
  • 网络Kuala Lumpur international airport;KUL
  1. 调查人员还在研究持偷来的意大利和奥地利护照登机的两名男子有何背景,并查阅吉隆坡国际机场(KualaLumpurInternationalAirport)有关这两人的闭路电视监控画面。

    Investigators are also looking into the backgrounds of two men who flew on stolen Italian and Austrian passports , and are reviewing CCTV footage of them at Kuala Lumpur International Airport .

  2. 在整个展览会期间,我们会在吉隆坡国际机场(KLIA)设立一个接待亭。

    A reception booth shall be available at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport ( KLIA ) for the duration of the exhibition .

  3. 这名自称为Umi女士的表亲在吉隆坡国际机场向记者表示,她与Amran的遗孀和孩子一起来到机场。

    The cousin , who only identified herself as Ms. Umi and who spoke to reporters at Kuala Lumpur International Airport , said she had come to the airport with the pilot 's widow and children .

  4. 在吉隆坡国际机场乘客们痛不欲生的亲属们。

    Anguished relatives of passengers at Kuala Lumpur 's international airport .

  5. 马来西亚吉隆坡国际机场的设计是科技与自然相结合。

    The design of Kuala Lumpur International Airport mixes technology and nature .

  6. 在吉隆坡国际机场接驳飞往澳洲、西兰、洲、非、度次大陆、东、北美的航班极为便利。

    International airport is it fly to Australia , New Zealand , Europe , South Africa , India subcontinent , Middle East to plug into , north and south American flight extremely convenient in Kuala Lumpur .

  7. 当天宣布的合作的具体内容包括:阿里巴巴旗下物流平台菜鸟和电商网站拉扎达将率领其他子公司和分支机构,在吉隆坡国际机场附近建设区域电商物流枢纽。

    Among the details in the agreement announced on Wednesday , Alibaba 's logistic platform Cainiao and its e-commerce website Lazada will lead other Alibaba subsidiaries and affiliates in the development of a regional e-commerce and logistics hub near the Kuala Lumpur International Airport .