
  • 网络shijiazhuang city
  1. 基于GIS的石家庄市城市土地利用扩展分析

    Analysis on urban land use sprawl by using GIS : the case of Shijiazhuang City , China

  2. 本文应用GMS软件,建立石家庄市地下水流模型。

    The GMS software is applied to set up the groundwater model of Shijiazhuang city .

  3. 石家庄市公共游憩空间Web服务系统研究

    Build Web Service System of Public Urban Recreational Spaces : Shijiazhuang as a Case Study

  4. 论金融危机背景下社区在解决下岗失业问题中的作用&以石家庄市X社区为例

    On Community 's Role of Resolving Unemployment under the Financial Crisis

  5. 基于BP神经网络的石家庄市工程地质环境综合评价

    Engineering Geological Environment Comprehensive Evaluation of Shijiazhuang Based on BP Artificial Neural Network

  6. 污染城市大气PM(10)单颗粒形态特征&以石家庄市为例

    Single Particulate Morphology of PM_ ( 10 ) in Polluted City

  7. 石家庄市CATV系统网络技术指标分配初探

    Approach to Technical Specification Allocations of the CATV Network in Shijiazhuang

  8. 本文对石家庄市工程地质环境问题进行了深入分析和研究,把神经网络BP模型引入到工程地质环境质量综合评价中;

    In this paper the problem of engineering geological environment are carefully study and analysis and BP model is used in engineering geological environment evaluation .

  9. 石家庄市第一医院ICU医务人员洗手情况调查及对策医务人员对医疗服务质量的评价分析

    Hand Hygiene Compliance of ICU Healthcare Workers : Investigation and Countermeasure Evaluation of the quality of health care in medical staff of a hospital

  10. 基于RS技术,构建与之相适应的评价指标体系和评价标准,对石家庄市城市土地集约利用潜力进行评价,并对其中的一些理论和技术问题进行了探讨。

    This paper bases on RS , establishes the index system and standard of macro evaluation , evaluates the urban land use intensification potential of Shijiazhuang , and discusses some theory and technology problems in the process .

  11. 以微核实验和UDS试验对石家庄市饮水有机提取物进行了致突变研究。

    Mutagenicity of organic extracts of the drinking water in Shijiazhuang city was studied with micronucleus test and unscheduled DNA synthesis ( UDS ) .

  12. 据此,本文对石家庄市重点污染源排放COD(cr)削减负荷合理分配进行了分析计算,提出了实现总量控制的4条措施。

    On the base of the analysis and calculation , the task to reduce the drainage of the COD_ ( Cr ) is allocated reasonably to the main pollution sources in this area . Moreover , 13 measures to realize the total amount control are put forward .

  13. 在河北省省会石家庄市,由于苹果公司商标侵权案,使得多处零售商店和电子产品商店中的iPad平板电脑遭遇下架的命运。

    The tablets have been confiscated from shelves in many retail shops and electronic stores due to a Chinese company 's lawsuit against the Apple Inc over the trademark infringement , in Shijiazhuang city , capital of North China 's Hebei province .

  14. 使用道桥快速修补商品混凝土,对石家庄市中山路13个公交站台混凝土路面进行整修,施工面积达4200m2,混凝土用量达900m3,实现6h开放交通。

    Using the instant mending ready mixed concrete for road and bridge , 13 public bus stations concrete pavement were mended in Shijiazhuang . The construction surface is 4200m ~ 2 , concrete amount is 900 m ~ 3 , and the road is open for 6 hours .

  15. 介绍了GK-6A防水抗渗剂在石家庄市污水处理厂大型生物池中的应用情况。

    In this paper , the application of GK 6 A water proof agent is introduced in large biological pool of Shijiazhuang disposing of sewage factory .

  16. 石家庄市多年降水分析及雨水利用研究

    Analysis of rainfall and study on utilizing rainwater in Shijiazhuang city

  17. 石家庄市地下水资源潜力评价与可持续利用

    Potential Evaluation and Sustainable Utilization of Groundwater Resources in Shijiazhuang City

  18. 石家庄市地表水环境质量及综合防治对策研究

    Environmental quality of surface water and Its Countermeasures in Shijiazhuang City

  19. 石家庄市轨道交通远期客运量估算

    Estimation of the Passenger Volume of Rapid Rail Transit in Shijiazhuang

  20. 河北省大部分病例均在石家庄市。

    Most of the cases in Hebei were found in Shijiazhuang .

  21. 河北省石家庄市道路安全状况调查

    An investigation on road safe condition in Shijiazhuang , Hebei province

  22. 石家庄市蒸发皿蒸发量的变化特征及其影响因子分析

    Pan Evaporation Variation Characteristic and Climatic Influencing Factors in Shijiazhuang City

  23. 石家庄市道路交通事故流行病学分析

    Epidemiologic Analysis on Secular Trend of Road Traffic Accidents in Shijiazhuang

  24. 石家庄市成年人体重指数与体脂含量的调查分析

    Analysis on Adult Body Mass Index and Body Fat in Shijiazhuang

  25. 正是通过这些改造,石家庄市的手工业获得了很大发展。

    After this , handicrafts of Shijiazhuang made a great development .

  26. 石家庄市空气悬浮颗粒致突变和抗突变试验分析

    Mutagenicity and Anti-mutagenicity Assay of Airborne Suspended Particles in Shijiazhuang City

  27. 石家庄市第二十二中学庭院景观设计

    Landscape design of the Twenty-second Middle School courtyard in Shijiazhuang city

  28. 石家庄市地下水污染及其污染质排放的最优化控制

    Groundwater pollution and optimal control of pollutants discharge in Shijiazhuang City

  29. 因势利导,扩大推广使用挤奶机&石家庄市挤奶机推广使用情况调查

    Make the Best Use of the Situation for Extending Milking Machines

  30. 石家庄市水环境承载力的系统动力学研究

    Estimating Water Environmental Carrying Capacity in Shijiazhuang City Using System Dynamics