
  • 网络Garnet;Almandine;granat
  1. 石榴子石中Fe(2+)自旋允许谱的理论研究

    Theoretical Study on the Spin-allowed Spectrum of Fe ~ ( 2 + ) in Garnet

  2. 矽卡岩、磁铁矿、石榴子石形态十分相似且具有相同的REE特征,表明它们是从同一热液中沉淀出来的。

    Skarn , magnetite , garnet is very similar morphology and have the same REE characteristics , indicating that they are from the same hydrothermal precipitate out .

  3. 石榴子石以铁铝榴石和钙铝榴石为主,属于C类榴辉岩。

    The garnets consist mainly of almandine and grossularite , and belong to C-type eclogite .

  4. 榴辉岩中石榴子石退变质环带对高压变质矿物之间Nd,O同位素平衡的影响

    Effects of Retrograde - Zoning of Garnet in Eclogite on Nd and O Isotopic Equilibrium between High-Pressure Minerals

  5. 南天山基性麻粒岩中变形石英和石榴子石的TEM研究

    A TEM Study of Deformed Quartz and Garnet in the Mafic Granulite from the Southern Tianshan , China

  6. CCSD主孔金红石与石榴子石中锆石包裹体的Hf元素地球化学特征

    Hf Geochemistry of Zircon Inclusions in Rutile and Garnet from the CCSD

  7. Sn元素在石榴子石中分布的分形维为1.7;在符山石中的分形维为1.8;

    The fraction-dimension of Sn is 1.7 in garnet , 1.8 in vesuvianite , and 1.9 in anaphase epidote .

  8. 浮选试验结果表明,在自然pH条件下,SF8对石英和石榴子石具有较强捕收能力,而对萤石和赤铁矿捕收能力很弱;

    The results of flotation test show that at natural pH value , SF 8 has stronger collective power for quartz and garnet , but very weak power for fluor and hematite .

  9. 只有Sn和W钙夕卡岩矿床及Pb-Zn钙-镁夕卡岩矿床含(Sps+Alm+Pyr)总量大于15%的石榴子石。

    Only Sn-W calcic skarn deposits and Pb-Zn calcic magnesia skarn deposits contain garnets with more than 15 mole % spessartine + almandine + pyrope .

  10. 重晶石以包裹体形式保存在石榴子石中,多为浑圆状,表面积平均约250μm2。

    The barite is nearly round in shape , and the little round only has the area of about 250 μ m ~ 2 in average .

  11. 选择新鲜的保存较好的榴辉岩分别进行U-Ph和Ar-Ar同位素年代学测定,含石榴子石的白云母片麻岩(此榴辉岩的围岩)被选用于白云母的Ar-Ar测定。

    A fresh eclogite sample is selected for U-Ph isotopic dating of zircon and Ar-Ar dating of phengite , and a garnet-bearing muscovite gneiss sample ( country rock of eclogite ) for Ar-Ar dating of muscovite .

  12. 通化集安群石榴子石和黑云母微区化学成分特征及其对变质作用p-T-t轨迹的指示意义

    Intracrystalline variations in chemical composition of garnet and biotite from the Ji'an group of Tonghua district and its significance as an indicator of metamorphic PTT path

  13. 其中早期韧性剪切变形(DF1)与区域D2变形幕有关,蓝闪片岩相矿物(蓝闪石、石榴子石、绿帘石和多硅白云母)是伴随变形叶理生长的同构造产物。

    The early ductile shearing ( DF_1 ), which is associated with regional D_2 deformation , is accompanied by the growth of synkinematic blueschist-facies minerals including glaucophane , garnet , epidote and phengite etc. with the development of a transposition foliation .

  14. 其中麻粒岩主要出露于佛坪县城南约500m河东岸,呈条带状和透镜状产出,其矿物组成以透辉石、斜长石、角闪石、黑云母及石榴子石为主。

    The granulite facie rock shows lenticulars , mainly outcrops at about 500 meters to the town , east of river . The major minerals of these rocks are diopside , plagioclase , hornblende , biotite and garnet .

  15. 岩石学、元素地球化学和Sr-Nd-Hf-U-Pb同位素的综合研究显示,武平花岗质杂岩体是由形成时代和成因不同的黑云母花岗岩和含石榴子石花岗岩组成。

    Detailed petrologic , geochemical and Sr-Nd-Hf-U-Pb isotopic researches indicate that the Wuping granitic complex consist mainly of biotite granite and garnet-bearing granite with different formation age and petrogenesis .

  16. 以碱性熔岩为主的HT熔岩是产生于幔源石榴子石稳定区的低度部分熔融,其化学变异受控于单斜辉石(Cpx)[±橄榄石(Ol)]分离作用。

    The predominantly HT alkaline lavas were generated by low degrees of partial melting in the garnet stability field of the mantle source . The chemical variation of the HT lavas is controlled by a clinopyroxene ( Cpx ) [ ± olivine ( Ol ) ] fractionation .

  17. 低温榴辉岩中石榴子石的成分分带:快速抬升的证据

    Garnet chemical zoning in low T eclogite : Evidence for fast exhumation

  18. 石墨炉原子吸收法测定矿石中痕量铷和铯可把此矿床定名为次火山水热石榴子石-透辉石-磁铁矿矿床。

    The ore deposit can be named as subvolcanic hydrothermal garnet-diopside-magnetite deposit .

  19. 石榴子石的高温塑性:地幔转换带的流变特性

    High temperature plasticity of garnets : rheology of the mantle transition zone

  20. 东海县金红石矿中石榴子石的综合回收

    Comprehensive Recovery of Garnet from Donghai County Rutile Ores

  21. 福建漳州复式岩体中晶洞石榴子石的裂变径迹研究

    The fission track study of miarolitic garnet from Zhangzhou Igneous Complex of Fujian province

  22. 喜马拉雅结晶岩系中的石榴子石

    Garnets of crystalline rocks in the Himalayas

  23. 柯石英、金刚石均呈微晶状包裹于石榴子石、绿辉石中。

    The coesite and diamond are included in the garnet and omphacite as a microlic .

  24. 石榴子石结构的变化规律

    The Variations of Structure of Garnet

  25. 调Q-开关钕∶钇-铝石榴子石激光治疗太田痣326例

    Q-switched Nd ∶ YAG laser in treatment of nevus of Ota : report of 326 cases

  26. 榴辉岩由石榴子石、多硅白云母、绿帘石、石英、金红石等组成。

    The eclogites are composed of garnet , phengite , epidote , quartz , rutile , etc.

  27. 归一化定量技术在激光烧蚀-等离子体质谱测定石榴子石多元素中有关问题的讨论

    Discussion on Normalization for In-situ Quantification of Multi-elements in Garnet Samples by Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry

  28. 接触交代夕卡岩型矿床中石榴子石和辉石成分特点及其与矿化的关系

    Compositional characteristics of garnets and pyroxenes in contact - metasomatic skarn deposits and their relationship to metallization

  29. 结果表明:富铁低碱度钢渣的水热反应产物为水化钙铁石榴子石;

    SEM and EPMA , studying hydrothermal reaction , hydrothermal products and cementitious characteristics of iron-rich low-alkalinity steel slag .

  30. 主量和稀土元素组成,反演了矽卡岩形成过程中不同类型单斜辉石和石榴子石的演化顺序。

    Major element and rare earth element provide an evidence for the evolution processes of different type clinopyroxenes and garnets .