
shí yóu dì zhì xué
  • petroleum geology
  1. 油气运移研究是目前石油地质学中最薄弱的环节。

    Oil-gas migration is the weakest link in petroleum geology now .

  2. 加强石油地质学实践教学努力提高教学质量

    Strengthening Practice Teaching of Petroleum Geology and Improving the Teaching Quality

  3. 海洋油气勘探概况及石油地质学动向

    Outline of offshore oil and gas exploration and development trend of petroleum geology

  4. 评述异常压力研究中的石油地质学新思想

    Review of new ideas of petroleum geology associated with abnormal fluid pressure system

  5. 塔里木盆地西部中、新生代5次构造事件及其石油地质学意义

    Mesozoic-Cenozoic five tectonic events and their petroleum geologic significances in west Tarim Basin

  6. 油气运移路径的研究一直是石油地质学研究的难点。

    The study on the hydrocarbon pathway always is the nut of petroleum geology .

  7. 石油地质学理论若干热点问题的探讨

    Discussion on hot spots in petroleum geology

  8. 中国石油地质学五十年

    The Fifty Years of China Petroleum Geology

  9. 论石油地质学数据库的建设

    On the Database Construction of Petroleum Geology

  10. 油气运移是石油地质学研究的一个重要领域,从系统的角度来看,它们都是成油体系研究、含油气系统或成藏动力学系统研究内容的一个主要组成部分。

    Research on hydrocarbon migration is one of the most important fields in petroleum geology .

  11. 石油地质学的发展是靠理论和技术的创新推动的。

    The development of petroleum geology depends upon the innovation of relevant theories and technologies .

  12. 石油地质学中几个有争议的问题

    Some Disputable Issues about Petroleum Geology

  13. 石油地质学方面的专家。

    A specialist in petroleum geology .

  14. 石油地质学与其它科学

    Petroleum Geology and Other Sciences

  15. 在含油气盆地的向斜区寻找勘探目标是石油地质学中的新领域。

    Syncline basins containing oil and gas exploration target area is looking for a new field of oil geology .

  16. 油气地球化学是石油地质学中的一个重要研究领域,可以为油气勘探和开发服务。

    Petroleum geochemistry is an important research area of petroleum geoscience , it serves for the petroleum exploration and development .

  17. 对储层参数进行科学有效的预测,一直是石油地质学的热点和难点。

    On the scientific and effective prediction of reservoir parameters , which always are hot and difficult points of Petroleum Geology .

  18. 沉积相是石油地质学中的一个术语,是指一定的沉积环境所形成的沉积岩组合。

    Depositional facies , a term of petroleum geology , is a combination of sedimentary rocks produced by a certain depositional environment .

  19. 作为贯穿于整个油气地质历史的地质作用过程,油气运移一直是石油地质学研究的核心问题。

    Migration is the core issues of the petroleum geology , which run through the geological processes of the oil and gas history .

  20. 油气勘探工程是应用石油地质学及相关学科的知识和勘探技术,以最佳方式建立石油和天然气储量而造福人类的专门技术。

    Hydrocarbon exploration engineering is a special technique , which integrates petroleum geology , exploration techniques and related disciplines to best determine hydrocarbon reserves .

  21. 油气运移,尤其油气的二次运移是石油地质学研究的重要内容,同时也是一个薄弱环节。

    Petroleum migration , especially secondary petroleum migration , is an important content in the study of petroleum geology and yet a weak link .

  22. 石油地质学是地质学(岩石研究)在油气勘探开发和生产中的应用。

    Petroleum geology is the application of geology ( the study of rocks ) to the exploration for and production of oil and gas .

  23. 油气层序地层学是在地震地层学、层序地层学、石油地质学基础上发展起来的一门综合性新型边缘学科。

    Oil / gas sequence stratigraphy is a new comprehensive borderline subject developed on the basis of seismic stratigraphy , sequence stratigraphy and petroleum geology .

  24. 目前可以利用这些地震信息对所勘探的地区提出较全面的资源评价。于是,地震地质就发展成为石油地质学中一门分支学科了。

    With the help of seismic information so obtained , we are now capable of making a fairly comprehensive evaluation of oil resources of the regions explored .

  25. 于是,地震地质就发展成为石油地质学中一门分支学科了。地震地质所研究的内容有四个方面:区域地质构造,各层构造图的解释,地震地层研究和油气资源评价。

    Seismic geology has been applied to the study of regional geological structures , interpretation of structural maps , seismic stratigraphy and evaluation of oil and gas resources .

  26. 芳香族分子示踪在海洋油气勘探中的开发和应用海洋油气勘探概况及石油地质学动向

    Study and application of BTEX molecular tracer for the oil and gas resources prospecting in oceans OUTLINE OF OFFSHORE OIL AND GAS EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT TREND OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGY

  27. 从根本上讲,地质学和石油地质学,仍然非凡依靠于基于经验的数值判定和对现有资料的有效性评估。

    Geology , in general , and petroleum geology , in particular , still rely on value judgements based on experience and an assessment of validity among the data presented .

  28. 本文章述了石油地质学的学科特点及信息需求特点,分析了与石油地质学相关的各类信息源,介绍了我馆石油地质学数据库的建设现状,指出了今后的建设方向。

    The paper states the characteristics of petroleum geology and its information demanding analyses relative information resources , introduces database construction status , and points out construction direction in future .

  29. 在对异常压力的认识不断深化的过程中,凝结出许多新的概念和思想,为现代石油地质学理论注入了新的内容。

    Many new ideas and concepts were proposed as a consequence of development in the abnormal fluid pressure studies , which have been promoting the advance of modern petroleum geology .

  30. 迈向新世纪的中国石油地质学将在以下五个方面继续作出努力:(1)陆相生油理论;

    Towards new century , the petroleum geology of China will progress in the following five ways : ( 1 ) in the new development of non marine facies hydrocarbon accumulations ;