
tǎ jí kè rén
  • tadzhik
  1. 被逮捕的人中有乌孜别克人、塔吉克人和阿富汗人。

    Uzbeks , Tajiks and Afghans are among the detainees .

  2. 新疆塔吉克人水环境变迁与文化适应研究

    The Research on Environmental Changing and Cultural Adapation of Tajik 's Water Culture in Xinjiang

  3. 环境与家族:塔吉克人文化的特点

    The Environment and the Family : The cultural characteristics of the Tajik People of China

  4. 塔吉克人民族和解谈判

    Inter-Tajik Negotiations on National Reconciliation

  5. 政府安全部队以塔吉克人、乌兹别克人和哈扎拉人为主,中央政府得不到普什图人的支持。

    The government security forces themselves are largely Tajik , Uzbek and Hazara , with little Pashtun support for the central government .

  6. 奥利姆·阿里莫夫是在中国经商的塔吉克人,同时也是上合组织青年联盟的联合创始人,他解释了自己眼中的“上海精神”。

    Olim Alimov is a Tajik doing business in China and co-founder of the SCO Youth League , he explains his understanding of the Shanghai Spirit .

  7. 在突厥入侵之前,这个地区主要居住着伊朗世系讲波斯语的人,他们在乌兹别克斯坦组成了一个人数众多的少数民族,今天被称为塔吉克人。

    Before the gradual arrival of the Turkic invaders the area was populated by the Persian-speaking people of Iranian stock who still comprise a large minority in Uzbekistan and are called Tajiks today .

  8. 1996年拉巴尼被塔利班组织赶下台后,成为“北方联盟”的领导人,该组织成员多为少数民族塔吉克人和乌兹别克人。

    After he was driven from Kabul in1996 , he became the nominal head of the Northern Alliance , mostly minority Tajiks and Uzbeks , who swept to power in Kabul after the Taliban 's fall .

  9. ,要么就是一脸的难以置信(怎么还有人想去研究塔吉克牧羊人?)

    Or incredulity ( why would anyone spend years studying Tajik goat-herders ?)

  10. 塔吉克斯坦共和国塔吉克的:塔吉克人哈中吉俄塔乌六国元首会议新闻公报

    The Republic of Tajikistan Press Communique Issued by SCO Heads of State