
táng rén jiē
  • Chinatown
唐人街 [táng rén jiē]
  • [Chinatown] 外国有些城市中,华侨聚居的街或区域

唐人街[táng rén jiē]
  1. 例如,《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)曾在去年报道过“唐人街参与iPhone4走私”。

    See , for example , the New York Times ' report on the Chinatown connection .

  2. 刚一看到唐人街之战这个游戏的开始,你会误以为回到了盗侠车手系列简陋的2D时代。

    At first glance , Chinatown Wars could be mistaken for a return to the Grand Theft Auto series'humble2D beginnings .

  3. 在伦敦唐人街,商家已成为英国边境管理局(UKBorderAgency)定期搜查的目标。该局正在对非法劳工进行整治。

    In London 's Chinatown , businesses have become the target of regular raids by a UK Border Agency that is clamping down on illegal workers .

  4. 唐人街社区发展公司的董事NormanFong表示,团结在她背后的,不仅仅只有她的邻居。

    Chinatown Community Development Corporation'sNorman Fong says it wasn 't just her neighbors who rallied behindher .

  5. 亚裔美国人法律辩护与教育基金会(AsianAmericanLegalDefenseandEducationFund)的一项研究显示,费城唐人街受到的冲击尤其明显,不少投资者涌入那里大举购买周边的豪宅,推高了房地产价格和房租。

    The Chinatown in Philadelphia is particularly exposed to an influx of investors buying up surrounding luxury developments which is pushing up property prices and rents , according to a study by the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund .

  6. 伦敦市长BorisJohnson为庆祝春节到来,在唐人街穿起一身龙戏服。

    Mayor of London Boris Johnson wears a Chinese dragon costume at a photocallin Chinatown to promote the capital 's Chinese New Year celebrations .

  7. 从唐人街(Chinatown)到小印度(LittleIndia),那里有许许多多不同的社区,甚至是微型社区,生活风貌千差万别,你只要拐个弯,就会觉得自己进入了另一个世界。

    From Chinatown to Little India , there are so many diverse neighborhoods , even micro-neighborhoods , that offer such distinct experiences that it you can turn a corner and feel that you have entered another world .

  8. 沙夫茨伯里的一位主管汤姆?韦尔顿(TomWelton)说:伦敦正在蓬勃发展,这肯定给唐人街带来了生意和繁荣。

    London is thriving and this of course brings business and prosperity to Chinatown , says Tom Welton , a director at Shaftesbury .

  9. 东部城区向半住宅区的转变始于1997年。当时,MCI中心(如今的Verizon中心)在距离唐人街牌楼(第七街和H街交接处)一个街区的地方开张了。

    East downtown began its transition to a semi-residential neighbourhood in 1997 when the MCI Center ( now the Verizon Center ) opened one block from the Chinatown gate on 7th and H Streets .

  10. 以前,唐人街的莫斯科街(MoscoStreet)上有个女人,她只做鸡蛋糕。

    Once there was a woman on Mosco Street in Chinatown who made nothing but egg cakes , spheres of dough like a waffle 's dimples turned inside out .

  11. 在很多城市的中心,唐人街历来是一个独特的景观,似乎从不受士绅化(gentrification)和房地产价格不断上涨的影响。

    Historically , Chinatowns have been a distinctive feature of many city centres , seemingly impervious to gentrification and constantly rising property prices .

  12. 旧金山城市规划委员会副会长CindyWu认为,如果唐人街以外工作室的月租金为2000美元,那么该地区月租金为1000美元的工作室一下子就会显得非常有吸引力。

    If studios are going for $ 2000 a month outside Chinatown , suddenly one going for $ 1000 in the area looks very attractive , argues Cindy Wu , vice-president of San Francisco 's city planning commission .

  13. 2005年,当肯萨拉查(kensalazar)搬到华盛顿时,这位新当选的参议员选择在唐人街租了一套公寓,而不是在乔治敦或国会山等更完善的地区。

    When Ken Salazar moved to Washington in 2005 , the freshman senator chose to rent an apartment in Chinatown instead of a more established neighbourhood such as Georgetown or Capitol Hill .

  14. 佛罗伦萨附近的普拉托市(Prato)已成为欧洲的一个服装生产中心,在中世纪的城墙外面,就坐落着唐人街。

    In Prato , a city near Florence that has become a European hub for mass garment production , the Chinese quarter lies outside the medieval walls .

  15. 为了在禁令生效之前清空库存,唐人街宝荣行食品市场(PoWingHongFoodMarket)的经理谢罗民(XieLoumin,音译)说,市场按折扣价把库存的鱼翅卖给了新泽西的餐厅,那里的鱼翅贸易依旧是合法的。

    To get rid of stock before the ban took effect , Xie Luomin , manager of the Po Wing Hong Food Market in Chinatown , said it sold off its shark fins at discounted prices to restaurants in New Jersey , where the shark fin trade is still legal .

  16. 在纽约唐人街,时髦的咖啡馆和精品服装店正在取代面吧(noodlebar)。人口普查数据显示,过去十年,纽约唐人街的亚裔人口减少了15%,尽管整个纽约的亚裔人口增加了30%。

    In New York 's Chinatown , where trendy coffee shops and boutique clothing stores are replacing noodle bars , the Asian population dropped 15 per cent over the past decade , according to census data , even as the wider New York Asian population grew by 30 per cent .

  17. 如今的披露街(Pell)只是两个安静的街区,但唐人街当年就是在宰也街(Doyers)尽头与披露街交界的地方诞生的,到现在,旅游指南仍然会说起帮会和麻将。

    Pell Street these days is two quiet blocks , no more , but Chinatown was born here , where Doyers Street dead-ends into Pell , where tour guides still talk of tongs and mah-jongg .

  18. 在曼哈顿唐人街的埃尔德里奇街(EldridgeStreet),现年42岁、十年前从香港来到这里的SiuLam见证了一系列变化,该地区周边正在建造的高端公寓楼只是象征这种变化的例子之一。

    On Eldridge Street in Manhattan 's Chinatown , it is not only the looming luxury apartment blocks being built on the area 's periphery that symbolise the change 42-year-old Siu Lam has seen since arriving from Hong Kong 10 years ago .

  19. 研究报告的作者之一AndrewLeong表示,随着唐人街在一座座城市中逐渐消失,一些帮助新移民融入社会的重要服务和生意也在走向消亡,比如英语学校和就业指导中心。

    Andrew Leong , one of the authors of the study , said that as cities lose their Chinatowns , they also lose important services and businesses – such as English schools and job centres – that help new immigrants to integrate .

  20. 46岁的大厨克里斯·陈(ChrisCheung)在布鲁克林的本森赫斯特和曼哈顿的唐人街长大(当时纽约市只有一个唐人街),他的祖父母曾住在那里,母亲曾在那里做裁缝。

    Chris Cheung , 46 , the chef , grew up half in Bensonhurst , Brooklyn , and half in Chinatown in Manhattan ( back then , the only one in New York City ) , where his grandparents lived and his mother worked as a seamstress .

  21. 去年3月一位纽约公交车司机在运送乘客从康涅狄格州到纽约的唐人街转向时遭遇车祸,造成15人死亡,这位司机将面临严重的指控,但NPR新闻的约翰·罗斯报道,今天一个陪审团裁定否认其过失。

    Last March a New york bus driver ferrying passengers from Connecticut to New York 's Chinatown swerved and crashed , 15 people were killed , he faces serious charges , but as NPR ' s John Rose reports , today a jury has returned a verdict denies favor .

  22. 地产管理公司沙夫茨伯里(Shaftesbury)并不认为房租上涨给周边带来不利影响,称任何繁荣城市的租金都已稳步上涨。在伦敦唐人街,有65家餐厅和酒吧在租用该公司的房子。

    Shaftesbury , a property management company that rents out space for 65 restaurants and bars in London 's Chinatown , dismisses the argument that rent increases are having a detrimental effect on the neighbourhood , saying that rents have gone up steadily as they would in any prosperous city .

  23. 我等不及要带你到唐人街。

    I can 't wait to take you down to chinatown .

  24. 我一般带日本朋友去横滨的唐人街吃中国菜。

    I bring Japanese friends to Chinatown mainly for Chinese food .

  25. 昆明的唐人街&花鸟市场

    Kunming 's " China Town " & Bird and Flower Market

  26. 但唐人街社区不想不战而退。

    But the community is not giving up without a fight .

  27. 偶尔他们会带斯蒂芬到唐人街的一家餐馆去。

    Occasionally they will take Stephen to some restaurant in Chinatown .

  28. 在美国之外,世界各地都可以发现唐人街。

    Chinatowns can also be found in cities outside the United States .

  29. 在某些老式唐人街餐馆里,素菜通常不太令人满意。

    At certain old-school Chinatown restaurants , vegetarian dishes often seem begrudging .

  30. 成千上万的美国人到唐人街来参观这些精彩展览。

    Thousands of Americans came to Chinatown to view these splendid exhibitions .