
  • 网络quartz schist;mica quartz schist
  1. 大别山北部佛子岭群变碎屑岩主要由板岩、千枚岩和云母石英片岩等所组成。

    Foziling Group in the Dabie Mountains is composed of slate , phyllite , mica quartz schist , etc.

  2. 云母石英片岩斜坡弯曲倾倒变形的理论分析

    Theoretical analysis of bending and toppling deformation in slopes of mica quartz schist

  3. 为研究岩石材料的时间效应,利用CSS-1950型岩石流变试验机,分别对绿泥石片岩和云母石英片岩进行压缩蠕变试验。

    Compressive rheological experiments were carried out on chlorite-schist and sericite-schist respectively to study their time-effect by using rock rheological test equipment CSS-1950 .

  4. 报道了北秦岭地块中秦岭岩群夕线黑云石英片岩61个碎屑锆石测点的207Pb/206Pb年龄测试结果,其中15个测点在SHRIMPⅡ上进行,46个测点来自LA-ICPMS的测定结果。

    U-Pb isotopic ages of 61 detrital zircon grains from the sillimanite-biotite-quartz schist of the Qinling Group in the North Qinling metamorphic terrane are reported in this paper . Of the 61 zircon grains , 15 were measured by SHRIMP ⅱ, and 46 by LA-ICPMS .

  5. 绿泥石片岩和云母石英片岩时间效应的试验研究

    Testing study on time effect of chlorite-schist and sericite-schist

  6. 节能陶瓷新原料&绢云石英片岩矿石特征及其应用效益

    Characteristics and Application Benefit of Sericite-quartz-schist as a New Energy-saving Raw Material for Ceramics

  7. 分析片理面对二云石英片岩蠕变的影响。

    Then , the effects of schistosity planes on creep laws of mica-quartz schist are analyzed .

  8. 黑河水库坝肩边坡云母石英片岩三轴蠕变机理及蠕变模型研究

    Study on Triaxial Creep Mechanism and Creep Model of Mica-quartzose Schist at Dam Abutment of Heihe Reservoir

  9. 综合绢云母石英片岩和砂岩动态力学性能的对比结果可知,砂岩比绢云母石英片岩对应变率的变化更敏感。

    The dynamic mechanical comparison results of sericite-quartz schist and sandstone show that sandstone is more sensitive to strain rate than sericite-quartz schist .

  10. 在绢云母石英片岩中开挖隧洞,使用多臂钻造孔爆破,出现钻孔有规律的弯曲现象,影响了钻爆速度和成洞质量。

    When we dig a tunnel in sericite quartz-schist with dobby drills , regular bending of the boreholes appears , which affects drilling speed and the borehole quality .

  11. 山西五台石英云母片岩中石英脉岩小褶皱的岩组分析

    Petrofabric analysis of a small vien-quartz fold in the quartz-mica schist in wutai , shansi

  12. 这些岩石的角闪岩相退变质产物分别是斜长角闪岩、蛇纹岩、长英质片麻岩、长石石英云母片岩、石英岩和大理岩。

    They were transformed to amphibolite , serpentinite , gneiss , quartz-mica schist , quartzite and marble during the amphibolite-facies retrogression .

  13. 长石石英云母片岩、石英岩和大理岩的原岩为沉积岩,与副变质的长英质片麻岩和基性火山岩一起构成了古老的表壳岩组合。

    The quartz-mica schist , quartzite and marble were metamorphosed sedimentary rocks , and , together with paragneiss and mafic rock , constituted the old supracrustal series .

  14. 火成岩的碎块成分主要为石英岩、片岩、片麻岩、玄武岩、安山岩和流纹岩。

    The pyroclastic rock fragments comprise quartzite , schist , gneiss , basalt , andesite , rhyolite and quartz .

  15. 孟家屯岩组为鲁西新太古代早期形成的一套表壳岩,代表性的岩石类型为石榴石英岩、黑云母石英片岩、斜长角闪岩等。

    The Mengjiatun Formation complex is a suite of supracrustal rocks formed in the early Neoarchean , and its typical rocks include garnet quartzite , biotite-quartz schist and amphibolite .