
  • 网络Taka;BDT;Tarka;Taca
  1. 不仅苏林有大象,塔卡农村也有很多大象。

    Not only Surin has a lot of elephants , but also Ta Klang does .

  2. 印度教的影响在古伦族,林布族,菩提亚人,和塔卡里族群体中并不是很大,他们用佛教僧侣作宗教仪式。

    Hindu influence is less prominent among the Gurung , Limbu , Bhutia , and Thakali groups , who employ Buddhist monks for their religious ceremonies .

  3. 许多参与者来自塔卡侬村,这个小村庄离苏林北部大约40公里,那里的人对拥有和培训大象感到非常自豪。

    Many of the participantsare from the village of Ta Klang , about40km north of Surin , where people take great pride in their tradition of owning and training elephants .

  4. 就是那种怎么说来着,那种塔卡塔卡响的……是那种内置照相机的直升飞机吗,可以用手机控制的那种?是我一直想买的那种吗?

    It 's one of those , um , how do you say again , the takka-takka-takka ... Is that the helicopter with the camera in it ... that you control with your phone ? The one I asked for ?

  5. 加西亚·马尔克斯于1927年3月6日出生于哥伦比亚的阿拉卡塔卡,这座哥伦比亚北部的小镇曾是马尔克斯写于1967年的《百年孤独》里的故事背景,这部《百年孤独》赢得了国际评论界与万千读者的广泛赞誉。

    Garc í a M á rquez was born in Aracataca , Colombia on March 6 , 1927 . The northern Colombian town inspired the setting for his 1967 novel One Hundred Years of Solitude , which earned international critical acclaim and tens of millions of readers .