
fēnɡ tǔ
  • fief;grave mound;feud;manor
封土 [fēng tǔ]
  • (1) [heap earth over mound]∶封闭坟墓,堆土成包

  • 等他回到家乡时,父亲的坟已经封土了

  • (2) [fief]∶受分封的土地

  1. 英国中世纪的军事合同制是封建军役制度的一种,它经历了从封土制和货币封土制基础上的骑士军役制到军事合同制的演变。

    The medieval military indenture in England is one of the feudal military services , it evolves from the Chivalry which is based on fief and money fief .

  2. 哇!那您一定非常熟悉云南的封土人情。

    Felian : Wow ! You must be very familiar with Yunnan 's custom !

  3. 她企图凿开知识的封土,找回儒家思想的原意。

    Her attempt at the archaeology of knowledge to retrieve the contemporary message of Confucian teaching lasted only a few months .

  4. 还初步分析了2,3号坑兵马俑研制工程的历史背景和秦陵封土,2号坑夯土、回填土与附近黏土的关系。

    A preliminary analysis on the development engineering of the terracotta warriors and horses in the 2 nd and 3 rd pits of Qin 's Mausoleum is also given .

  5. 该墓由墓道、甬道、前室及后室组成,由于曾被盗,仅在墓上封土中清理出一件陶虎子,以及墓中残存的三块画像石。

    The tomb , consisting of a passage , a front chamber and a rear chamber , was left with only one urine pot and three relieves after being looted .

  6. 土墩墓是一种江南地区特有的,以封土成堆为特征的商周时期的古墓遗存,主要分布于长江中下游地区的江苏、浙江及安徽南部。

    Burial mound is a unique burial , which characterized mound of Shang and Zhou dynasties to the middle and south region of Yangtze River , in Jiangsu , Zhejiang and south of Anhui province .

  7. 另外,还初步研究了秦陵封土、二号坑的夯土、回填土与秦陵附近粘土的关系。

    In this article there is also a preliminary study on the relationship between the sealing earth of the Mausoleum , rammed earth and backfill of the No. 2 pit and the clay from the nearby place .

  8. 第二章通过选址、围沟、封土、祭祀性建筑、墓葬结构、陪葬系统和管理人员等方面的介绍秦始皇帝陵园对秦公帝王陵墓的继承和发展。

    In chapter two , according to the location , ditch as boundary , heap earth over mound , sacrifice construction , tomb conformation , tragedian and the introduction by managers , the inheritance and development of Qin shihuang Mausoleum park from Qin emperor mausoleums .

  9. 苏州河疏浚污泥作填埋场封场覆土的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Suzhou Creek Dredged Sludge Used as Landfill Cover Clay

  10. 它的国王被确认为从属统治者,封以“土帮主”的印度称号,实权则由一个委派的蒙古人来操纵。

    AS a subordinate ruler , with the Indian tifie of maharaja , and a Mongol resident wAS appointed to exercise real authority .

  11. 中世纪时期西欧社会实行的封君封臣制和封土制,让中世纪时期的西欧庄园经济在欧洲经济发展史上具有独特的地位和特点。

    During the Middle Ages , Western Europe practiced the enfeoffment vassal system and the mound system , which let the medieval Western European manorial economy have a unique status and characteristics in the history of European economic development .

  12. 首先,战国时期楚国封君以及中下级贵族封邑土田形态与春秋时期类似,但亦出现了自由买卖、分田而耕等新的特点。

    First of all , as Prime Minister of the State of Chu in subordinate noble fief land morphology similar to the Spring and Autumn Period of the Warring States period , but also appeared in the free trading of the new features of sub-fields and farming .