
  • 网络carbonate rock;carbonatite;carbonate
  1. 电磁波CT在碳酸盐岩缝洞勘察中的应用

    Application of Electromagnetic CT to Cavern and Fracture Prospecting in Carbonate Rock

  2. 碳酸盐岩岩溶作用对大气CO2沉降的贡献

    Contribution of carbonate rock weathering to the atmospheric CO 2 sink

  3. 基于FORWARD平台的碳酸盐岩储层测井评价系统的开发与应用

    Development and Application of Carbonate Reservoir Logging Evaluation System Based on FORWARD Software

  4. 鄂尔多斯盆地奥陶系碳酸盐岩沥青A和沥青C的生物标志物特征

    Biomarker characteristics of bitumen A and bitumen C of Ordovician carbonate rocks in Ordos Basin

  5. 碳酸盐岩红色风化壳Ce异常特征及形成机理

    The charateristics of CE anomalies in weathering crusts of carbonate rocks and its formation mechanism

  6. 该聚合物的pH值在4~9范围内对膨润土模拟污水有很好的絮凝能力,并能满足目前油田中碳酸盐岩中高温油水井酸化缓速的要求。

    It has good flocculating capability for the bentonite simulated sewage with pH value from 4 to 9 , and can delay the reaction velocity of acid with rock effectively .

  7. TCE运移的计算机模拟&某碳酸盐岩含水层中地下水有机污染及其去除研究之二

    Study of Groundwater Contamination in a Carbonate Aquifer and Remediation 2.Computer Simulation for TCE Transport

  8. 在碳酸盐岩台地中,台内滩相Na、Mn含量最低,而台盆相Na、Mn含量较高。

    Facies of the platform shoal has the lowest concentrations of Na and Mn , and facies of the platform basin has higher concentrations of Na and Mn .

  9. 碳酸盐岩(O)和碎屑岩(C、T)储集层分2大类4个亚类圈闭组合,形成了10种类型的凝析气(田)藏。

    The carbonate rock ( O ) and detrital rock ( C , T ) could be classified into trapping assemblages of 2 types or 4 subtypes , which allow to form 10 kinds of condensate gas pools .

  10. 经传统岩相分析,鄂中拗陷二叠系碳酸盐岩确认为碳酸盐岩台坪相,它包含五个亚相,即局限台洼、台坡B、台洼、台坡A和台滩相。

    Permian carbonate rocks in the central Hubei basin have been identified as carbonate platform facies after traditional facies analysis . It includes five subfacies , i.e. sub-facies of districted depression , slope B , depression , slope A and shallow out .

  11. Ⅰ型干酪根的活化能分布范围很窄,泥质岩与碳酸盐岩中主要分布于50837~53828cal/mol;

    The activation energy distribution of ⅰ type of kerogen ranges narrowly , being 50 837 ~ 53 828 cal / mol for mudstone and carbonate rock ;

  12. 研究了体系pH值和土壤矿物成分对贵州省安顺和遵义两个地区碳酸盐岩红土吸附砷的影响,探讨了红土对砷的吸附机理。

    The characteristics of adsorption of arsenic in red soil in Anshun and Zunyi areas affected by pH value and mineral were studied in this research work , and the adsorb mechanism of arsenic in red soil was discussed .

  13. 本文应用轻烃(C1-C7)分析结果,研究了一个碳酸盐岩含油气盆地泥盆系至三叠系的原油和生油岩的轻烃特征。

    Characteristics have been studied of volatile hydrocarbon ( C1-C7 ) from oils and oil source rocks of Devonian to Triassic ages in Jurong carbonate basin .

  14. 这一发现表明,化学风化(包括碳酸盐岩溶解和硅酸盐风化)作用在大气CO2沉降和全球碳循环里的所谓丢失的汇中的重要性需要重新评价。

    It is thus held that the importance of chemical weathering ( including the carbonate rock dissolution and silicate weathering ) in atmospheric CO 2 precipitation and the mysterious missing precipitation in carbon cycling requires reappraisal .

  15. 同时利用BP神经网络和多元回归分析法对碳酸盐岩地层实测破裂压力数据进行统计建模和预测研究。

    And by the BP neural network and multi-regress analysis technique , some reasonable statistical models of formation fracture pressure are established by making full use of formation fracture pressure data of carbonate formation , and the prediction study is developed .

  16. 本文有助于从CO2动态变化的角度阐明碳酸盐岩溶蚀回收大气CO2的机理,将为岩溶动力系统和全球碳循环研究提供新的线索。

    The results of this research will be conductive to clarifying the mechanism of carbonate rock dissolution and uptaking atmospheric CO2 in terms of CO2 dynamic change and provide a new clue for the karst dynamic system and world carbon cycle study .

  17. 研究结果表明:T2截止值方法(CBVI)是目前广泛使用的确定束缚水体积方法,这种方法在很多情况下是适用的,但不适合于高含水饱和度的粗粒砂岩以及碳酸盐岩储层;

    The results show that , T2 cutoff method is appropriate in many cases , which is in wide use currently , but it is inappropriate in core-grained sandstones and carbonates at high water saturation ;

  18. 以贵州罗甸二叠纪剖面为研究对象,详细讨论了海相碳酸盐岩的碳、氧同位素组成特点,及影响碳酸盐岩的δ13C和δ18O的主要因素。

    The paper details the compositions of the carbon and oxygen isotopeS in marine carbonate rocks from Luodian profile and analyzes the factors influencing δ 13C and δ 18O carefully .

  19. 良好的储层包括与不整合相关的古喀斯特、TST和HST的碳酸盐岩隆、生物碎屑滩和LST的浊积岩、LST底部和HST顶?

    Favorable reservoirs are paleo karst related to regional unconformity , carbonate buildup and bioclastic limestone in TST and HST , turbidite in LST and dolostone or grainstone in lower LST and higher HST .

  20. 详述了长偏移距瞬变电磁测深法(LoTEM)在碳酸盐岩地区进行局部构造落实的试验与效果。

    The paper presents the trial method and results with Long offset & window Transient Electromagnetic Method ( LoTEM ) to investigate detailed geological structure in the area covered with carbonatite .

  21. 分析结果表明:碳酸盐岩的特征吸收谱带位于2300~2350nm,随着碳酸盐岩中Mg2+含量的增加,其特征吸收谱带的中心波长位置具有向短波长方向移动的特点;

    The results indicate that carbonate rocks have characteristic absorption band between 2 300 to 2 350 nm due to CO 2 - 3 , and that the depth of absorption band ( D ) and average reflectivity of the rocks are increased with carbonate mineral content .

  22. 伸展盆地的晚期阶段,在中酸性火山岩系与上覆碳酸盐岩接触带中产出赵卡隆式VHMS矿床,具有Ag-Fe-Pb-Zn金属组合特征,形成于浅水环境;

    In the late stage of the extension basin , the " Zhaokalong-type " VHMS deposits showing the association feature of elements ( Ag-Fe-Pb-Zn ) formed in the contract strip between the intermediate-acidic volcanic rocks and the overlying carbonate rocks and developed in the shallow-water facies .

  23. 用层序地层学评价鄂尔多斯盆地奥陶系碳酸盐岩油气聚集带

    Assessment of hydrocarbon accumulation zone in Ordovician carbonate rocks by sequence-stratigraphy

  24. 碳酸盐岩分形油气藏渗流数学模型分析

    Analysis of seepage - flow mathematical model of fractal carbonate reservoir

  25. 用孔隙铸体直观碳酸盐岩的孔隙结构

    Direct observation on porous texture by porosity casting in carbonate rocks

  26. 碳酸盐岩高频层序定量分析技术及其应用

    High-frequency Sequence Quantitative Analysis Technology of Carbonate Rock and Its Application

  27. 洋岛、海山碳酸盐岩的沉积特征及其古地理意义

    Oceanic island - seamount carbonate sedimentary feature and its PALEOGEOGRAPHIC SIGNIFICANCE

  28. 塔里木轮南奥陶系碳酸盐岩高压油气藏水平井及大斜度井欠平衡钻井技术

    Under balance pressure drilling techniques of the horizontal well and high

  29. 塔中地区奥陶系海相碳酸盐岩储层的溶解动力学特征

    Dissolution Kinetic Characteristics of Ordovician Marine Carbonate in Central Tarim Basin

  30. 四川盆地碳酸盐岩油气勘探实践与认识

    Oil-gas Exploration Practice and Knowledge of Carbonate Rock in Sichuan Basin