Analysis for Determining the Rheological parameter of Surrounding Rock of Tunnel

  22. 隧洞软围岩施工中钢支撑的应用

    Application of Steel Bracing in Weak Surrounding Rock During Tunnel Construction

  23. 崩塌松散围岩隧道施工稳定分析与监控

    Stability analysis and monitoring for tunnel in loose soils during construction

  24. 深井回采巷道围岩变形机理及支护技术研究

    Study on Deformation Mechanism of Extraction Opening'surrounding Rocks and Support Technology

  25. 粘弹性围岩力学参数反分析的一种数值法

    A numerical method for parameter back analysis of Viscoelastic Rock Mass

  26. 大型地下交叉洞群的围岩稳定性分析

    On Stability of the Country Rocks of Large-Scale Intersecting Underground Caves

  27. 隧道围岩冻胀力的解析计算分析

    The analysis of freezing expansion stress of surrounding rock around tunnel

  28. 深埋地下建筑围岩体构造裂缝预测

    Tectonic Fracture Prediction for the Wall Rock of Deeply Buried Buildings

  29. 洞群开挖围岩破坏过程试验

    Experimental study on failure process of surrounding rocks for excavation openings

  30. 开滦矿区深部开采中巷道围岩稳定性研究

    Study on surrounding rock stability of deep mining in Kailuan Mining Group