
  • 网络feudal serfdom
  1. 安娜悲剧的本质根源,是新兴资产阶级个性解放的要求,与充满着封建农奴制痕迹的俄国贵族资产阶级社会思想道德的尖锐冲突。

    The essential cause of her tragedy is the intense conflict between the rising bourgeoisie , claiming for individuality , and the ideology of the Russian aristocratic-capitalism imbued with the vestiges of feudal serfdom .

  2. 政治和军事的需要是封建农奴制时期,西伯利亚城市设立的基本原因。

    The needs of politics and military affairs are the primary causes of founding of siberian cities in the period of the feudal serfdom .

  3. 第二部分为农奴制下的人们,着重描述了封建农奴制的特征和农奴主、农奴的生活比较。

    Second part is the people 's life in serf system .

  4. 他们对过去全民僧侣制和封建农奴制带来的悲惨境遇视而不见;

    They blind themselves to the misery of past mass monasticism and feudal serfdom .

  5. 18世纪中叶&19世纪中叶是俄国封建农奴制存在的最后阶段。

    The period from the mid-18th century to the mid-19th century was the final stage of Russian feudalism serfdom .

  6. 之后,他们砸烂了封建农奴制的枷锁,把命运掌握到自己手中。

    Then they smashed the shackles of the feudal serf system and took their destiny in their own hands .

  7. 20世纪50年代,四川民族地区一步跨千年,从封建农奴制社会或奴隶制社会直接进入了社会主义社会,实现了生产关系的跨越,但是其生产力却没有实现相应的跨越。

    In 1950s , the minority regions of Sichuan province directly entered into socialist society with a leap forward over 1000 years from feudal surf society or slave society .