
  1. 孟加拉吉大港地区丘陵森林有机物积累

    Organic matter accumulation in hill forests of Chittagong region , Bangladesh

  2. 吉大港电厂微正压装置失效原因的分析

    Analysis of failure causes of micro-positive pressure equipment in Chittagong Power Plant

  3. 我非常渴望能够介绍清迈和吉大港,这两个分别属于泰国和孟加拉的第二大城市之间的空中运输业务。

    I am particularly keen on introducing air services between our respective second cities of Chiang Mai and Chittagong .

  4. 强夯法加固软土地基的设计与施工工艺初探&以孟加拉吉大港软基处理为例吉大港电厂微正压装置失效原因的分析

    Ground Treatment Plan of Dynamic Compaction at Bangladesh-Chittagong Container Quay Analysis of failure causes of micro-positive pressure equipment in Chittagong Power Plant

  5. 在3月8日,吉大港专区坚德布尔县的一名9岁女孩被确诊患脊髓灰质炎,她于1月23日瘫痪。

    On8 March , polio was confirmed in a nine year-old girl from Chandpur district of Chittagong division who became paralyzed on23 January .

  6. 实验是在孟加拉吉大港大学林业与环境研究所的苗圃进行。

    The experiment was established in the nursery of the Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences , University of Chittagong , Chittagong , Bangladesh .

  7. 6月12日,孟加拉吉大港爆发泥石流,救助人员正试图帮助一名男子。

    Rescuers are saving a man from mud , in Chittagong , Bangladesh , June 12 , 2007 . Chittagong was attacked by mudslides .

  8. 1997年在孟加拉国的吉大港,我和家人刚搬到一个新地方,住进新公寓。

    It was 1997 , in Chittagong , Bang - ladesh , me and my family have just moved to a new apartment in a new area .