
  1. 他无能而且亲华,允许唐军以重埋没于高句丽境内的隋军遗骸为由在其王国任意行动。

    He was incompetent and pro-Chinese , allowing T'ang troops to roam his kingdom on the pretext of recovering the remains of the Chinese troops killed in Koguryo .

  2. 唐朝新招来的士兵抵挡不住安禄山的劲旅,安禄山渡过黄河后,连败唐军,一路攻陷陈留(现河南开封地区陈留)、荥阳(河南荥阳)、洛阳,直抵潼关。

    The newly recruited soldiers were unable to keep out An , s powerful force , so An bridged Huanghe , defeated the Tang armies in succession , captured Chenliu ( present Chenliu in Kaifeng Prefecture , Henan ) , Xingyang ( present Xingyang , Henan ) , and Luoyang , till closed in on Tongguan Pass .