
  1. 中国是全球最大的海运铁矿石消费国,约占全球需求量的三分之二。然而,标准银行(StandardBank)分析师梅林达•摩尔(MelindaMoore)说,季节性因素也在发挥作用。

    China is the world 's biggest consumer of seaborne iron ore , accounting for about two-thirds of global demand However , Melinda Moore , analyst at Standard Bank , said seasonality was also playing its part .

  2. 中国是世界上最大的铁矿石进口国,其钢铁生产商最近接受了巴西淡水河谷(Vale)65%至71%的供货提价幅度。

    China is the world 's largest importer of iron ore. Its steelmakers recently accepted a 65-71 per cent hike for supplies from Brazil 's Vale .

  3. 自2003年起,中国就已经成为了世界上最大的铁矿石进口国。

    Since 2003 , China has become the largest iron ore importer in the world .

  4. 中国已成为世界上最大的铁矿石消费国和第二大生产国。

    The country has become the world 's largest iron ore consumer , and the world 's second-largest producer .

  5. 价格下跌已促使一些矿商叫停澳大利亚(全球最大铁矿石出产国)的一些巨额投资项目。

    The drop has prompted some miners to cancel multi-billion dollar investment projects in Australia , the biggest producer .

  6. 尽管中国是最大的铁矿石进口国,但没有参与谈判,只能被迫接受定价。

    Although China is by far the largest importer of iron ore , it played no role in the talks and was forced to accept the price .

  7. 中国从其主要铁矿石供应国进口货物的总值下降了近28%,尽管铁矿石进口量大致保持稳定。

    Total imports from China 's top iron ore supplier dropped nearly 28 per cent by value , although volumes of iron ore imports held broadly steady .

  8. 在谈判中撇开中方是一项值得注意的决定,因为中国是全球最大的铁矿石进口国,占海运铁矿石市场逾50%的份额。

    The decision to sideline Beijing is remarkable as China is the largest iron ore importer , accounting for more than 50 per cent of the seaborne market .

  9. 由于中国是最大的铁矿石进口国,两拓'联合有可能对中国钢铁行业造成冲击。

    The joint venture is likely to have a big impact on the Chinese steel industry as China is the world 's biggest iron ore importer , he said .

  10. 中国是全球最大的铁矿石消费国,占到铁矿石海运贸易量比重一半以上,同时中国矿业公司一直在努力扩大海外影响力。

    China is the world 's largest consumer of iron ore - accounting for more than half of seaborne iron ore shipment - and Chinese mining companies have been trying to expand their presence overseas .

  11. 兴安石是我国新发现的一种富含稀土、铍的硅酸盐新矿物,其理想的化学式为(Y,Ce)BeSiO4(OH)。

    Xinganite , a new mineral discovered in China , is a REE-Be-rich silicate . The ideal formula is : ( Y , Ce ) BeSiO_4 ( OH ) .

  12. 纤维状菱水碳铁镁石在我国的发现及初步研究

    CARBON NANOTUBES Discovery and Preliminary Study of Fibrous Pyroaurite in China

  13. 镁硅钙石在我国的发现及研究

    The discovery and research of MERWINITE in China

  14. 山·海·沙·石&厦门国宾馆设计

    Mountains · Seas · Sands · Socks & The Design of Xiamen State Guesthouse

  15. 伊利石是我国黄土和古土壤中最主要的粘土矿物。

    Illite is the most common clay mineral found in Chinese loess and its associated paleosol .

  16. 伊毛缟石在我国的首次发现及其分析电子显微术研究

    The First Discovery of Imogolite in China and Its Analytical Electron Microscopy ( AEM ) Investigation

  17. 汉代画像石是我国文化遗产中的重要瑰宝。

    The Han Dynasty paints a portrait the stone is in our country cultural heritage important treasure .

  18. 香花石是我国发现的第一个新矿物,它的形态非常复杂。

    The morphology of hsianghualie , the first new mineral discovered in China , is very complex .

  19. 南阳汉画像石是我国现存汉代画像石中最具代表性的艺术成就之一。

    The Nanyang Han Dynasty 's stone reliefs are one of the most representative artistic achievements of extant Dynasty 's stone reliefs in China .

  20. 寿山石是我国著名的图章石之一,其价值评价中的重要指标之一是透明度。

    The Shoushan stone is one of the famous craft carving stones in China and the clarity is one of the decisive factors in the value appraise .

  21. 一九&一年秋,我们从山东烟台回到福州老家去。福州的寿山石,我国传统的四大印章之一。

    In the autumn of 1911 , we returned from Yantai of Shandong Province to our native place Fuzhou . The agalmatolite of Fuzhou is one of " the most famous four seals " .

  22. 透视铁矿石涨价风波我国商品房持续涨价的制度性分析

    An Institutional Analysis of the Persistently Rising Price of Chinese Commodity House

  23. 地浸开采深埋藏杂卤石可以缓解我国钾盐资源紧缺矛盾。

    Insitu leaching mining of deeply buried polyhalite can alleviate severe shortages of potash resources in China .

  24. 汉画像石艺术是我国文化宝库中的璀璨明珠,蕴涵有丰富的生态智慧。

    The art of the Han Dynasty Stone Carvings is a resplendent jewel of the cultural treasure-house in our country .

  25. 石拱桥是我国最古老、最具特色的桥型之一。

    Stone arch bridge is one of the oldest , the most distinguishing feature type of bridge in our country .

  26. 然而,随着中国超越日本,成为国际海运贸易铁矿石的最大消费国,这一定价体系开始解体。

    But as China overtook Japan as the biggest consumer of internationally traded seaborne iron ore , the system began to break down .

  27. 但是,作为石油和铁矿石的大规模进口国,中国也受益于大宗商品繁荣的终结,巨额贸易顺差帮助支撑疲弱的经济增长。

    But as a large importer of oil and iron ore , China also benefited from the end of the commodity boom as large trade surpluses helped bolster flagging economic growth .

  28. 铁矿石资源对我国当前经济增长特别是工业增长短期约束是显著的,今后一段时期内仍将维持较强的态势。

    Iron ore resource is a big constraint to China 's economic growth especially to industrial growth in a short term , but still remains a strong influence for a long time in the future .

  29. 作为全球铁矿石的最大进口国,中国将主导2007年铁矿石基准价格谈判,这反映出中国作为全球最大原材料采购国的新的影响力。

    China , the world 's leading importer of contract ore , is set to lead the negotiations for benchmark prices for 2007 , reflecting the country 's new clout as the world 's biggest buyer of raw materials .

  30. 寿山石福州的寿山石,我国传统的“四大印章”之一。

    Shoushan Stone Shoushan Stone of Fuzhou , China 's traditional " four seals " one .