
wéi hú zào tián
  • 熟语Reclaiming land from lakes; reclaim land from a lake;reclaim lake bottom land and plant it
  1. 禁止毁林开荒、烧山开荒、围湖造田以及开垦国家禁止开垦的陡坡地。

    Destroying forest or burning vegetation for land reclamation , or building dykes to reclaim land from a lake or reclaiming slopes banned by the State shall be prohibited .

  2. 围湖造田对洪湖的生态影响

    The ecological effects caused by reclamation on the Honghu Lake

  3. 围湖造田和退田还湖对异龙湖的影响

    Towards the Effects of Reclaiming the Land from the Lake and Restoring the Lake from the Land in Yilong Lake

  4. 水系格局改变、围湖造田等这对于防洪除涝造成严重威胁。

    Water system changes , reclaiming farmland from lakes , etc , made a serious threat to flood and waterlogging control .

  5. 城市需要水系,但城市化推进的过程中,围湖造田、围海造田现象严重。

    The city need water system , however , reclaiming farmland from lakes and the sea is serious during the process of urbanization .

  6. 实现了千百年来围湖造田、与湖争地到大规模退田还湖的历史性转变。

    This represented a great shift from the centuries-long history of reclaiming farmland from lakes to restoring it to them on a large scale .

  7. 禁止毁坏森林、草原开垦耕地,禁止围湖造田和侵占江河滩地。

    It is forbidden to reclaim cultivated land by destroying forests or grasslands , to reclaim land from lakes and to encroach on tidal-flat areas of rivers .

  8. 合理规划与建设干支流控制工程,禁止新的围湖造田。

    Flood-control projects on main streams and tributaries should be rationally planned and constructed . It is banned to build dams in lakes to reclaim cultivated land .

  9. 围湖造田人工围垦、工业废水农药污染、乱捕乱猎人类干扰导致了该湿地生态旅游资源系统的脆弱性。

    However , man 's disturbances such as land reclamation , industrial waste and pesticide pollution , blindness hunting and fishing have resulted in fragility to the wetland ecosystems .

  10. 人类开山采矿、围湖造田、大肆捕杀野生动物、排放污染物等等。依靠这些活动人类获得了前所未有的丰富的物质条件。

    Depending on mining , reclaiming land from lakes , wantonly killing wild animals , the discharge of pollutants , etc. human access to an unprecedented wealth of material conditions .

  11. 随着昆明城市化、工业化的发展、以及盲目的大规模围湖造田,滇池流域生态环境出现了一系列问题,主要表现为水资源短缺及水质污染。

    With the Kunming urbanization , industrialization , development and large-scale blind reclaiming land from lakes , Dianchi Lake basin eco-environment has a number of issues , mainly for the water shortage and water pollution .

  12. 1998年的洪水是多种因素造成的,其中既有自然因素,又有由于人类的不合理的活动,诸如滥伐森林、过牧、围湖造田等造成的。

    It was discovered that the flood of 1998 was caused both by natural factors as well as by unreasonable human activities including deforestation , overgrazing , slope cultivation , reclamation of lake for agricultural cultivation etc.

  13. 然而,因围湖造田,建国以来,太湖的面积则以4.58km~2/a的速率在减小。

    Taihu Lake is getting more and more shallow and flat . However , Taihu Lake has been reducing at a rate of 4.58km : / a in area since 1949 because of reclamation of land from the lake .

  14. 分析了江汉湖群调蓄能力及效益、影响湖泊调蓄的主要因素。究其原因,主要是因为盲目的围湖造田,泥沙淤积,造成湖泊调蓄洪水面积减小,湖泊生态环境恶化,从而影响行洪能力。

    The paper analyses the ability and effect of flood adjusting of the Jianghan Lakes aswell as the factors affecting their adjusting . Such move has resulted in degradation of lake environment and poor buffer capacity for flood prevention .