
  • 网络feudal hierarchy
  1. 根深蒂固的封建等级制度和观念导致了德宏傣族等级婚姻的盛行;

    The deep-rooted feudal hierarchy and concept made it popular to follow the hierarchical marriage ;

  2. 只要封建等级制度的鬼魂还存在,阿Q就会存在。

    As long as the " ghost " of feudal hierarchy still exists , Ah Q will be here to stay .

  3. 名片是封建等级制度的产物,源于古人于官场中求拜见。

    Business Card is the product of Feudal System .

  4. 问题19封建等级制度的顶端是谁?

    Question 19 . Who is at the top of the hierarchy in feudalism ?

  5. 研究明代服饰问题,认为,明前期统治阶级为维护壁垒森严的封建等级制度,以服饰制度来强化统治。

    At the beginning of Ming Dynasty , the ruling class exploited the clothing and adornment system to strengthen its rule in order to defend the stratified feudal hierarchy .

  6. 他固守封建等级制度和封建婚姻制度,以残害女性为乐,和明代后期新兴市民以及启蒙思潮的思想家们并无共同之处。

    His sticking to the feudal regime about social rank and marriage and interest in cruelty to women discriminate him from the new citizens and those enlightened philosophers in the later Ming dynasty .

  7. 但为了维护根深蒂固的封建等级制度,本时期基本上是继承了秦汉的制度并有所发展,特别在官廨和私第的制度上更趋严格。

    However , to maintain the deep rooted solid feudal system , they basically inherit and develop the systems of Qin Dynasty and Han Dynasty , to some extent , the system of official and private residence is more strict .

  8. 晚清时期(1840-1911年)相对于之前的历史时期所受到的外来政治、经济以及文化的冲击是空前的,而相对于之后的历史时期它又保留了浓厚的封建等级制度和思想文化。

    Late Qing Dynasty ( 1840-1911 ) relative to the history of prior period had an unprecedented shock of external political , economic and cultural , and relative to the historical of after period it retains the feudal hierarchical system and ideology .

  9. 朱熹之所谓“理”是儒家伦理道德观念的体现,“明天理”就是要维护封建等级制度和纲常秩序,“灭人欲”就是要清除违反封建等级制度和纲常名教的各种非分的物质欲求。

    Zhu Xi 's concept of li actually echoes the Confucian ethical and moral principles . To preserve " Heaven 's laws " means to preserve the hierachical system and established moral values . To eliminate " human desires , " on the other hand , is to eliminate the cravings against the feudal hierachical system and moral values .

  10. 对中国传统屋顶的形式与特点进行了阐述,并充分挖掘了封建社会等级制度下建筑所蕴藏的文化内涵,这些都值得现代建筑借鉴与发扬。

    In this paper , the roof forms and characteristics of Chinese traditional architecture are discussed , and the architectural abundance culture meanings under feudalistic ranking system society are researched , which are deserved reference and development .

  11. 妾媵制度是男权社会发展到一定阶段的产物,是封建私有制和等级制度相结合下的畸形现象。

    Concubine-system is the product of the development of male right society , and is the anomaly combination of the feudal private ownership system and hierarchy .

  12. 据此得出一个结论,即:封建农业法制不可能突破封建社会森严的等级制度和人身依附关系而去追求农民利益和农民平等权的保护。

    Conclusion , thereafter , was made that feudal legal system of agriculture could not get out of the strict hierarchic system and dependence on interpersonal relationships to protect farmers equal rights and seek farmers interest .

  13. 两者的对立与协调,在宫殿建筑中成为一对相反相成的审美范畴,并反映出封建帝王既要维护严格而冷酷的封建等级制度,又要追求和谐而适宜的生活环境的双重心理。

    The oppose and harmony between the two formed a pair of aesthetic scope both being opposite and complementary and reflected the double mentality held by the feudalist lords to keep strict and cold feudalist degree system and pursue the harmonious and proper living environment .

  14. 封建社会的统治者们为了维护统治,建立了森严的封建等级制度,这种制度的特征在于对保护尊长者的权益十分重视。

    The rulers of feudal society in order to maintain the rule of the feudal establishment build the strict hierarchy , and the characteristics of this system is attaching great importance to the interests of those elders .